Australia is place where I feel 'at home'. I feel so close to the nature, people, culture... This sort of Friands are made only in Australia and NZ. (French have different kind of friands.)
1 1/2 cups sugar, powder
6 egg-whites
150 g butter, melted
1 cup almond meal
1/2 cup plain flour
150 g berries, your choice
sugar powder, for decoration
- Preheat your oven to 180*C; spray Friand moulds with oil.
-Put egg whites in a bowl, and with a help of an electrical mixer, make a stiff foam.
Add sugar, spoon by spoon, and then mix in the butter.
-Switch the mixer off, add almond meal and flour to the bowl, and fold in.
-Spoon the mixture in the Friand moulds (or Muffin moulds) and add the berries to the top (if frozen - don't defrost).
-Bake 10-15 min, take out on a cooling rack, and dust with sugar powder.
1,5 solja secera u prahu
6 bjelanaca
150 gr putera, otopljenog
1 solja badema, blansiranih, mljevenih
1/2 solje brasna, obicnog
150 gr voca (sumsko, bobicavo…)
malo secera u prahu
- Umutite bjelanca u cvrst snijeg, dodajte secer i nastavite mutiti jos par minuta.
- Ubacite topljeni puter, promijesajte.
- Iskljucite mikser pa dodajte bademe i brasno. Rucno promijesajte
- Uspite u nauljene kalupe, po povrsini pospite voce (svjeze ili iz zamrzivaca ) ; pecite 10-15 min.
- Prohladjene Friands pospite secerom u prahu.
Kalupi za ‘Muffins’ ce posluziti u zamjenu za originalne.
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