Continental girl learning how to prepare seafood...
4 larger (or 8 small) squids
3 garlic cloves, crushed
Parsley, small bunch, chopped
1/2 cup -3/4 cup bread crumbs
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
olive oil and white wine (1/3 cup) for cooking
Lemon slices for serving
Clean the squid (peel the skin, take out 'plastic' bone, wash), cut off tentacles (above eyes) and fins, then chop them. Heat oil in a pan, add chopped parts and garlic; saute for 2-3 minutes. Take off of heat, mix in bread crumbs, and parsley - season to taste, mix well. Fill cavities of squid with this mixture, close it with a toothpick. Place each filled squid into a pan, that has been heated with some olive oil. Pour white wine over it and saute (covered) for for 6-10 minutes, turning once. If too much liquid has formed, boil uncovered for another 1-2 minutes. Take out and serve with Potato salad .
Clean the squid (peel the skin, take out 'plastic' bone, wash), cut off tentacles (above eyes) and fins, then chop them. Heat oil in a pan, add chopped parts and garlic; saute for 2-3 minutes. Take off of heat, mix in bread crumbs, and parsley - season to taste, mix well. Fill cavities of squid with this mixture, close it with a toothpick. Place each filled squid into a pan, that has been heated with some olive oil. Pour white wine over it and saute (covered) for for 6-10 minutes, turning once. If too much liquid has formed, boil uncovered for another 1-2 minutes. Take out and serve with Potato salad .
Punjene lignje
Kontinentalka uci kako da se spreme morski plodovi...
4 velike ili 8 malih lignji (kalamari)
3 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
Persinuvo lisce, manji svezanj, isjeckano
1/2 solje do 3/4 solje mrvica kruha / prezle
1/4 solje djevicanskog maslinovog ulja
so i biber prema ukusu
maslinovo ulje i bijelo vino (1/3 solje) za kuhanje
Limun , izrezan za serviranje
Ocistite lignje, ogulite ih i izvadite 'plasticnu' kost. Narezite peraja i vrhove glave (odrezane iznad ociju). Zagrijte ulje pa dinstajte ove izrezane komade sa bijelim lukom par minuta. Sklonite sa vatre, ubacite mrvice i persun; zacinite prema ukusu, promijesajte. Ovime punite lignje, zatvorite otvor sa cackalicama.
Zagrijte tavu sa malo ulja, smjestite lignje na tavu, prelijte bijelim vinom. Pokrijte i kuhajte 6-10 minuta, okrecuci jednom. Ako je previse tekucine ostalo, otkrijte i kuhajte jos 1-2 minute na jakoj vatri. Izvadite i
servirajte sa Krompir salatom.
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