Spring has arrived in Australia, which means best strawberries are in season, and I want to share a recipe for a drink that even Von Traps loved.
3/4 - 1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
1 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1/2 punnet strawberries, cleaned (120g)
Bring water and sugar to biol, stir until syrup formed. Cool a bit, but need to be warm. Put it in a food processor along with other ingredients and process. Strain and bottle it. You'll get cordial, which needs to be refrigerated (or frozen).
Pink limunada
3/4- 1 solja secera
1/2 solje vode
1 solja limunovog soka, svjeze iscijedjen
120 gr jagoda, ociscenih
Prokuhati vodu sa secerom dok ne dobijete sirup. Malo prohladiti, pa sa ostalim sastojcima sipati u elektricnu sjeckalicu. Mljeti 1 minutu, pa procijediti i flasirati. Dobicete sirup, koji po ukusu razblazite s vodom. Cuvati u frizideru.
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