Senin, 06 September 2010


I suppose France is origin of this desert - one of World's favourite.


1 cup water

60g butter

150g flour

1 teas baking powder

50 g corn/potato flour

4-6 eggs, depending on size


400 ml milk

3 tbs custard powder, vanilla

3 tbs sugar

125 g butter

icing sugar for dusting


Preheat the oven to 180-190*C. Grease/line the baking sheet.

Put water and butter in a saucepan; bring to the boil. Mix the flours and baking powder, add to the boiling water - mix quickly until thick and starts to form into a ball. Cool, then add eggs (one by one) using mixer. You should get a thick smooth consistency. Pipe it onto a greased pan (approximately 1 tbs of dough) with a space between each one.

Bake for 10-15 min; profiteroles should be medium dark - don't open the door of the oven during the baking!

Meanwhile prepare your custard - cook it until thick, cool. Beat butter on a high speed, add cooled custard and beat for a couple minutes further/or until creamy and fluffy.

Cooled profiteroles cut in half (horizontally), and fill with prepared cream.

Dust with icing sugar.

Princes Krofne


1/4 l vode

60 gr putera

150 gr brasna

50 gr gustina

1 kasicica praska za pecivo

4-6 jaja, zavisno o velicini


1 puding od vanile (sa 4 kasike secera)

400 ml mlijeka

125 gr putera

secer u prahu za posuti


Ukljucite rernu (180-190*C), pripremite pleh za pecenje.

Stavite vodu i puter u serpu i prokljucajte. Saspite brasno, gustin i prasak za pecivo. Energeticno mijesajte dok se ne zgusne i ne pocne odvajati od serpe. Prohladite, a zatim dodajite jedno po jedno jaje, neprestano mijesajuci - treba da dobijete gusto, glatko tijesto. Oblikujte loptice velicine manjeg jajeta (sa spricom ili kasikom) na plehu sa razmakom. Pecite 10-15 min ili dok ne postanu srednje tamne - ne otvarajte rernu tokom pecenja!

Peceno ostaviti da se prohladi.

U medjuvremenu skuhajte puding, ohladite ga i umutite sa puterom.

Prerezite ohladjene krofne i filujte pripremljenim pudingom.

Pospite secerom u prahu.

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