Most tricky part is deboning; the rest is very easy!
1 whole chicken, deboned
2 slices of stale bread
1/3 cup milk
1 egg
150-200 g of your favorite sausages (Kransky, Italian, Chorizo)
salt and pepper
Put chicken on its breasts, cut along the spine and carefully take out all the bones.(Reserve bones for a soup.) Cut drumsticks, (leaving thighs on with the rest of chicken); cut wings at second joint. Debone them and use this meat for roll, or soup - your choice. You should get flat piece of chicken, with skin down and no bones.
Dunk bread into milk, leave for a few minutes then squeeze out.
Put sausages into a food processor; let it run until crumble form, add bread and egg. Process for 30 seconds, or until incorporated.
Pound meat a bit, salt and pepper (cautiously - sausages are salty). Spread sausage mixture on top, and make a roll. If you using bread pan for roasting you don't need to tie chicken roll, as sides of the tin will hold meat in place. Otherwise use kitchen twine to tie the roll. Oil top of chicken and put in oven for 1 hour on 180 *C. After roasting let it rest 10 minutes before slicing. Serve hot or cold.
Pileći Rolat sa Kobasicama
1 citavo pile, sa povadjenim kostima
150-200 gr kobasica (Kranjske)
2 kriske hljeba/kruha, starijeg
1/3 solje mlijeka
1 jaje
so i biber
Postavite pile na radnu povrsinu sa prsima na dole. Prorezite duzinom kicme pa pazljivo povadite sve kosti. Karabatak cete ostaviti na piletu, batak odrezati kao i krila. Ovo meso mozete nazad kasnije vratiti na mjesta gdje je potrebno (bez koze) ili zajedno sa kostima iskoristiti za supu. Treba da dobijete izravnjanu povrsinu bez kostiju i sa kozom na dole.
Namocite hljeb u mlijeku, ostavite 5 minuta pa dobro istisnite.
U elektricnoj sjeckalici isjecite kobasice na sitno, dodajte hljeb i jaje i ponovo prosjeckajte. Povrsinu pileta malo istucite, posolite (pazljivo) i pobiberite, zatim nanesite smjesu sa kobasicama. Zarolajte, nauljite odozgo, pa stavite u modlu za hljeb/kruh; ili zavezite kuhinjskom kanapom i pecite u siroj posudi oko 1 sat na 180*C. Prije rezanja ostavite 10 minuta da se odmori. Moze se konzumirati hladno ili toplo.
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