Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Chicken and Bacon Bites - 2 Ingredient creation

Chicken breasts are too dry and too bland; bacon is too salty and too fat...Put them together, and you'll get tasty finger food!

chicken breasts, cut into cubes (2 cm)
bacon, smoked, cured, slices (as many as breast cubes)
- toothpicks / skewers needed

Wrap each piece of chicken breast with bacon. Tread with a toothpick, or put a few of them onto a skewer. Bake in hot oven for 15+ minutes, or grill them turning occasionally. Great for cocktail / finger parties.

Zalogaji od piletine i Slanine - 2 Sastojka Kreacija

Pileca prsa su suha i poprilicno bezukusna; dimljena slanina je masna i slana...Spojite ih u ukusnu kreaciju koja se jede prstima!

Pileca prsa, isjecena na 2 cm kocke
Slanina, dimljena, slana - onoliko reznjeva koliko je kocki piletine
- cackalice ili duzi drveni klipici / stapici

Zamotajte svaki komad pilecih prsa u komad slanine; nabodite na cackalice (ili nekoliko njih na duzi prutic). Pecite na visokoj temperaturi  15 + minuta, ili grilujte okrecuci povremeno. Odlicno za koktele / hranu koja se jede prstima.

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Light as a ballerina ...Pavlova

We all know the dessert was named after Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova (late 19th to early 20th century) when she was visiting down under; we still don't know where it was first created - New Zealand or Australia. Seems that similar desert originated in New Zealand, but first time was named in Australia (in a Perth hotel, where it was created for the famous dancer, who wanted something sweet but light).
Very easy dessert that allows you to use any kind of fruit available.

4 large (or 5 small) egg whites
1 cup caster sugar
2-3 tsp corn flour
1 tsp white vinegar (or lemon juice)
-Whipped cream  (300 ml) and seasonal fruit for topping

Beat egg whites, until soft peak forms. Add a couple of sugar, beat until incorporated, then add the rest of ingredients, until you get thick, glossy meringue.
Switch oven to 150*C. Transfer meringue onto an al-foil (or silicon paper); form any shape you like (make  center slightly lower than edges).
Alternatively, bake meringue in a spring form. (Oil / butter paper then sprinkle with corn flour; in this case center should be slightly taller than the edges)
Place meringue into oven, lower temperature to 120-130*C and bake for 1 hour. leave meringue to cool in oven after switching off.
When completely cool, peel off the paper (al-foil), place onto serving dish. Whip cream (add 1 tbs icing sugar- optional) and place chosen fruit on top.
(Part of berries can be mashed into a sauce).

Lagana kao balerina ...Pavlova

Culi smo svi za 'Pavlovu' i znamo da je kreirana za poznatu Rusku prima balerinu (Ana Pavlova,kraj 19og i pocetak 20og vijeka). Novozelandjani i Austalijanci se jos uvijek bore kod koga je prva napravljena; Cini se da je ideja krenula iz Novog Zelanda, gdje je slican desert postojao prije posjete balerine. Medjutim, za naziv su odgovorni Australci, koji su prvi put ovakav desert nazvali po slavnoj plesacici (Hotel u Perthu gdje je odsjela)...Zeljela je nesto slatko, ali vrlo lagano!
Nekomplikovani desert, koji omogucava upotrebu bilo kojeg sezonskog voca.

4 veca ili 5 manjih bjelanaca
1 solja sitnog secera
2-3 k skrobnog brasna
1 k (bezbojnog) sirceta ili limunovog soka
- Umuceno vrhnje / pavlaka (300ml) i voce za povrsinu

Umutite bjelanca u snijeg; dodajte 1-2 K secera, umijesajte, zatim ostale sastojke. Mutite dok ne postane gusto i sjajno. 
Ukljucite rernu na 150*C. Pripremite obruc za tortu ili ravni pleh; oblozite folijom ili papirom za pecenje. Istresite snijeg na povrsinu, oblikujte kako zelite, neka sreda bude nesto niza od ivica. Ako pecete u obrucu, tada sreda treba da je nesto visa od krajeva.
Stavite u rernu i smanjite temperaturu na 120-130*C. Ostavite oko 1 sat; iskljucite rernu i ostavite prohladiti unutra. Kada je spremno, postavite na pladanj i ukrasite sa pavlakom i vocem. (Dio bobicastog voca mozete izdrobiti u preljev i posuti izmedju drugog voca.)

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

No words needed...

Weekly food of an average family in different parts of the World (September 2013)
Sedmicna hrana prosjecne porodice u razlicitim dijelovima Svijeta (Septembar 2013)
Italy: The Manzo family of Sicily
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

United States: The Revis family of North Carolina
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

Mexico: The Casales family of Cuernavaca
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

Turkey: The Celiks of Istanbul 
Turkey: The Celiks of Istanbul - Food expenditure for one week: 198.48 New Turkish liras or $145.88. Favorite Foods: Melahat's Puffed Pastries.

Poland: The Sobczynscy family of Konstancin-Jeziorna
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey Village
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

Mali: The Natomos of Kouakourou 
Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp
Food Consumption - Wedding Photographers Santa Barbara, Wedding Portrait Photography

© Peter Menzel www.menzelphoto.com 
from the book Hungry Planet: What the World Eats