Senin, 30 Mei 2011
50-th Birthday
I'm exhausted! It took me 10 days to cook all the food, decorate, and organise everything else - lighting, heating, serving...
Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures along the process. I thought I'll set the table and then take pictures....BIG MISTAKE! I didn't have time to do that,so - NO pictures :-(
Zabava je bila otkazana, pa ponovo zakazana 2 sedmice kasnije. 10 dana mi je trebalo da sve organizujem i skuham sta sam planirala. Posteno sam se umorila. Slikala usput nisam; mislila sam slikati kad sve postavim. GRESKA! Nije bilo vremena za slikanje kad su gosti poceli pristizati. NEMA slika :-(
Evo sta sam odabrala i pripremila.
Here is my selection of food that I prepared.
- Pesto cheesecake from Foodforthought blog
-'Slani prutici' Salty Sticks from COOLINARIJA blog
-Selection of cheeses and fruits
-TORTA Setteveli (double recipe)
- Anzac biscuits (recipe coming in next post)
- Choko-Mint slice (coming in next post)
-Wiener Poppy seed cake
-Greek Orange cake
-Raspberry Hazelnut cake
- Osso Bucco
-Honey-Soy Chicken wings (recipe coming soon)
-Samosas Indijske Samose
-Indian spiced beans Mahune / Boraniju na Indijski nacin
- Spit Lamb, from local bucher
-Italian filled tomatoes Punjeni Paradajz na Italijanski nacin
-Basil Pesto pasta
-Thai Fried Rice-
-Creamy Seafood
Spinach and Cheese Filled Puff Pastry
(For 48 small muffin cups)
3 sheets of puff pastry (frozen)
500 g Cottage cheese (or Ricotta)
250 g spinach (frozen or fresh), chopped
1 egg
salt to taste
Take the pastry out of freezer, cover with a clean tea towel and let it defrost.
Preheat oven to 200*C. Spray muffin tin with oil.
Mix spinach, cheese, egg and salt. Cut pastry into squares - each sheet will give you 16 small pieces. Place each piece into muffin mould, fill with 1/2 tbs of cheese/spinach mixture. Bake 10 minutes, or until slightly golden.
Spinat i sir u lisnatom tijestu
3 lista smrznutog lisnatog tijesta
500 gr 'Cottage' sira (ili obicni)
250 gr spinata, sjeckanog
1 jaje
so po ukusu
Odmrznite tijesto; svaki list isijecite na 16 komada. Utisnite kocke tijesta u kalupe za (male) mafine. Pomijesajte preostale sastojke; ubacite 1/2 kasike u svaku modlicu i pecite 10 minuta na 180-200*C.
Senin, 23 Mei 2011
Chick Pea Rhogan Josh
I'm very busy organising 50-th Birthday party for my husband these days; cooking a lot. Many of my dishes will be served thanks to you, my friends. Next week I will show you what I prepared, and what I 'adopted' from your blogs.
A couple of years ago, I tried to introduce a meatless day every week to my family. My boys weren't delighted; exceptions were nights when we would have chick pea Rhogan Josh. It is very filling and tasty vegetarian dish. For those who can't find readily prepared Roghan Josh, here is the link for mixing your own blend:
1-2 tbs oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 large clove garlic, crushed
2 cans chick pea
3-4 tbs Rhogan Josh curry
1 can diced tomatoes, or 4 fresh
1-2 tbs tomato paste
250 g spinach, fresh or frozen
1 small bunch coriander leaves
1/2 lime, zest and juice
Heat oil, fry onion until soft. Add garlic and chick peas, then Rhogan Josh, tomatoes and tomato paste. Mix well, cover and cook for 5-20 minutes. Stir trough spinach, lime juice and zest, and coriander leaves. Serve with rice or Dahl
'Rhogan Josh' sa Slanutkom (ili vecera bez mesa!)
Jako sam zauzeta ovih dana, jer sam pocela kuhati i organizovati proslavu 50-og rodjendana moga dragog. Kasnije cu vam pokazati sta sam sve odabrala, i koji od vasih recepata sam 'prisvojila'.
