Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Apple and Rhubarb Crumble Pie

I  met Rhubarb on  Wednesday for the first time. The whole experience of learning about it in a new recipe, left so good impression at me that I made the same thing again  today. This simple pie is making my weekend!

Shortcrust pastry-
    1 ¼ cups plain flour
    1/3 cup icing sugar
    ¼ cup almond meal
    125g butter, from fridge cut into cubes
    1 egg yolk
    1-2 tbs cold water

¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar
¼ cup blanched almonds
½ teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup rolled oats
50g cold butter, cubed

2  apples, peeled, cut in chunks
5 stalks (200g) rhubarb, sliced
2 tablespoons white sugar 
1 tbs semolina or biscuit crumbs
For  glazing-
1 egg white, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons raw sugar, to sprinkle (optional)  

Process flour with butter (or use your finger tips for rubbing), add other ingredients for dough and make a soft dough. Wrap into glad wrap and let it rest in a cool spot.
Place all ingredients for crumble into a food processor and pulls until large crumbs formed. Leave it aside.
Mix all ingredients for filling.
Switch oven to 170 *C.
Place dough between 2 pieces of baking paper and roll into a large circle (about 2-2,5 mm thick). Spoon a bit of crumble on bottom of pastry, place 1/2 of apple/ rhubarb mixture, add half of left crumble, then again apple/rhubarb and top with crumble. Bring sides of pastry up over the side of pile; press slightly with your fingers. Brush with egg white (and sprinkle with sugar if desired) and place in oven. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until pastry becomes golden and filling slightly collapsed. 
 Let it cool before slicing. Enjoy!

Izmrvljena Pita sa Jabukama i Rabarbarom

 Rabarbaru sam 'upoznala' u  srijedu!  Ostavila je tako dobar utisak na mene, da sam cijeli postupak  odlucila ponoviti danas, koristeci isti (novi) recept. 
Ova jednostavna pita ce uljepsati  moj vikend.

1 1/4 solje brasna
1/3 solje secera u prahu
1/4 solje mljevenih badema
125 gr maslaca, iz frizidera
1 zumance
1-2 K hladne vode

1/4 solje braon secera
1/4 solje badema, mljevenih ili sjeckanih
1/2 k cimeta
1/3 solje presovane zobi / jecma
50 gr hladmog maslaca, rezanog na kockice

2 jabuke, oguljene i isjecene na komade
5 stabljika rabarbare, izrezane sitno 
2 K secera
1 K griza / krupice ili mrvica keksa

 Za glazuru-
1 bjelance, blago umuceno
2 K zutog secera, za posuti po tijestu (opcija)

Istrljajte brasno i maslac prstima pa dodajte ostale sastojke i umijesite tijesto. Naravno, ovaj postupak mozete uciniti sjeckalicom. Zamotajte tijesto u plasticnu foliju i ostavite na hladnom mjestu da se odmori.
Isjeckajte (u elek. sjeckalici) sve sastojke za mrvljeni dio. Treba da dobijete krupnije formirane mrvice. Ostavite po strani.
Izmijesajte sastojke za fil.
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C.
Postavite tijesto izmedju 2 komada papira za pecenje i razvaljajte veci krug oko 2-2,5 mm debljine. Pospite sredinu kruga sa malo 'mrvica', zatim stavite polovinu fila, polovinu preostalih mrvica, ponovo fil i na kraju mrvicastu masu. Podignite ivice tijesta, skupite ih prstima i priticnite blago uz fil. Premazite tijesto bjelanjkom (i pospite secerom ako zelite)
Stavite u rernu i pecite oko 40-45 minuta. Izvadite i prohladite prije rezanja. Uzivajte!

Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Beef Buffad

It is cold and rainy outside...And the best way to warm up,  is to make a slow-cooked, hearty meal.
I love Indian curries, especially in winter time.

