I made this speciality dish first time during my visit to Bosnia last month. I'm not a big fan of offal, but I wanted at least to give it a try. We had spit (lamb) roast for Easter, and I wanted to use offal and try this Turkish/Greek recipe
(although other surrounding countries make it in a similar way). It's best to use organs of a young animal. I knew basic ingredients, followed my instinct for the rest of them and ended being delighted by taste.
Internal organs of a lamb
(I used hart, lungs and liver)
1-2 linings of internal fat (Caul fat)
4 bay leaves
2 garlic cloves
1 onion
10 black pepper corns
1 T 'Vegeta', or similar
1,5 cups rice (cooked in 1,5 cups water)
1 large bunch parsley leaves, chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 T 'Vegeta', extra
1 T paprika
1 t freshly ground black pepper
salt to taste
Cook all organs (except fat linings) with bay leaves, Vegeta, peppercorns, onion and garlic in 2 L of water. Cook rice separately (should be half cooked / still very firm).
Preheat oven to 200*C. Take all organs out of cooking water (reserve it), and mince. Mix really well with rice and all other ingredients. Cut internal fat linings (caul fat) into pieces 15 x 15 cm large. Put 4-5 tablespoons of mixture onto it, and fold shaping a parcel ('sarma'). Place parcels into a deep oven dish. Pour 3-4 cups of reserved water over it and bake for 20 minutes or until fat melted and golden brown.
Note- You can wrap prepared filing into a whole fat lining; that way you get 1 large 'sarma', which is cut into portions later.
Tzigerosarma (Širden)
Tokom moga boravka u Bosni ukazala mi se prilika da probam napraviti ovaj specijalitet, jer smo za Uskrs imali jagnje na raznju, pa su preostali organi mladog jagnjeta. Unutrasnjicu bas i ne volim, ali sam morala isprobati ovo jelo, koje potice iz Turske/Grcke; Slicno se pravi sirom Balkana. Znala sam osnovu recepta; slijedila sam svoj instinkt, dodala puuuno persunovog lisca i bijelog luka,i odusevila se ukusom na kraju.
Unutrasnji organi jagnjeta
(ja sam koristila srce, jetru i pluca)
1-2 'maramice' unutrasnje masnoce
4 lista lovora
2 cena bijelog luka
1 crveni luk
10 zrna crnog bibera
1 K Vegete
1,5 solja rize (skuhane u 1,5 solju vode)
1 veca veza persunovog lisca, sjeckana
3-4 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 K Vegete
1 K crvene paprike
1 k svjeze mljevenog crnog bibera
so prema ukusu
Skuhajte unutrasnje organe (samo ne maramicu) u 2 l vode sa lovorom, biberom, oba luka i Vegetom. Skuhajte rizu posebno; treba biti upola skuhana i ostati jos cvrsta.
Ukljucite rernu na 200*C.
Izvadite organe iz vode (sacuvajte je) i sameljite. Pomijesajte sa rizom i ostalim sastojcima. Dobro promijesajte. Izrezite maramicu na 15 x 15 cm. Na svaki dio stavite po 4-5 punih kasika punjenja i zamotajte kao sarmu. Slazite u dublju vatrostalnu posudu/tepsiju. Zalijte sa 3-4 solje vode u kojoj ste kuhali organe. Pecite 20 minuta, ili dok se mast ne otopi i ne postane zlatno-zuta.
Napomena- Cijelu masu mozete zamotati u jednu neizrezanu maramicu, tako da dobijete 1veliku 'sarmu' koju kasnije rezete na porcije.
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