Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Strawberry Jam from Microwave Oven

Following recipe is from my draft...No cooking today, as my town is hit by 45*C heat!

Why cook jam on the stove  for hours, stir it all the time and be in danger of burning your skin by splashing hot jam? This method takes only 30 minutes of cooking time and gives amazing results; beautifully smelling,  no preservatives, homemade low sugar jam ... no splashing and burning included!

500 g strawberries (2 punnets)
1 cup sugar
juice of 1/2 lemon 
(Clean jars with fitting lids)
Rinse strawberries in water and soak them for 10 minutes (this will help pesticides and other toxins resolve). Rinse again, drain and clean them. If large, cut into small pieces. Put strawberries, sugar and lemon juice into a tall glass / ceramic (oven-proof) dish that is at least twice the capacity of strawberries (so there is enough space for boiling / cooking). Cook 5 minutes on high, stir and cook for 25-30 minutes on medium, opening every 5 minutes and stirring it (this will help escape  moisture from the oven). Carefully take out and spoon into clean jars. Close the lids and let it cool (as they cool, lids will retract the extra air trapped inside and hermetically lock it). After opening a jar, keep refrigerated. Unopened jars can last up to 6 months.

Džem od Jagoda iz Mikrovalne Pećnice

...iz 'drafta'...Nema kuhanja danas, jer je u mom gradu vec 45*C!

Zasto kuhati dzem na stari nacin;... satima stajati nad stednjakom, mijesati i biti u opasnosti od dobijenih opekotina od dzema sto prsce? Ova metoda uzima samo 30 minuta od vaseg vremena i daje odlicne rezultate; divan mirisan, bez konzervanasa, domaci dzem sa malo secera...bez prskanja i opekotina!

500 gr jagoda
1 solja secera (250ml)
sok 1/2 limuna
(Galoni / staklenke sa poklopcima)
Operite jagode pod mlazom vode, ostavite ih 10 minuta u vodi (da se pesticidi i drugi toxini otope), isperite ponovo, ocijedite i ocistite. Ako su prevelike, isjecite ih. Stavite jagode, secer i limunov sok u posudu koja je pogodna za mikrovalnu upotrebu i najmanje 2 puta veceg kapaciteta (za prostor pri kuhanju). Kuhajte nepoklopljeno 5 minuta na najjacoj moci, promijesajte zatim smanjite na srednju jacinu i kuhajte jos 25-30 minuta, otvarajuci mikrovalnu i mijesajuci svakih 5 minuta (ovo ce pomoci vlazi iz jagoda da izadje). Pazljivo izvadite dzem, i kasikom ga smjestite u tegle / galone. Poklopite svaki i ostavite hladiti. Pri hladjenju, zrak koji je unutra ce se povuci i tako cete dobiti hermeticki zatvorene tegle. Neotvorene mogu trajati 6 mjeseci; jednom kada otvorite, drzite u frizideru.

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