Baking in salt crust gives you very aromatic and moist food. Salt here is used as heating and isolating 'device', not as an taste enhancer. This way, you can bake fish, poultry and other meats. I've seen potatoes baked in salt too.
Make sure to use rock salt, as regular salt will melt easily and give extremely salty taste.
1 organic chicken (2 kg)
2 - 3 kg coarse rock salt
8 tsp fennel seeds, cracked
2 eggs, beaten
2 lemons, halved
1 tbs peppercorns
1 bunch fresh thyme
Olive oil
1 bunch fresh parsley, ripped
8 cloves garlic, skins left on, squashed
Switch oven to 200 *C.
Mix salt with fennel, lemon juice, peppercorns and some thyme springs. Add eggs, mix well again.
Line a flat baking dish with 4 pieces of large al-foil. Place some of the salt on bottom of pan. Fill chicken's cavity with lemon skins, squashed garlic and the rest of herbs (bash them with some olive oil previously, so they release as much aroma as possible). Close cavity with toothpicks. Massage chicken's skin with olive oil. Place it on prepared layer of salt, breast side up. Cover with the rest of salt; secure salt pile with layers of foil. Place in oven and bake for 2 hours.
When ready, undo the foil and crack the salt crust. Brush off any salt particles that got stack to chicken skin. Serve as usual.

Pile pečeno u kori od krupne soli
Pecenje u kori od soli daje izuzetnu aromu i vlaznost hrani. So je ovdje koristena kao 'transporter temperature i kao 'izolator', a ne kao stimulant. Na ovaj nacin mozete peci ribu, perad, vece komade mesa, a vidjela sam i krompire pecene u soli. Veoma bitno je da koristite krupnu so, jer obicna sitna bi se topila i jelo bi bilo preslano.
1 pile, oko 2kg, organsko po mogucnosti
2-3 kg krupne morske soli
8 tsp sjemena kopra (fenel)
2 jaja
2 limuna, prepolovljena
1 K bibera u zrnu
1 svezanj majcine dusice / timijana
maslinovo ulje
1 svezanj persunovog lisca, iskidanog
8 cena bijelog luka, neoguljenog, zgnjecenog
Ukljucite rernu na 200 *C.
Pomijesajte so sa fenelom, biberom, sokom limuna, jajima i nesto timijana. Pripremite ravnu podlogu za pecenje; stavite preko nje 4 velika sloja al-folije. Postavite nesto soli na dno.
Ostatak zacinskog bilja izudarajte sa malo ulja; utrpajte ga zajedno sa limunovom korom i bijelim lukom u supljinu pileta. Zatvorite supljinu sa cackalicama. Izmasirajte kozu pileta sa nesto maslinovog ulja. Postavite ga na pripremljenu so, sa prsima na gore. Prekrijte ostatkom soli i pricvrstite folijom. Pecite oko 2 sata.
Kada je gotovo, otvorite foliju i razbijte koru od soli. Ako se neki kamencic soli zalijepio, odstranite ga cetkom. Servirajte kao i obicno.
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