1 big or 2 small oranges(250 g)
125 g almonds, ground
175 g butter, very soft
175 g sugar, caster
3 eggs, large, beaten
250 g semolina
4,5 teas baking powder
225 ml homey + 5 tbs water
5 tbs orange juice
1,5 tbs lemon juice
4 cm cinnamon stick
Preheat the oven to 180*C. Prepare a 22 cm cake tin.
Cut the oranges into chunks, remove pips only, and tip it into a food processor. Whiz to a thick puree.
Put all other ingredients into a large bowl, mix until smooth. Fold in the orange puree, and spoon mixture into the tin, smoothing the top.
Bake for 35-40 minutes.
For last 10 min of baking prepare syrup: Boil water, cinnamon and honey (gently) for 5 minutes, then stir in the citrus juices.
Take the cake out when ready (place it on a deep plate), pierce it with a skewer in a few places, then pour the syrup over it.
For final serving you can use Greek yogurt and honey (optional).

Grcki griz kolac sa bademima , narandzom i medenim sirupom
1 velika ili 2 male narandze (250 gr)
125 gr badema, mljevenih
175 gr putera, veoma omeksalog
175 gr secera
3 velika jajeta
250 gr griza
4,5 kasicice praska za pecivo
225 ml meda + 5 kasika vode
5 kasika soka narandze
1,5 kasika soka limuna
4 cm dug prutic cimetaPriprema:
Zargij rernu na 180*C, pripremi 22 cm kalup za kolace.
Isjeci naranze na komade, povadi kospice, pa u elektricnoj sjeckalici samelji sve do konzistencije pirea.
U drugoj posudi pomijesaj sve satojke zajedno, pa dodaj i pire. Prebaci smjesu u kalup u zaravnaj povsinu.
Peci 35-40 minuta.
Za sirup: Zadnjih 10 minuta pecenja kolaca - prokuhaj vodu, med i cimet 5 minuta, pa dodaj sokove citrusa.
Izvadjeni kolac treba staviti u dublji tanjir, sa cackalicom izbosti povrsinu, pa preliti sirupom.
Za serviranje mozete upotrijebiti Grcki jogurt i med, ali nije neophodno.
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