Red Velvet Cake was mentioned on 'Oprah' once, and I had to try it. My boys love it!
250 g butter, very soft
3 eggs
1 1/3 cups caster sugar
2 teas cocoa
60 ml red food colour
2 1/2 cups flour, sifted
1/2 teas salt
1 cup buttermilk
1 teas vanilla extract
1 teas baking soda
1 teas vinegar
White frosting:
1 1/2 cups milk
3 tbs flour
1 teas vanilla extract
250 g butter
1 cup icing sugar
All ingredients should be taken out of fridge to warm.
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare 2 cake tins (22 cm). In the bowl of a mixer cream together butter, sugar and eggs until fluffy.
Mix all wet ingredients (buttermilk, red colour, vanilla and vinegar), add to the bowl mixing for a minute more. Sift all dry ingredients (cocoa, flour, soda, salt) together and add to the bowl, folding carefully.
Pour into tins, and bake for 25 min. Let it cool.
Mix flour with a little milk into a smooth paste. Rest of the milk put in a saucepan to heat, add vanilla. When hot add the paste to it, cook until thickened. Let cool.
When cool, put in a bowl together with butter and icing sugar. Mix with high speed until creamy and fluffy.
Frost the top of first layer with a 1/3 of frosting and set the second layer on top.Frost the entire cake with remaining frosting. (One part of frosting can be coloured for decorative effect.)
Let it cool for at least an hour before serving.
Torta 'Crveni Barsun'
250 gr putera, veoma omeksalog
3 jaja
1 1/3 solja sitnog secera
2 kasicice kakaa
60 ml crvene boje za kolace
2 1/2 solje brasna, prosijanog
1/2 kasicice soli
1 solja tecnog jogurta
1 kasicica vanile
1 kasicica sode BB
1 kasicica sirceta, bijelog
Bijela krema:
1,5 solja mlijeka
3 kasike brasna
1 kasicica vanile
250 gr putera
1 solja secera u prahu
Sve namirnice treba da budu sobne temperature!
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite 2 obruca za torte.
Mikserom mijesajte puter, secer i jaja dok ne postane pjenasto.
U drugu posudu pomijesajte sve 'vlazne' sastojke, pa i to dodajte u posudu miksera.
Sve suhe sastojke pomijesajte i prosijte, pa i to dodajte u mjesavinu. Rucno izmijesajte. Pecite 25 minuta, pa izvadite hladiti.
Skuhajte mlijeko i brasno kao puding, ohladite.
Miksajte puter i secer u prahu, pa dodajte 'puding'. Sve miksajte dok ne postane kremasto.
Na prvi dio torte nanesite 1/3 krema, stavite drugi dio na vrh, pa cijelu tortu premazite ostatkom krema. Jedan dio kreme mozete obojiti za ukrasni efekat.
Tortu hladiti bar 1 sat u frizideru prije sluzenja.
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