My dear friend Maurice is from Korčula (Dalmatia) and makes best bbq squid. This is his recipe.
4-6 squids (20-25 cm body length)
salt, pepper
olive oil
2-3 Rosemary brunches (15-20 cm tips)
Allow 1 squid for each person. They have to be very fresh - don't wash or clean them, just slightly wipe with paper towel. (I've washed them, and took that plastic bone out - guilty!) In each squid pour 1 teas of olive oil. Salt and pepper them.
Dip rosemary tips into oil, then brush each squid with it. Put squids on very hot bbq. Brush with rosemary/oil and turn after 3-4 minutes. Repeat brushing with oil. After additional 3-4 minutes they're ready.
Serve with boiled potatoes, dressed with wholegrain mustard, olive oil and chives.
Dalmatinske 'Lignje na Gradele'
Recept mog dragog prijatelja 'Marina' (Moris).
4-6 lignji, duzine 20-25 cm (tijelo)
so, biber
maslinovo ulje
2-3 grancice Ruzmarina (15-20 cm duzine)
Za svaku osobu predvidite 1 lignju. Tajna je (po Marinu) da se lignje ne peru i ne ciste. Stoga moraju biti izuzetno svjeze.(Ja sam ih 'brzinski' oprala i izvukla onu plasticnu 'kicmu' - priznajem krivicu)
U svaku lignju naspite po 1 kasicicu maslinovog ulja. Posolite i pobiberite lignje.
'Gradele' / rostilj mora biti jako vreo. Grancice ruzmarina umocite u ulje, pa premazujte lignje. Pecite na svakoj strani 3-4 minuta, cijelo vrijeme premazujuci ruzmarinom umocenim u ulju.
Sluzite sa skuhanim krompirom, koji ste prelili mjesavinom maslinovog ulja, senfom u punom zrnu i sjeckanim divljim lukom.
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