Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Most beautiful Biscuits for upcoming Festive Seasons

Did you start planning what to make for Holidays? Biscuits can be baked a few weeks in advance; some of them are even better after 'resting time'. Here are links for all my recipes for biscuits, slices and other festive cakes. Enjoy!

Jeste li otpočeli planirati šta da servirate za predstojeće praznike? Keksici se mogu pripremiti nekoliko sedmica prije praznika; neki od njih su cak bolji nakon 'odlezanog vremena'.  Evo linkova za sve moje recepte keksića i rezanih kolačića. Uživajte!

 Quick Mini Strudels

 Chocolate Cherry Beauties 

  Little Peaches

   Chocolate Roses


 Chocolate and Fresh Ginger Biscuits 

 Coconut biscuits 

 Honey nuts / medenjaci 

 Poppy Seeds Spirals 

 Shortbread Bells 

 Wiener Poppy Seed Cake 


  Lebkuchen slice  (Medeno srce)

Gingerbread Dough 

 Sesame Wafers 

 Lemon Curd filled biscuits

 Anzac Biscuits

 Choco-mint slice

  Gingerbread dough


Gingerbread House with 'Glass' Windows (and Light)

 Two-toned coffee biscuits

 Lemon slices


 Waffle, caramel and walnuts slice

 Chocolate eggs / Easter Cupcakes

 Jaffa Cupcakes

 Date and oat crumb squares

 Mississippi Mud slice

 Parisian Pastry

 Carob Slices

Chocolate Hazelnut Crinkle Cookies

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