2-3 tbs oil
2 onions, sliced
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2-3  red chillies, chopped (large, mild-ones)
3,5 cm ginger, grated
750-800 g chuck steak, cubed
1/2 tsp chilli powder (optional)
1 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp cumin seeds, powder
1 tbs coriander seeds, powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1 1/2 cup coconut milk
salt to taste
1/4 cup vinegar
Heat oil, sautee onion, add garlic, chilli, ginger and meat. Brown them a bit, then add all aromatics, mix and cover with coconut milk. Cover and cook for 1 1/2 hours. Season with salt, add vinegar and cook for another 1/2 hour. Serve with rice.

Indijski Govedji Gulash (Buffad)

Vani je hladno i kisa pada uporno...Da bi se zagrijali, najbolje je konzumirati nesto toplo, zasitno i sto se dugo krckalo. Obozavam Indijske obroke (karije) u zimskom periodu!

2-3 K ulja
2 crvena luka, sjeckana
2 cena bijelog luka, isjeckana
2-3 crvene papricice, blago ljute
3,5 cm djumbira, rendanog
750-800 gr govedine (od vrata, za kuhanje)
1/2 k praha ljute papricice (po zelji)
1 k turmerika
1/2 k bibera
1 k kima u prahu
1 K korijandera u prahu
1/2 k cimeta
1/4 k karanfilica
1 1/2 solja kokosovog mlijeka
so po ukusu
1/4 solje sirceta / octa
Zagrijati ulje, proprziti luk, dodati, bijeli luk, djumbir, papricicu i meso. Propirjati, zatim dodati aromaticne zacine, promijesati i zaliti kokosovim mlijekom. Pokriti i krckati 1 1/2 sat. Provjeriti ukus, naliti sirce i kuhati jos pola sata. Servirati s rizom.

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Chocolate filled Chocolate biscuits

Happy Friday!!!

125 g butter
100 g sugar
1 egg
200 g flour
100 g ground hazelnut
1 tbs cocoa
80 g hazelnut chocolate, small pieces (noisette or similar)
Extra chocolate for decorating 
Preheat oven to 180*C, line a baking dish with baking paper.
Beat butter and sugar, add egg. Fold in flour, cocoa and hazelnut meal. Form a log, cut into discs. Put a small piece of chocolate in each disc, roll between your hands and flatten a little bit, place it onto prepared tin. Repeat with the rest of dough; leave some space between biscuits. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Take out and cool. Melt extra chocolate and drizzle over cooled biscuits

Čokoladom filovani Čokoladni keksi

Sretan vam petak!!!

125 gr maslaca
100 secera
1 jaje
200 gr brasna
100 gr ljesnika mljevenih
1 kasika kakaa
80 gr cokolade sa komadicima ljesnika (noisette npr, komadici)
Jos cokolade, rastopljene za dekoraciju.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite pleh za pecenje, oblozen papirom.
Izmiksajte maslac sa secerom, dodajte jaje, kakao pa umijesite sa brasnom i mljevenim ljesnicima.
Formirajte valjak, izrezite na diskove. U svaki disk stavite komadic cokolade. Formirajte lopticu medju dlanovima, stavite na papir pa pritisnite dlanovima. Ponovite sa ostalim diskovima, ostavljajuci nesto prostora izmedju keksica. Pecite 10-12 minuta. Izvadite i prohladite. Istopite nesto cokolade i dekorisite kekse.

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Ricotta Spinach and Semolina Gnocchi with Butter-Sage Sauce

This is what we had for dinner last night. Sometimes is difficult to come up with a meatless menu, but sometimes material presents itself; I saw this beautiful fresh spinach at my green grocer and decided to use it with ricotta from my fridge. Sage is from my garden, eggs my hens', so dinner was as fresh as it can get.

