Wonderful cake from Alps.
3 large eggs
100 g caster sugar
120 g butter, very soft
120 g poppy seeds, grounded
3 tbs biscuit crumbs (or bread crumbs)
-Cheese layer
450 g Ricotta cheese
1 cup sour cream
120 g caster sugar
1 teas vanilla essence
zest of 1 lemon
juice of 1/2 lemon
4 large eggs
3 tbs flour
-Cherry topping
1 cup sour cherries (caned)
1 cup cherry juice (from can)
1,5 tbs corn flour (or other starch)
Preheat oven to 170*C. Prepare a cake tin (22 cm).
Beat eggs with sugar until pale and fluffy. Add butter, mix well then fold in crumbs and poppy seeds. Bake 5-6 minutes.
Meanwhile, beat all ingredients for cheese layer with a mixer. Pour over poppy seed base and bake for another 40 minutes. Take it out and let cool.(While stil warm, push edges down to level the surface.)
Mix some cherry 'juice' with corn flour, add the rest of juice and boil until thick (Microwave is OK). Add cherries, mix well and top the cake.
Let it cool/rest for 1 hour before slicing.
Alpska Torta
3 veca jaja
100 gr sitnog secera
120 omeksalog maslaca
120 gr maka, samljevenog
3 kasike mrvica keksa (ili hljeba/kruha)
-Sloj sa sirom
450 gr mladog sira (Rikota)
1 solja kajmaka/pavlake
120 gr sitnog secera
1 kasicica vanile
ribana korica 1 limuna
sok 1/2 limuna
4 veca jaja
3 kasike brasna
-Preliv sa Visnjama
1 solja visanja iz kompota/konzerve
1 solja 'soka' iz kompota
1,5 kasika 'Gustina'
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C, pripremite 22 cm obruc za torte.
Miksajte jaja sa secerom dok ne postane gusta smjesa, ubacite maslac, promijesajte, pa dodajte mak i mrvice. Promijesajte rukom i izlijte u kalup. Pecite 5-6 minuta.
U medjuvremenu, pomijesajte sve sastojke za sloj sa sirom. Izlijte na biskvit i nastavite peci jos 40 minuta. Izvadite i ostavite da se prohladi (dok je jos toplo malo potisnite ivice torte da izravnate povrsinu)
Za preljev sa visnjama - pomijesajte malo soka sa Gustinom, dodajte ostatak soka, pa sve zajedno prokuhajte, dok se ne zgusne (moze i u mikrovalnoj). Ubacite visnje, promijesajte, pa nanesite na povrsinu torte. Ostavite je odmarati 1 sat prije posluzivanja.
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