My obsession with world breads continues! It's amazing that most of them use the same ingredients, but textures, shapes and tastes are so different.
3 cups flour (unbleached preferable)
1 1/3 cups water
1 1/5 teas salt
1 teas yeast
Nigella seeds
Put all ingredients in a bowl, and mix with a wooden spoon (until incorporated). Turn over on floured surface and cover to rest (45 minutes). Preheat oven to 200-220*C. Oil baking pan (like pizza pan) and quickly transfer dough onto it. Be careful, dough is very heavy/wet. Stretch the dough and press middle with your (oiled) fingers, or cut dough in a few places and lightly stretch (pic 2). Sprinkle with nigella seeds and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until golden.
Perfect to use with Dukkah.
Avganistanski hljeb/kruh
3 solje brasna
1,3 solje vode
1,5 kasicice sol1 kasicica suhog kvasca
Nigella sjeme (eh sad,...negdje kazu da je to crno sezamovo sjeme, Turci ga zovu crni kim, a negdje se govori o sjemenu luka (Stari Bosanski naziv 'Čukurek / Čurekot')
Umijesite tijesto od navedenih sastojaka; veoma je tesko i ljepljivo! Stavite na pobrasnjenu povrsinu i ostavite 45 minuta na toplom.
Zagrijte rernu na 200-220*C. Nauljite tepsiju i nadoslo tijesto prenesite na nju. Malo razvucite tijesto, i pritisnite na vise mijesta prstima, ili ga nasjecite i lagano razvucite. Pospite crnim sjemenkama i pecite 10-15 minuta. Perfektno da posluzite sa Dukkah.
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