Ovaj recept je iz 'Drafta'. Pokusavala sam uvesti jedan dan u sedmici bez mesa; Moji decki nisu bas bili odusevljeni! ;-)
1-2 K ulja
1 veci crveni luk, sjeckan
1 vece ceno bijelog luka, sitno sjeckan
2 konzerve slanutka (ili skuhajte sami)
3-4 K Rhogan Josh karija (vidi link gore)
1 konzerva sjeckanog paradajza, ili 4 svjeza
1-2 K Gustog paradajza
250 gr spinata
1 manji svezanj korijanera
1/2 limete, kora i sok
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk. Ubacite bijeli luk, 'Rhoga Josh',slanutak, paradajz i pire. Poklopite i kuhajte 5-10 minuta. Ubacite ostale sastojke, promijesajte i ponovo prokuhajte. Servirajte sa rizom ili sa Dahl.
Kamis, 19 Mei 2011
'Tzigerosarma' (Faggots of Balkan)
I made this speciality dish first time during my visit to Bosnia last month. I'm not a big fan of offal, but I wanted at least to give it a try. We had spit (lamb) roast for Easter, and I wanted to use offal and try this Turkish/Greek recipe
(although other surrounding countries make it in a similar way). It's best to use organs of a young animal. I knew basic ingredients, followed my instinct for the rest of them and ended being delighted by taste.
Internal organs of a lamb
(I used hart, lungs and liver)
1-2 linings of internal fat (Caul fat)
4 bay leaves
2 garlic cloves
1 onion
10 black pepper corns
1 T 'Vegeta', or similar
1,5 cups rice (cooked in 1,5 cups water)
1 large bunch parsley leaves, chopped
3-4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 T 'Vegeta', extra
1 T paprika
1 t freshly ground black pepper
salt to taste
Cook all organs (except fat linings) with bay leaves, Vegeta, peppercorns, onion and garlic in 2 L of water. Cook rice separately (should be half cooked / still very firm).
Preheat oven to 200*C. Take all organs out of cooking water (reserve it), and mince. Mix really well with rice and all other ingredients. Cut internal fat linings (caul fat) into pieces 15 x 15 cm large. Put 4-5 tablespoons of mixture onto it, and fold shaping a parcel ('sarma'). Place parcels into a deep oven dish. Pour 3-4 cups of reserved water over it and bake for 20 minutes or until fat melted and golden brown.
Note- You can wrap prepared filing into a whole fat lining; that way you get 1 large 'sarma', which is cut into portions later.
Tzigerosarma (Širden)
Tokom moga boravka u Bosni ukazala mi se prilika da probam napraviti ovaj specijalitet, jer smo za Uskrs imali jagnje na raznju, pa su preostali organi mladog jagnjeta. Unutrasnjicu bas i ne volim, ali sam morala isprobati ovo jelo, koje potice iz Turske/Grcke; Slicno se pravi sirom Balkana. Znala sam osnovu recepta; slijedila sam svoj instinkt, dodala puuuno persunovog lisca i bijelog luka,i odusevila se ukusom na kraju.
Unutrasnji organi jagnjeta
(ja sam koristila srce, jetru i pluca)
1-2 'maramice' unutrasnje masnoce
4 lista lovora
2 cena bijelog luka
1 crveni luk
10 zrna crnog bibera
1 K Vegete
1,5 solja rize (skuhane u 1,5 solju vode)
1 veca veza persunovog lisca, sjeckana
3-4 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 K Vegete
1 K crvene paprike
1 k svjeze mljevenog crnog bibera
so prema ukusu
Skuhajte unutrasnje organe (samo ne maramicu) u 2 l vode sa lovorom, biberom, oba luka i Vegetom. Skuhajte rizu posebno; treba biti upola skuhana i ostati jos cvrsta.
Ukljucite rernu na 200*C.
Izvadite organe iz vode (sacuvajte je) i sameljite. Pomijesajte sa rizom i ostalim sastojcima. Dobro promijesajte. Izrezite maramicu na 15 x 15 cm. Na svaki dio stavite po 4-5 punih kasika punjenja i zamotajte kao sarmu. Slazite u dublju vatrostalnu posudu/tepsiju. Zalijte sa 3-4 solje vode u kojoj ste kuhali organe. Pecite 20 minuta, ili dok se mast ne otopi i ne postane zlatno-zuta.
