This is a Bosnian national dish. It is a form of 'Pita'. Knowing how to make it, is important for every girl. There is a saying: 'If you know how to make Pita, you're allowed to marry.' (not so sure that this saying is still actual today).
2 cups plain flour, sifted
220 ml water
1/2 teas salt
(oil for stretching the pastry)
Beef filling-
1 tbs oil
1 large onion, chopped
500 g lean beef mince
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper, freshly grounded
Make a soft dough from flour, salt and water. Divide in 2 balls, dust with flour and let it (covered with a clean towel) rest for at least 25 min.
(Filling- Heat oil in a pan, saute onion, until translucent. Mix it with, beef salt and pepper.) Prepare the working surface by dusting the tablecloth with flour. Switch your oven to 190*C. Oil a round baking tin (pizza tin is ok) Place the dough on the table, dust with flour and start rolling out until 40 cm diameter. Dust with flour all the time, this will prevent sticking. When you've achieved wanted size, spoon 2-3 tbs of oil on top of the dough, and spread with your fingers. Now slowly and gently pull the pastry from the centre to the edge. (Back of your hand is better to use - go around the dough.) When the pastry is thin enough, imagine a circle in the middle (size of wanted burek; 25 cm), then make 6 cuts around it (see picture 5). Lift one cut part and place it over the circle in the middle, adjusting and stretching the dough as necessary. Now, dot some of meat filling over it (if you divide filling into 2 , then each half in 6 again, you'll get same amount for each layer). Stretch another cut part over it; repeat with the rest. When first part of pastry is done, place it on baking dish (on top should be mince mixture). Repeat whole process with the second dough;but this time dot mince straight onto middle circle, without placing second layer. Repeat until all meat used, leaving last 2 layers of pastry without meat. Place this part over the first part in the tin. Tuck in all edges neatly under the 'circle'. Brush with oil (spray is OK) and bake for 30-35 minutes. Enjoy with salad or with liquid yoghurt (buttermilk), as Bosnians do!
Note: ' Burek' is pita with meat, all other similar pastry dishes are 'pita with cheese' or 'pita with potato'...
Note: ' Burek' is pita with meat, all other similar pastry dishes are 'pita with cheese' or 'pita with potato'...

Slagani Burek
Zao mi je sbog lose postavke; nisam mogla ispraviti!
Nacionalno jelo Bosne... Vrsta pite sa mesom, koju je vazno znati napraviti svakoj djevojci koja zeli da se uda (nisam bas sigurna da je tako i u danasnja vremena).
Burek je pita sa mesom; sve ostale pite su samo pite (npr sa krompirom, sirom,... tj krompirusa, sirnica, zeljanica, bundevara...
Zao mi je sbog lose postavke; nisam mogla ispraviti!
Nacionalno jelo Bosne... Vrsta pite sa mesom, koju je vazno znati napraviti svakoj djevojci koja zeli da se uda (nisam bas sigurna da je tako i u danasnja vremena).
Burek je pita sa mesom; sve ostale pite su samo pite (npr sa krompirom, sirom,... tj krompirusa, sirnica, zeljanica, bundevara...
- Tijesto-
- 2 solje (250 ml) brasna, prosijanog
- 1/2 kasicice soli
- 220 ml vode
- (ulje za razvlacenje )
- Fil-
- 1 K ulja
- 1 veca glavica crvenog luka, sjeckana
- 500 gr mljevene govedine, nemasne
- 1 k soli
- 1/2 k crnog bibera, svjeze mljevenog
Umijesite mekano, glatko tijesto, podijelite na 2 lopte, pobrasnite i ostavite pokriveno odmarati najmanje 25 min. (Fil- proprzite luk na ulju, dok ne postane staklast; pomijesajte sa mesom, solju i biberom.) Ukljucite rernu na 190*C, nauljite tepsiju u kojoj cete peci.Pobrasnite stolnjak na kojem cete razvlaciti jufke. Stavite tijesto na sredinu radne povrsine i razvaljajte ga na cca 40 cm precnika. Pospite 2-3 kasike ulja po povrsini - prstima razmazite, pa rukama pocnite razvlaciti od sredine prema krajevima. Cinite to sve dok tijesto ne postane gotovo sasvim prozirno. Sada izrezite tijesto na 6 jednakih dijelova, zamisljajuci krug (velicina bureka) u sredini koji ce ostati ne izrezan (slika 5). Prebacite jedan dio tijesta preko tog kruga, razvlaceci i namjestajuci prema potrebi . Pobacajte komadice fila po ovome (ako podijelite fil na 2 dijela, zatim svaki dio na 6, dobicete podjednako fila za svaki sloj). Prebacujte slojeve i filujte dok sve ne utrosite; posljednji red treba da bude meso. Postavite ovako pripremljen burek na tepsiju. Ponovite cijeli postupak sa drugim dijelom tijesta, s tim sto necete ovoga puta praviti dupli sloj jufke, nego cete meso satviti na sredinu i nastaviti preklapati. Tako ce vam ostati 2 sloja jufke na povrsini. Stavite ovaj dio preko vec pripremljenog u tepsiji. Podvijte neuredne krajeve ispod cijelog bureka, praveci uredni krug. Nauljite burek i pecite oko 3-35 minuta. Sluzite sa salatom ili, kako to u Bosni rade, sa tecnim jogurtom.
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