For my European followers/readers and all those who don't mind winter... when ice cream is in question!
3/4 cup orange juice
1/3 cup caster sugar
1/4 cup hazelnut spread (Nutella)
125 gr sponge fingers, broken
2 litres vanilla ice-cream
165 g packet 'Maltesers'
1/4 cup hazelnut spread, extra
Raspberries and Maltesers, to decorate
Take ice-cream out of freezer.
Grease a 22cm spring form, line base with baking paper/foil.
Combine juice and sugar and boil for 1 minute. Whisk in hazelnut spread.
Place sponge fingers over prepared tin, pour orange syrup over, turn fingers until absorbed.
Mix ice-cream with Maltesers. Spread mixture over base with sponge fingers. Drop spoonfuls of extra hazelnut spread on top. Pull a skewer (or similar)trough to make a marbled effect. Freeze for a few hours (or overnight).
When ready, take out of spring form and decorate with raspberries and Maltesers.
Sladoled Torta
3/4 solje soka narandze
1/3 solje secera
1/4 solje Nutele (ili slicno)
125 piskota (ili slicno)
2 litre sladoleda vanile
165 gr Maltesers (cokoladne loptice)
1/4 solje Nutele, dodatno
Maline i Maltesers za dekoraciju
Izvadite sladoled iz zamrzivaca.
Pripremite 22 cm kalup za tortu.
Sok narandze i secer prokuhajte, pa dodajte Nutelu. Promijesajte.
Izlomljene piskote pobacajte na kalup, prelijte ga sa sirupom. Okrenite nekoliko puta dok se sok ne apsorbira.
U omeksali sladoled umijesajte Maltesers (ili slicno). Prebacite ga u kalup.
Po povrsini prelijte Nutelu, zatim nozem ili duzom cackalicom pravite 'osmice' kako biste dobili efekt marbla.Zamrznite nekoliko sati.
Kada se steglo, prerucite iz kalupa i ukrasite malinama i Malteserima.
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