1 bunch spinach (150 gr cooked)
1 cup Parmesan, grated
3 eggs
200 gr Ricotta cheese
1/2 tsp salt
white pepper (optional)
1 cup semolina (fine preferably)
1/2 cup flour (+ for shaping)
100-120 gr butter
8-10 sage leaves, thorn
Extra Parmesan for sprinkling
Cook or steam spinach; cool then squeeze all the moisture. Put spinach and ricotta in a food processor, pulls it until incorporated then add  other ingredients. Process it until smooth.
Dust working surface with flour. Turn dough onto it and shape 2 logs. Cut them into fingers and with dusted hands shape each gnocchi.
bring a pot with salted water to boil. Place 10-15 pieces of gnocchi into it. When gnocchi come up to surface cook a minute more then take out with a slotted spoon. Do the same with the rest of shaped dough.
Heat butter and sage and let it boil until sage slightly browned and release aroma. Pour over the gnocchi, mix well and grate extra parmesan on top. Serve immediately.

 Rikota, Špinat i Griz Njoke sa Sosom od Maslaca i Žalfije

Ove divne njoke smo imali za obrok prosle veceri. Ponekad  nije lako smisliti sta napraviti bez mesa, a ponekad se materijal i ideje sami nametnu. Vidjela sam divan svjez spinat kod moga piljara i odmah sam odlucila koristiti ga sa rikotom koju vec imam u frizideru. Zalfija je iz baste, jaja od mojuh koka, tako da je vecera bila izuzetno 'frishka'.

1 veza spinata (150 gr kuhanog)
1 solja parmezana
3 jaja
200 gr ricote
1/2 kasicice soli
bijeli biber (po zelji)
1 solja griza / krupice (finije ako je moguce)
1/2 solje brasna (+ za oblikovanje)
100-120 gr maslaca
8-10 listova zalfije / kadulje, iskidane
Jos parmezana za posuti 
Skuhajte spinat, ocijedite i prohladite.
Ubacite ga u elektricnu sjeckalicu zajedno sa rikotom. Isjeckajte, zatim dodajte ostale sastojke. Sjeckajte dok masa ne postane jednolicna i kasasta. 
Pospite brasnom rdanu povrsinu, pa na nju istresite masu. Podijelite na  2 dijela i formirajte valjke. Isijecite valjke na 'prste'. Svaki dio oblikujte nabrasnjenim rukama.
Pristavite lonac sa zasoljenom vodom da kuha. Ubacujte 10-15 njoka; kada isplivaju na povrsinu kuhajte jos minutu, zatim ih izvadite u posudu za sluzenje. Ponovite sa ostalim njokama.
U manjoj posudi kuhajte maslac sa zalfijom dok ne postane zlacano i dok zalfija ne pusti aromu. Prelijte ovime njoke, dobro promijesajte, pa pospite parmezanom. Sluzite odmah!

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Classical Baked Cheese Cake (Donna Hay recipe)

Donna Hay is Australian 'Martha Stewart'. All her recipes are proven and always give great results. So is this  baked cheese cake, one of my favourites. Have a good weekend!

1/3 cup ground almonds (almond meal)
¾ cup plain flour
¼ cup caster sugar
90g chilled butter, chopped
330g cream cheese, softened
500g fresh ricotta
4 eggs
1 1/3 cups caster sugar
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
¼ cup lemon juice
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1½ tablespoons cornflour
1½ tablespoons water

Preheat oven to 150°C.
Base- place the ground almonds, flour, sugar and butter into a bowl. Rub mixture with your fingertips until it forms coarse crumbs, or use food processor for this.
Line the base of a 20-22 cm spring form tin with non-stick baking paper. Place the base mixture in the tin and press gently with  a spoon, until surface is smooth. Bake for 15 minutes, set aside.
Filling -  place the cream cheese, ricotta, eggs, sugar, lemon rind, juice and vanilla in a food processor. Combine the cornflour and water until smooth and add to the cheese mixture. Process the mixture until smooth.
Pour the filling over the base. Tap lightly to remove any air bubbles. Bake for 1 hour. Turn the oven off and stand the cake in the oven for 1 hour, leaving the door closed. Take out and cool, then refrigerate until cold and serve.

