Easy, gluten free, delicious!
6 eggs, separated
180 g sugar, caster
180 g butter, very soft
180 g almonds, ground
180 g poppy seed, ground
Dark and white chocolate, melted separately (with a bit of oil)
Preheat oven (180*C), prepare tin, or muffin pan.
First make a stiff foam out of egg whites and half of sugar, set aside.
In another bowl mix butter, the rest of sugar and egg yolks, until smooth. Switch the mixer off, add almonds and poppy seed - fold in.
To this mixture add egg whites, and fold gently.
Pour into baking dish, and bake for 30 min.
When ready, take out and let it cool.
After some time, turn the cake upside down, and glaze with melted chocolate - first dark, then white. Let it drip, for a decorating effect.
This recipe is suitable for baking in muffin tins; take care to not over bake them, as baking time should be shorter.
Becki kuglof sa makom i bademima
6 jaja, odvojena bjelanca od zumanaca
180 gr secera, sitnijeg
180 gr putera, veoma mekanog
180 gr badema, mljevenih
180 gr maka, mljevenog
tamna i bijela cokolada, odvojeno otopljene sa malo ulja.
Zagrijte rernu, pripremite zeljeni kalup.
Umutite bjelanca sa pola secera, ostavite po strani.
U drugoj posudi umutite preostali secer sa puterom i zumancima. Dodajte bademe i mak, sjedinite rucno mijesajuci, pa dodajte snijeg od bjelanaca, takodje rucno.
Sipajte u kalup i pecite 30-ak minuta na 180*C.
Izvadite, ostavite hladiti, pa onda okrenite na zdjelu u kojoj cete sluziti. Prelijte najprije tamnom cokoladom, a potom i bijelom. Pustite sa se 'sliju' jedna u drugu.
Ovaj kolac se moze peci u minijaturnim kalupima za mafine (kao slika gore), samo pazite na vrijeme pecenja koje mora biti znatno krace.
Bez glutena (ukoliko ne koristite brasno za posipanje kalupa).
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