Napomena- Cijelu masu mozete zamotati u jednu neizrezanu maramicu, tako da dobijete 1veliku 'sarmu' koju kasnije rezete na porcije.
Senin, 16 Mei 2011
Bosnian Pita with Nettle Leaves ..or, Spring in My Birth Town
For years and years I was dreaming about visiting to my birth town in spring. I wanted to see all my backyard (fruit)trees in full bloom. A lot of beautiful memories from this garden I carry with me; climbing trees pretending to be all sorts of super heroes from that time, running barefoot through deep snow every night in winter time to 'wash our feet' as my father would suggest, having street children for fruit harvest in autumn...
And there I was, with my open hart, breathing in every little scent that could recall beautiful memories. I was sad that I couldn't find some of my favorites. A lot of them were damaged during the war. But, little trees that I left 19 years ago, weren't babies any more, are still there offering beautiful blooms in spring, shades in Summer, fruit in autumn and most memorable 'crystal' scenes in winter, when rain and low temperatures coat them in ice and put on an unforgettable art display.
Spring is also time when certain 'natures' food is available. After long winter, our body is craving some highly nutritious food, like Stinging Nettle, for example.
Stinging nettle (Urtica Dioica)has a flavour similar to spinach when cooked and is rich in vitamins A, C, iron, potassium, manganese, and calcium. Soaking nettles in water or cooking will remove the stinging chemicals from the plant, which allows them to be handled and eaten without incidence of stinging.
Extracts can be used to treat arthritis, anemia, hay fever, kidney problems, dandruff, prostate problems, and pain.
Harvest Nettle (young tips only) using thick gloves. Boil water in pot, put nettle inside and cook for a couple of minutes. Drain and cut finely (like spinach). Oil and salt according to your taste; Ricotta or Fetta can be added and mixed.
Follow my recipe for 'Bosnian Pita'. Enjoy!
Pita od Žare/Koprive ili Proljece u mom rodnom gradu
Godinama sam mastala o tome da posjetim moje rodno mjesto u proljece. Zeljela sam da vidim moje dvoriste, moje vocke sa rascvjetalim krosnjama.
Mnogo lijepih memorija iz moje baste nosim sa sobom; Penjanje po drvecu, zamisljajuci razne scene iz tadasnjih filmova (Sandokan!),zimsko trcanje bosonog svako vece kroz snijeg 'da operemo noge' kako bi moj tata rekao, sazivanje djece iz komsiluka kada je vrijeme berbi...
I stigla sam... sa sirom otvorenim srcem, udisuci svaki najmanji miris koji je mogao probuditi uspomene. Na zalost, par mojih najdrazih stabala nisam pronasla. Stradali su u ratu; ali, mlada stabla koja sam ostavila prije 19 godina vise nisu bili 'bebe'. Porasli su da svojim' cvjetovima krase dvoriste u proljece, pruze hlad ljeti, a zimi, kada kisa i hladnoca udruze svoje moci i daju svoju umjetnicku postavku, zablistaju u svom punom 'kristalnom' sjaju.
Proljece je vrijeme kada je odredjena 'prirodna' hrana pristupacna. Poslije duge zime, tijelima je potrebno dosta vitamina i minerala koji se mogu naci u prirodi; npr - izdanci zare / koprive.
Zara / kopriva (Urtica Dioica)Ima ukus slican spinatu. Bogata je vitaminima A i C, te zeljezom, kalcijumom, fosforom i manganom. Kuhanjem listova otklanjate hemikalije koje izazivaju osjecaj opeklina na kozi (tkivu).
Koristi se u lijecenju artritisa, anemije problema sa prostatom i bubrezima, otklanja perut, ublazava bol...
Uberite mlade vrhove zare, koristeci deblje gumene rukavice. Prokljucajte vodu u serpi, ubacite zaru i kuhajte par minuta. Ocijedite i isjeckajte kao sto biste spinat. Dodajte ulje i soli po ukusu; obicni sir ili feta mogu biti pomijesani po zelji.
Slijedite moj recept 'Bosansku pitu'Uzivajte u zdravoj i ukusnoj hrani!
