Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Salted Caramel and Chocolate Mousse Tarts

These tarts are delightful! Make very small-ones, or larger-ones...Maybe you want to make one large tart, and slice it. Anyhow - enjoy their divine taste!

1 1/2 cups flour
125 g butter, cold, cut into small pieces
3 tbs icing sugar
1 egg yolk
1-2 tbs cold water
a drop of vanilla
200 g sugar
50 g butter
1 tbs golden syrup
1/4 cup cream
a good pinch of salt
Chocolate mousse-
100 g dark chocolate
2 tbs icing sugar
50 g butter
1/4 cup cream
Rub flour and butter with your fingers (or use food processor), add other ingredients and make a dough. Wrap it in foil and let it rest.
For  caramel, put all ingredients into a pan. Bring to boil, reduce heat and cook for 5-8 minutes. Let it cool.
For mousse, heat cream, chocolate and butter, until melted (don't boil). Add sugar, mix well and let it cool. When completely cold, beat with a mixer.
Roll out the dough into 2-3 mm thick layer. Cut out circles, and place them into tart moulds (or on bottom of muffin tins). Bake for 10 minutes on 180*C; take out and let it cool.
Spoon cooled caramel into cases, then pipe some chocolate mousse on top (make sure caramel and tarts are cool). Enjoy!

Tartići sa Zasoljenim Karamelom i čokoladnim Musom 

Ovi tartici su savim odusevljavajuci! Mozete napraviti sasvim male, nesto vece ili jedan veliki i rezati ga. Kako-god, uzivajte u divnom ukusu!

1 1/2 solja brasna
125 gr maslaca, hladnog rezanog na komadice
3 K secera u prahu
1 zumance
1-2 K hladne vode
200 gr secera
50 gr maslaca
1 K 'zlatnog sirupa'
1/4 solje vrhnja (35%)
dobar prstohvat soli
Cokoladni mus-
100 gr tamne cokolade
2 K secera u prahu
50 gr maslaca
1/4 solje vrhnja

Umijesite tijesto, zamotajte ga i ostavite odmarati.
Karamel- Kuhajte sve sastojke oko 5-8 minuta; ostavite hladiti.
Mus- Zagrijte vrhnje, maslac i cokoladu dok se ne otope (nemojte prokuhati). Umijesajte secer, pa ohladite. Zatim umutite mikserom.
Razvaljajte tijesto na 2-3 mm, izrezite krugove i stavite na tart modle (ili mafin modle). Pecite 10-ak minuta, izvadite i ohladite.
Kasikom uspite po malo karamela u svaki tart, zatim spricom istisnite nesto musa po povrsini. (Karamel i tartici moraju biti hladni.) Uzivajte!

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