I'm very busy organising 50-th Birthday party for my husband these days; cooking a lot. Many of my dishes will be served thanks to you, my friends. Next week I will show you what I prepared, and what I 'adopted' from your blogs.
A couple of years ago, I tried to introduce a meatless day every week to my family. My boys weren't delighted; exceptions were nights when we would have chick pea Rhogan Josh. It is very filling and tasty vegetarian dish. For those who can't find readily prepared Roghan Josh, here is the link for mixing your own blend:
1-2 tbs oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 large clove garlic, crushed
2 cans chick pea
3-4 tbs Rhogan Josh curry
1 can diced tomatoes, or 4 fresh
1-2 tbs tomato paste
250 g spinach, fresh or frozen
1 small bunch coriander leaves
1/2 lime, zest and juice
Heat oil, fry onion until soft. Add garlic and chick peas, then Rhogan Josh, tomatoes and tomato paste. Mix well, cover and cook for 5-20 minutes. Stir trough spinach, lime juice and zest, and coriander leaves. Serve with rice or Dahl
'Rhogan Josh' sa Slanutkom (ili vecera bez mesa!)
Jako sam zauzeta ovih dana, jer sam pocela kuhati i organizovati proslavu 50-og rodjendana moga dragog. Kasnije cu vam pokazati sta sam sve odabrala, i koji od vasih recepata sam 'prisvojila'.
Ovaj recept je iz 'Drafta'. Pokusavala sam uvesti jedan dan u sedmici bez mesa; Moji decki nisu bas bili odusevljeni! ;-)
1-2 K ulja
1 veci crveni luk, sjeckan
1 vece ceno bijelog luka, sitno sjeckan
2 konzerve slanutka (ili skuhajte sami)
3-4 K Rhogan Josh karija (vidi link gore)
1 konzerva sjeckanog paradajza, ili 4 svjeza
1-2 K Gustog paradajza
250 gr spinata
1 manji svezanj korijanera
1/2 limete, kora i sok
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk. Ubacite bijeli luk, 'Rhoga Josh',slanutak, paradajz i pire. Poklopite i kuhajte 5-10 minuta. Ubacite ostale sastojke, promijesajte i ponovo prokuhajte. Servirajte sa rizom ili sa Dahl.
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