Minggu, 15 Mei 2011
Greek Salad + Awards
4 egg tomatoes, cut into wedges
2 Lebanese cucumbers, halved lengthways, sliced
1 red capsicum, halved, deseeded, thinly sliced
1 red onion, quartered, each quarter cut into thin wedges
250g kalamata olives
300g Greek feta, cubed
3 tbs extra virgin olive oil
2 tbs lemon juice
pinch of salt
Mix all salad ingredients well. Shake dressing ingredients in a jar, pour over salad. Serve on a bed of salad leaves (optional) and /or with crusty bread.
Grčka Salata
4 paradajza, izrezana na reznjeve ili vece kocke
2 krastavca, prepolovljena i izrezana
1 crvena paprika, izrezana tanko ili na kocke
1 ljubicasti luk, rezan sitno na reznjeve
250 gr crnih maslina
300 gr Grcke fete, rezane na kocke
3 K djevicanskog maslinovog ulja
2 K soka limuna
prstohvat soli
Pomijesajte sve sastojke za salatu. Sastojke za preliv muckajte u zatvorenoj tegli, pa ovime prelijte salatu. Servirajte preko listova zelene salate (po volji) i/ili sa nekim rusticnim hljebom / kruhom.
HVALA dragoj pjesnikinji sa bloga "Poezija s mora"
treba preuzeti nagradu i odgovoriti na ova pitanja:
1. Što te inspirira za naslov posta?
Moji recepti iz svih krajeva svijeta.
2. Opiši se u četiri riječi:
Nisam ja tako jednostavna!
3. Najdraži citat:
Nikog nije briga ako si mizeran, stoga ti je bolje da budes sretan!
4. Nominiraj nekoliko blogova
THANK YOU Duxa "cosinhadaduxa"
Answer the questions / odgovori na pitanja
-Why did you start bloging? / zasto ste otpoceli blogiranje? I wanted all my recepies in one spot
-How did you choose your blog's name? / kako ste odabrali ime za blog? My name + my kitchen + my creations
-Koje su teme vaseg bloga? / What's the topic of your blog? FOOD!!!
Winners / Dobitnici
-Poezija s mora
HVALA Nale "coolinarija"
HVALA Marijana "Marijanina knjiga recepata"
HVALA Tanja "Tanja's cooking corner"
Say 10 things about yourself / da kažem nešto o sebi, u 10 stavki (vec bilo, pa vas necu 'daviti')
Forward award to other blogers / proslijedite drugim blogerima!
Selasa, 10 Mei 2011
Aussie Meat Pie
This is Australians' favorite food. Wholemeal flour makes the crust crispy, and adds a bit of natural goodness to it. Makes one 22cm large pie , or 6 small / individual-ones.
1/4 cup boiling water
1 1/2 cup wholemeal flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup melted butter
1/4 tsp baking powder
(Classic crust: 220g flour, 1 tbs water, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 1 tbs lemon juice, 110g butter, 1 egg yolk, 1/2 tsp salt)
1 1/2 tbs of olive oil
1 large brown onion, finely chopped
500 grams of ground, lean beef (beef mince)
1 1/2 Tbsp of cornstarch
1 cup of beef stock
2 tbs cup of tomato paste
1 tbsp of Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
1 tsp Vegemite (or substitute 1 vegetable stock cube)
1-2 tbs soy sauce
For brushing 1 egg, beaten
Crust- Mix all dry ingredients for the crust. Pour water over butter (in another bowl), mix a bit, then bring all ingredients together, mixing with a spoon. Let it cool slightly, then knead; form a ball and let it rest 20 minutes(wrapped in a cling wrap).
Filing- Heat oil in a pan, cook onions until translucent. Add mince, cook until it changes its colour. Mix corn flour with soy sauce. Season mince and add other ingredients. Cook until thick.
Assembly- Roll out the dough (between sheets of paper or cling wrap) to make 2 circles - 26cm and 22cm. Put larger circle into a pie dish (22cm), press edges into the dish wall, spoon filing over it and cover with smaller circle. Press edges together, cut a small hole in the middle of pie, brush with beaten egg and bake 20-25 minutes on 180*C. Serve with tomato sauce (Ketchup)
Australijska pita od mesa
Ankica je trazila recept za Australijsku pitu sa mesom. Dolje u receptu je naveden nacin na koji ja pravim tijesto; klasicni sastojci su navedeni u zagradi.