Klasični pečeni kolač od sira (Donna Hay recept)

Donna Hay je Australijska Marta Stjuart. Svi njeni recepti su provjereni, testirani i uvijek daju odlicne rezultate. Takav je i ovaj peceni 'cheesecake', jedan od mojih licnih favorita. Dobar vikend zelim!

13/ solje mljevenih badema
3/4 solje brasna
1/4 solje sitnog secera
90 gr rashladjenog maslaca, isjeckanog
Fil-330 gr krem sira, omeksalog
500 gr rikote sira
4 jaja
1 1/3 solje secera
1 kasika ribane limunove korice
1/4 solje limunovog soka
1/2 male kasike vanile
1 1/2 kasika 'gustina' (ili slicnog skrobnog brasna)
1 1/2 kasika vode
Zagrijte rernu na 150*C.
Baza- smjestite sve suhe sastojke u posudu, utrljajte maslac (ili koristite elektricnu sjeckalicu).
Postavite papir za pecenje u obruc od 20-22cm. Smjestite baznu smjesu na dno, pritisnite kasikom. Pecite 15 minuta, ostavite na stranu.
Fil- stavite sireve, jaja, secer, limunov sok ikoricu i vanilu u 'sjeckalicu'. Pomijesajte skrobno brasno i vodu, pa i to ubacite. Izmiksajte dok ne postane glatko.
Prebacite ovu smjesu preko baze; lakano lupnite po radnoj povrsin i kako bi mjehurici zrake izasli. Pecite 1 sat, iskljucite rernu i ostavite 'cake' unutra jos 1 sat (zatvorena rerna - ovo ce omoguciti ravnomjerno zagrijavanje/hladjenje, tj kolac nece popucati po povrsini). Izvadite, dodatno prohladite, pa smjestite u frizider, dok ses sasvim ne ohladi. Sluzite i uzivajte!

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

Lotus root

For last few weeks I feel totally uninspired for writing. I still cook a lot, but have no desire to take photos and write about it. I hope it won't last, as I rely like bloging, and it helps me in developing my English language and keeping my Bosnian in memory. Keeping with technology is another positive thing about bloging. For now I'm going to use  my (Korean) friend's recipe for preparing lotus root.

300g lotus, cleaned, peeled and sliced 
1 tbs white vinegar
1/2 cup water
4 tbs soy sauce
2 tbs corn syrup
2 tbs caster sugar
1 tsp sesame seeds
a few drops of sesame oil
Put lotus root slices in a saucepan with water to cover add  vinegar and cook for 20 minutes to avoid bitterness. Drain in a colander.
Mix water, soy sauce, corn syrup and sugar. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes until sugar  dissolved, then add the cooked lotus roots. Keep mixing until no liquid is left, it will take about 15 minutes. Turn off the heat. Add the sesame seeds and oil, mix one more time then serve.
    naoyafujii / Food Photos / CC BY-NC

    Korijen Lotusa (lopoča) na Korejski nacin

    U posljednje vrijeme sam bezvoljna za pisanje postova, a vidim da je zatisje nastupilo i na mnogim drugim blogovima koje pratim. Sve manje se pise i  komentira. Nadam se da ce ovaj neinspirativni period ipak proci, jer bloganje ima svoje cari. Meni licno pomaze u 'odrzavanju' mog' maternjeg jezika i 'vjezbanju' Engleskog. A tu je naravno i druzenje sa ljudima koje vole iste stvari, drzanje koraka sa tehnologijom...Za sada evo jednog recepta (moje Korejske prijateljice) za pripremu Lotusovog korijena.

