Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

'Spanakopita' from scratch

This is how Greek people do it...

1 1/2 cups flour, sifted
150 ml (+ )water
good pinch of salt
3 bunches spinach, cooked and chopped (squeeze the excess  moisture)
3-5 shallots, chopped
1 1/2 cup feta, crumbled
1 cup ricotta (or similar)
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup dill, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
-Oil (light olive), between 1/3 cup and 1/2 cup needed  
Make a soft dough from flour, water and salt. Knead until soft and no longer sticky (dust surface with flour all the time). Divide into 2 balls, one slightly bigger than other, then each half divide into 4 (so you'll get 4 small balls and 4 slightly bigger). Dust a clean cloth with flour and place dough onto it. Dust the dough and cover with another cloth. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
Mix all ingredients for filling.  
Switch oven to 180*C, prepare a round baking tin; oil it well.
Dust working space with flour, then roll out each bigger dough balls into baking dish size. Spread each circle with 1-2 tbs oil, then stack them onto each-other. Roll stacked dough together, until you get thin pastry larger than your dish, if necessary pull thick edges of dough with your fingers. Place it onto baking tin, leaving edges of dough over your tin; spoon filling onto it. Now repeat process with other dough balls; you'll get smaller circle. Roll out to the size of your tin and place over the filling. Now turn the edges of bottom dough over to seal with upper dough. Oil the top and place in the oven. Bake for 35-45 minutes, or until pita becomes 'golden-brown'. 
Take out and let it cool slightly, then slice and serve.


 Evo kako to rade u Grckoj...

1 1/2 solja brasna, prosijano
150ml (+) voda
dobar prstohvat soli
3 svaznja spinata, skuhanog, isjeckanog i ocijedjenog
3-5 stabljika mladog luka
1 1/2 solja feta sira, izmrvljenog
1 solja rikote (ili slicnog)
2 jaja, blago umucena
1/2 solje sjeckanog kopra / mirodjije
so i biber prema ukusu
-Ulje za razvlacenje kora (oko 1/3 -1/2 solje)
Umijesite mekano tijesto od navedenih sastojaka. Podijelite na 2 polovice, jedna malo veca od druge, zatim svaku polovicu podijelite na 4 (dobicete 4 vece i 4 manje loptice). Pobrasnite cistu krpu i postavite loptice na nju; pokrijte. Ostavite odmarati 30 minuta.
Pomijesajte sve sastojke za fil. 
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, nauljite okruglu tepsiju. 
Pobrasnite radnu povrsinu pa razvaljajte vece krugove tijesta. Premazite svaki sa 1-2 K ulja; poredajte jednu na drugu. Sada sve zajedno razvaljajte jos jednom, tako da dobijete krug veci od vase tepsije; ako je neophodno krajeve dodatno razvucite prstima. Smjestite ovo tijesto u tepsiju; neka krajevi vise preko. Stavite fil preko njega, zatim ponovite postupak sa manjim lopticama tijesta, koje bi trebalo ostati velicine tepsije. Postavite preko fila, zatim zavrnite donje tijesto preko i stisnite sa gornjim. Nauljite povrsinu i smjestite u rernu. Pecite 35-45 minuta, ili dok pita ne postane zlatno-zuta. 
Prohladite malo, zatim rezite i sluzite.

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