Tijesto za 'pitu'-
1/4 solje vrele vode
1 1/2 solja brasna od punog zrna
1/2 k soli
1/2 solje otopljenog maslaca
1/4 k praska za pecivo
(Klasicno tijesto: 220 gr brasna, 1 K vode, 1/4 k praska za pecivo, 1 K soka limuna, 110 gr maslaca, 1 zumance, 1/2 k soli)
1,5 K ulja
1 veci crveni luk, sjeckan
500 gr mljevenog mesa, junetina
1,5 K 'Gustina' ili slicno
1 solja govedjeg bujona
2 K tomato pirea
1 K "Worcerstershire" sosa
1 k svjeze mljevenob bibera
1 k 'Vegemite' (Namaz)- ili 1 kocka za supu od povrca
1-2 K sojinog sosa
Za premazati 1 jaje, umuceno
Tijesto- Pomijesajte sve suhe sastojke. Na to dodajte maslac i vodu (koju ste pomijesali odvojeno). Brzo promijesajte, ostavite malo ohladiti, zatim umijesite. Zamotajte u foliju i ostavite odmarati 20-ak minuta.
Fil- Zagrijte ulje, isprzite luk. Dodajte meso i proprzite. Pomijesajte Gustin i soja sos. Dodajte sve ostale zacine i sastojke u meso. Kuhajte dok se ne zgusne.
Razvucite tijesto u 2 kruga, 22cm i 26 cm. Veci krug smjestite u kalup od 22 cm, pazeci da se visak 'zlijepi' za zidove. Uspite fil, pa preko njega stavite manji krug tijesta. Stisnite krajeve tijesta da se zalijepe. Naprevite prorez u sredini pite, premazite jajetom i pecite 20-25 minuta na 180*C. Sluzite sa Kecapom.
Umjesto 1 velike pite mozete napraviti 6 malih, ukoliko imate kalupe.
Minggu, 08 Mei 2011
Milano Torte
Another chocolate delight!
200 g graham crumbs (or other plain biscuits)
125 g melted butter
-Mascarpone Cream
2 egg yolks
25 g sugar
80 g mascarpone
1 leaf gelatin (or 1 teas)
15 ml amaretto (optional)
125 ml whipping cream
-Dark Chocolate Mousse
300 g dark chocolate
150 ml whipping cream
-Milk Chocolate Mousse
300 g milk chocolate
150 ml whipping cream
-Chocolate Glaze
300 g dark chocolate, melted
150 ml whipping cream
Mascarpone Cream-
Mix yolks and sugar until pale and fluffy. Fold in mascarpone and mix until smooth. Soften gelatin in cold water and dissolve it in the amaretto (over a double boiler, or in microwave). Fold stiffly whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture. Fold in gelatin and amaretto. Chill until set.
Mix graham crumbs and melted butter well and press into the bottom of a 22 cm cake tin that has been greased and lined on the sides and bottom with parchment paper. Bake at 180*C for 10 minutes and cool. (I chose not to bake, but to refrigerate until set)
Chocolate Mousse-
Melt the dark chocolate and milk chocolate in separate bowls over a double boiler (or in microwave). Remove from heat. Whisk in softly whipped cream until smooth and evenly blended.
Chocolate Glaze-
Bring whipping cream to a boil and add to chopped chocolate. Mix well.
Put it all together-
Scrape dark chocolate mousse into the cooled graham crust and then add the milk chocolate mousse on top. Level it off and put the mascarpone mousse into a piping bag with a 15 mm round tip. Stick the tip into the chocolate mousse and pipe the mascarpone cream in concentric circles. Smooth the top, refrigerate.
When torte is set, unmould and put on a cake board, and pour the glaze evenly over to cover the top and sides. Refrigerate until glaze has set and cut with a sharp hot knife.
Milano Torta
200 gr mljevenog keksa
125 gr maslaca, otopljenog
Maskarpone krem-
2 zumanca
25 gr secera
80 gr maskarpone sira
1 list zelatina (ili 1 k)
15 ml Amareto likera (ili slicno - po zelji)\
125 ml krema za mucenje (35% masti)
Cokoladni mus-
300 gr tamne cokolade
150 ml krema
Mlijecno-cokoladni mus-
300 gr mljijecne cokolade 150 ml krema
300 gr cokolade tamne
150 ml krema
Sameljite keks, ulijte otopljeni maslac. Utisnite u 22 cm obruc i pecite na 180*C 10 minuta, ohladite. (Ja je nisam pekla, nego ostavila u frizideru da se stisne).