    300 gr korijena lotusa, ociscen, oguljen i izrezan
    1 K bijelog sirceta
    1/2 solje vode
    4 K sojinog sosa
    2 K kukuruznog sirupa (ili secerni sirup)
    2 K secera
    1 k sezamovog sjemena 
    par kapi sezamovog ulja
    Smjestite reznjeve lotusa u serpu, pokrijte vodom dodajte sirce i kuhajte 20 minuta (ovo ce odstraniti gorcinu). Ocijedite u kolanderu.
    Pomijesajte vodu, soja sos, kukuruzni sirup i secer. Kuhajte na srednjoj vatri oko 5 minuta, zatim ubacite lotus korijen. Mijesajte dok vecina tecnosti ne ispari, oko 15 minuta. Iskljucite i umijesajte sezamovo sjeme i ulje. Posluzite!

    Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

    Zanzibari Orange and Clove Polenta Cake

     After watching a new cooking  program  on SBS (The spice trip), I had to try this Zanzibari cake with oranges and cloves.  
    To me personally, cloves were overpowering.  Luckily, there is  someone in my family that like strong flavours and aromas, so whole cake was eaten  over the weekend. 
    Next time, I will half the amount of cloves.

    Ingredients: (adapted from original recipe)

    2 organic oranges, diced (whole)
    125 g butter, softened
    150 g sugar
    3 large eggs
    2 tsp ground cloves
    2 tsp baking powder
    1 1/2 tbs flour
    140 g polenta
    120 g ground almonds
    2 peeled and sliced oranges , extra 
    (to lay on the bottom of cake tin)
    130 g sugar
    1 orange , juice only
    1 tsp cloves  
    Switch oven to 180*C, prepare a cake tin, line with baking paper. Place slices of 2 oranges on bottom. 
    Cook diced oranges in a little water. Take out and cool, then process or chop finely.
    Meanwhile, cream butter and sugar; add eggs one by one. Mix in oranges (puree) and  all other ingredients. Pour cake batter over the sliced oranges. Place in oven and bake for 1 hour. 
    Cook 130 g sugar with juice of 1 orange, until syrupy, add cloves. When cake is baked, turn over on a serving dish and pour syrup over it. Cool, then slice and enjoy!

    Zanzibarski Palenta Kolač od Narandži i Karanfilića

    Na jednom od Australijskih televizijskih programa (SBS), pocela je nova emisija o zacinima i kuhanju koja se zove 'Put zacina'. Nakon gledanja emisije o Zanzibaru i karanfilicima koji se tamo uzgajaju, morala sam isprobati ovaj kolac. Meni licno je bio previse aromatican, ali na srecu u mojoj kuci postoji neko ko voli jake arome,  tako da je cijeli kolac ipak bio pojeden za vikend. Sljedecu put cu sigurno umanjiti kolicinu karanfilica za pola!


    2 neprskane narandze, isjecene (cijele)
    125 gr maslac, omeksalog
    150 gr secera
    3 veca jaja
    2 k praha kakranfilica
    2 k praska za pecivo
    1 1/2 K brasna
    140 gr palente
    120 gr mljevenih badema
    2 oguljene i izrezane narandze, dodatno 
    (za postaviti na dno obruca)
    130 gr secera
    1 narandza, iscijedjen sok samo
    1 k praha karanfilica
    Ukljucite rernu na 180*c, pripremite obruc za kolace i prekrijte ga papirom za pecenje. Izrezite 2 oguljene narandze i postavite na dno obruca.
    Skuhajte cijele (izrezane) narandze u malo vode; izvadite i prohladite. Isjeckajte u sjeckalici ili rucno (veoma fino).
    Izmiksajte maslac sa secerom, dodajte jedno po jedno jaje, pire od narandzi i ostale sastojke. Uspite preko postavljenih narandzi i stavite peci oko 1 sat.
    Skuhajte preostali secer sa sokom jedne narandze; treba da se malo zgusne. Kada je kolac pecen, okrenite ga na posluzavnik i prelijte ovim sirupom. Prohladite, onda rezite i uzivajte.