Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Havana 2

Something sweet for the end of the week...

Another version of Havana. I prefer this-one with sour cherries and cinnamon.
Previous 'Havana' recipe is for those who like taste of hazelnuts and cream.

Meringue bases (3)-
6 large egg whites
300 g sugar
100 g hazelnuts (or walnuts), grounded
1/2 tsp cinnamon
70 g sugar
1,5 tbs gelatin
1/2 cup sour cherry juice (from a jar)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup milk
4 egg yellows
300 ml thickened cream, from fridge
Short crust base-
200 g flour
40 g sugar
125 g butter, pieces
1 egg
1/2 tsp baking powder
Cherry jam for spreading over the base when is done (Optional)
For decoration-
1 cup sour cherries with juice
1,5 tsp corn flour
Preheat oven to 150*C (120 fan forced). Prepare tins, cover with paper / silicon.
Whisk egg whites into foam , add sugar spoon by spoon. When very thick, add hazelnuts and cinnamon and fold in. Mark 3 circles (smaller than 22 cm - meringue will expand) on paper, spread meringue onto marked circles (piping is the best solution) Bake for 1 hour, or until bases very firm. Take then out on a wire rack to cool.
While meringues are baking, make filling and short crust base.
Sprinkle gelatin over juice, mix well and heat until totally dissolved. Put aside.
Heat milk and sugar to boil, add beaten egg yellows. Cook until thick. Mix it with gelatin / juice mixture. Let it cool at room temperature.
For base, mix flour, sugar and butter in a food processor (or with your fingers), add beaten egg and baking powder. Roll out to a 22 cm circle. Bake 10-12 min at 180*C. Take out, let it cool then spread with jam (optional).
Check filling - if gelatin / egg mixture started setting, add cinnamon and whisk it with thickened cream from fridge. This will help set the filling immediately.
Assemble the cake:
Short crust base at the bottom, 1/3 filling, then meringue bases each topped with 1/3 filling, except top one. Press top very slightly (with something flat, exmpl slicing board)
For decoration, mix reserved juice and cherries with corn flour. Boil it to thicken. Cool slightly, then put it on top of the cake. Refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.


Jos jedna verzija!
Ovakva se pravi u Sarajevu (sa ukusom visanja i cimeta), dok se ona vec objavljena verzija (
recept) pravi u Zenici, i ima ukus ljesnika i slaga. (Zitelji oba grada tvrde kako je bas ona torta iz njihovog grada PRAVA I ORIGINALNA)
Ja licno vise volim ovu, samo cu sljedeci put visnje dodati i u fil.

Beze kore-
6 vecih bjelanaca
300 gr secera
100 ljesnika (ili oraha), samljevenih
1/2 k cimeta
70 gr secera
1,5 K zelatine
125 ml soka visanja (iz kompota / tegle)
1/2 k cimeta
125 ml mlijeka
4 zumanca
300 ml slatke pavlake / kajmaka, iz frizidera
Podloga od sipljivog tijesta-
200 gr brasna
40 gr secera
125 gr maslaca / margarina, rezanog na komadice
1 jaje
1/2 k praska za pecivo
Dzem od visanja za premazati gotovu koru (po zelji - nije neophodno)
Za ukrasiti-
1 solja visanja iz tegle sa sokom
1,5 k 'Gustina' ili slicno
Ukljucite rernu na 150*C, pripremite pleh za susenje kora - oblozite papirom ili al-folijom.
Umutite bjelanca i secer u cvrstu smjesu. Ubacite ljesnike i cimet. Sjedinite masu rucno. Oznacite 3 kruga na plehu (manja 0d 22 cm - rasirice se prilikom susenja). Nanesite 3 kore - najlakse je istisnuti masu iz kese. Pecite 1 sat, ili dok se sasvim ne sasuse.
U medjuvremenu napravite fil i podlogu.
Pospite zelatin po soku, zagrijte i mijesajte dok se sasvim ne otopi ( ne kuhati). Malo prohladite. Zagrijte mlijeko i secer u drugu posudu do vrenja, dodajte umucena zumanca i kuhajte dok se ne zgusne. Sastavite ovo sa masom od zelatine. Ostavite hladiti na sobnoj temperaturi.
Napravite podlogu - Vrhovima prstiju utrljajte maslac sa secerom i brasnom, dodajte jaje i prasak za pecivo, umijesite i razvaljajte na 22 cm krug. pecite 10-12 min na 180*C. Kada se ohladi namazite dzemom od visanja (po zelji - ja nisam)
Provjerite stanje zelatinozne mase; ako se pocelo zgusnjavati, ubacite cimet i sa vrhnjem / slagom umutite u cvrsu masu (vrhnje iz frizidera ce pomoci procesu zgusnjavanja.)
Slozite tortu-
Najprije stavite koru sa dzemom, preko nje 1/3 kreme, zatim hrskave kore od bjelanaca sa 1/3 kreme na svaku, osim posljednju. Pritisnite blago necim ravnim (npr daska za rezanje).
Za dekoraciju - pomijesajte sok i visnje sa gustinom, prokuhajte. Zgusnutu smjesu malo prohladite, pa pospite po povrsini torte. Hladite u frizideru najmanje 2 sata prije sluzenja.

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