Maskarpone krem-
Umutite zumanca sa secerom, dodajte maskarpone, zelatin i ostale sastojke. Promijesajte dobro i ostavite u frizider da se stegne.
Coladni musovi-
Otopite cokolade (odvojeno), umutite krem u svaku cokoladu.
Zagrijte krem do vrenja, prelijte cokoladu i izmijesajte dok se ne otopi.
Preko podloge ulijte tamni mus, zaravnite; zatim ulijte mlijecno-cokoladni mus.
U slasticarsku kesu stavite maskarpone krem. Utisnite vrh kese u cokoladi mus, pa istiskujte masu na vise mjesta. Mozete blago promijesati drskom kasicice po povrsini (ako zelite). Ostavite u frizider.
Kada se dobro stegne, prelijte sa cokoladnim preljevom.
Prije rezanja (toplim nozem) dobro rashladiti.
Rabu, 04 Mei 2011
It was evening when I arrived in Barcelona. After a quick shower, my son and me decided to go out for our first walk. We managed to find street which leads to famous 'La Rambla' - pedestrian street lined with trees on both sides. A lot of people were outside, young and old, walking and enjoying a warm spring evening. We stopped at a Tapas bar, sat outside and had our dinner. Wine was divine; tapas tasty. My son had his first authentic Paella.
Next few days we had to plan very carefully, as I wanted to see all Gaudis buildings(and parks), some museums (Picasso)and surroundings. Of course, we needed time to visit old city (Barri Gothic) and do our shopping.
I loved architecture in Barcelona. So many different styles, old and new; A lot of details and colours; well maintained old buildings were gift for my eyes. Trees all around (sometimes I couldn't take a proper picture, because of them). I was surprised than not many public spots have any of world languages displayed along with Spanish. Most Barcelonian do not speak English. Many times my question: Do you speak English? was answered with a sharp 'No'. Later, when I sat outside at the table of a fast food outlet to rest, and when a security guard came to told me (in English) that it's only for customers, I realised they actually refuse to speak other languages. Only people in touristic industry will try to help you out.
Another surprising thing was their 'disorganisation' of touristic routes. April is not a peak season for Barcelona, yet in one spot tourists were left for more than 50 minutes to wait for a seat at bus. 7 buses past in front of us, before they (drivers) let us aboard. On another spot we had to get out, and walk 3-4 stations to catch another bus, because of strike. No one let know other people waiting at those stops about strike; so I suppose they could wait a long time.
I visited 'La Bouqeria' famous Barcelona Market.
My God! I was delighted; what a variety of good, fresh things. I bought home made preserved olives - they tasted like no other olives I ever tried. Pity I couldn't take them to Australia!
5 days went fast; If I calculated properly, we managed to have more than 100km on our feet (+ 3 touristic bus lines in 2 days), and we're not sorry. Thank God we had to return to my birth city after that. Good rest was essential.
Bilo je vece kad smo stigli u Barcelonu. Nakon brzinskog tusiranja, moj sin i ja odlucismo da prosetamo. Uspjeli smo naci ulicu koja vodi poznatoj 'La Rambla'- pjesackoj zoni okruzenoj drvecem sa obje strane. Puno ljudi je bilo vani, mladih i starih, setajuci i uzivajuci u toploj proljetnoj noci. Zaustavili smo se kod jednog kafea (tapas bar), sjeli smo vani i narucili nasu veceru. Vino je bilo prekrasno, meze (tapas) ukusno. Moj sin je narucio svoju prvu autenticnu 'Pajeju'.
Nekoliko sljedecih dana smo morali isplanirati jako dobro;Zeljela sam da vidim sve Gaudijeve gradjevine (i park), neke muzeje (Pikaso), okolinu. Naravno, trebali smo vrijeme za posjetu Starom dijelu grada (Barri Gothic) i obavljanje kupovine.
