'True Blue' Aussie slice! Macadamias are Australian native nuts, but instead of them you can use almonds, walnuts or other species.
1 cup flour
1/2 cup hazelnut meal
1/2 cup brown sugar
90 g dark chocolate, melted
80 g butter, melted
1 egg beaten
400 g can condensed milk
2 tbsp golden syrup
50 g butter
100g hazelnuts, baked and skinned
100 g macadamia nuts, halved if big
100 g melted dark chocolate
Preheat your oven to 180*C; grease an 18X28 cm tin (silicon paper will help).
Using food processor, mix all the ingredients for the base; with the back of the spoon press the mix into the tin and bake for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, put first 3 topping ingredients into a saucepan and melt over the slow heat, stirring often.
Pour the caramel over the base and top with nuts. Bake for another 15 minutes.
Drizzle with melted chocolate when slightly cooled.
Slice into small fingers, as it got very rich taste.
Karamel, makadamije i ljesnik kolacici
1 solja brasna
1/2 solje mljevenih ljesnika
1/2 solje braon secera
90 gr tamne cokolade, otopljene
80 gr putera, otopljenog
1 jaje, blago umuceno
400 gr condenzovanog mlijeka
2 kasike 'zlatnog' sirupa (* vidi objasnjenje)
50 gr putera
100 gr ljesnika, pecenih, poljustenih
100 gr makadamija oraha, prepolovljeni ako su veliki (*objasnjenje)
100 gr tamne cokolade, otopljene
Zagrijte rernu na 180*C, pripremite pleh (papir) 18X28 cm.
Sve sastojke za bazu stavite u elektricnu sjeckalicu i sjedinite masu. Prerucite u pleh i sa pozadinom kasike utisnite. pecite 15 minuta.
U medjuvremenu, otopite prva 3 sastojka za karamel, mijesajte. Prespite na povrsinu baze, pospite orasima, pa jos pecite dodatnih 15 minuta. Kada se malo prohladi pospite otopljenom cokoladom.
*Golden (zlatni) sirup izgleda i ima konzistenciju meda, ali ukus karamela.
*Koristite druge orahe umjesto makadamija, ako ih ne mozete nabaviti.
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