Odusevila sam se arhitekturom u Barseloni. Puno razlicitih stilova, starih i novih; Puno detaljai boja, dobro ocuvane stare gradjevine su bile poklon za moje oci. Drvece skroz okolo (ponekad i previse - nisam mogla fotografisati kako treba).
Bila sam iznenadjena da na mnogim javnim mjestima objasnjenja mozete naci iskljucivo na Spanskom jeziku. Vecina Barselonjana ne govori Engleski jezik. Mnogo puta moje pitanje; Dali govorite Engleski jezik? je bilo odgovoreno sa ostrim 'Ne'.
Kasnije, kada sam jednom prilikom sjela vani za jedan sto koji pripada 'fast food' kafeu, i kada mi je prisao cuvar da mi kaze (na Engleskom)kako je to predvidjeno samo za musterije, shvatila sam da oni zapravo odbijaju da govore druge jezike. Samo ljudi zaposleni na turistickim pozicijama ce biti spremni da vam pomognu.
Drugo iznenadjenje je bilo njihova neorganizovanost na turistickim rutama. April nije vrh sezone za Barselonu, pa ipak smo na jednom mjestu ostavljeni da cekamo vise od 50 minuta na mjesto. 7 autobusa je proslo ispred nas prije nego su nas pustili unutra. Na drugom mjestu smo morali izaci iz autobusa i pjesaciti 3-4 stanice da bismo uhavtili drugi autobus, jer je na jednom mjestu izbio strajk. Ljude koji su cekali na tim stanicama niko nije obavijestio o ovome, tako da predpostavljam da su jadni ljudi cekali veoma dugo.
Posjetila sam i 'La Bouqeria' (glavna pijaca). Moj Boze! Kako sam bila odusevljena; Koji izbor dobrih, svjezih namirnica. Kupila sam domace masline - nikada prije takve nisam jela. Steta da ih ne mogu prenijeti u Australiju!
5 dana je brzo proslo; Ako sam dobro izracunala, uspjeli smo preci vise od 100 km na nasim nogama (+ 3 turisticke rute u 2 dana), i nije nam zao. Bogu hvala da se vratismo u moj rodni grad poslije toga. Dobar odmor nam je bio neophodan!
Minggu, 01 Mei 2011
Ginger and Coriander Prawns
I'm back in Australia. I loved spring in Europe, took a lot of photos and will need some time to sort them and write about my findings. By then - something from my draft.
12-16 Green king prawns
1 small onion, finely diced
1 teas minced chilli
1/2 tbs minced ginger
3 tbs fresh coriander, finely chopped
1 teas minced garlic
1 teas cumin powder
1 tbs sesame oil
1 tbs olive oil
Dipping sauce-
1 cup coconut milk / cream
1 large tomato, diced
1 tbs fish sauce
spinach leaves to serve
Mix all spices together with oil, add prawns. Mix again to coat prawns. Refrigerate for 1 hour or more. Brush off spices of the prawns. Pan fry or grill them until they turn pink. Microwave (or cook) the rest of marinade, add coconut milk, tomato, bring to boil. Mix in the fish sauce. Serve as dipping sauce.
Kozice / Škampi sa Djumbirom i Korijanderom
Vratila sam se u Australiju. Provela sam divno proljetnje vrijeme u Evropi, slikala mnogo. Treba mi malo vremena da sortiram fotke i napisem svoja zapazanja - do tada nesto iz 'drafta'.
12-16 Velikih Kozica / škampa
1 manji luk, citno sjeckan
1 kasicica cjeckanog chilija
1/2 kasike rendanog djumbira
3 kasike svjezeg korijandera, sjeckanog
1 kasicica protisnutog bijelog luka
1 kasicica kima u prahu
1 kasika sezamovog ulja
1 kasika maslinovog ulja
1 solja kokosovog mlijeka / krema
1 veci paradajz, isjecen na kockice
1 kasika 'ribljeg sosa' (ili malo soli)
Listovi spinata za servirati
Pomijesajte sve zacine i ulje sa kozicama. Ostavite u frizideru na 1 sat (ili vise).
Skinite marinadu sa kozica; Pecite na tavi ili rostilju, dok ne pocrvene.
Ostatak marinade prokuhajte sa kokosovim mlijekom i paradajzom. Ubacite riblji sos.
Sluzite kao umak za kozice.