It's early morning... I was awoken by birds' sounding and drawn outside to my garden...Spring has sprang and already doing it's magic in all living beings. I quickly prepared breakfast and took it out to enjoy orange blossom smell and birds' songs...It looks like an awesome beginning to a beautiful day!
Bread Pudding
Great way to use old bread and anything from your fridge that has to be used!
6-7 slices grain (or other) bread, cubed
1 cup milk, warm
1 small onion, finely diced
1 tsp oil
1 garlic clove, crushed
1/2 red capsicum, diced
200 g button mushrooms, diced
100 g rocket salad, chopped
100 g ham, diced
4 eggs
2 egg whites
salt and pepper, to taste
120 g tasty cheese, grated
Combine bread and milk, let it stand for 10-15 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180*C; coat a square pan with cooking oil spray.
Heat oil in a pan, saute onion, garlic, mushrooms and capsicum for a couple of minutes.
Combine vegetables with salad leaves, half the cheese, ham and bread; spoon into the prepared pan. Beat egg whites and eggs, season and pour over the bread mixture. Sprinkle with other half of cheese. Bake for 25-35 minutes, or until cooked.

'Popara' - Puding od hljeba
Odlicno za iskoristiti stari hljeb i sve ono sto vam dugo stoji u frizideru
6-7 kriski kruha / hljeba, rezanih na kockice
1 solja mlijeka, toplog
1 manji crveni luk, sjeckan
1 k ulja
1 ceno bijelog luka, protisnuto
1/2 crvene paprike, sjeckane na kocke
200 gr sampinjona (ili drugih gljiva), sjeckane
100 gr rukole, sjeckane
100 gr sunke (ili slicno), sjecakne na kockice
4 jaja
2 bjelanca
so i biber, prema ukusu
120 gr tvrdog sira, rendanog
Prelijte mlijeko preko komada hljeba; ostavite 10-15 minuta po strani.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite cetvrtastu posudu za pecenje.
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk, papriku i gljive par minuta.
Pomijesajte ovo sa hljebom, polovinom sira, salatom i sunkom. Umutite jaja, zacinite i prelijte preko svega. Pospite preostalim sirom i pecite 25-35 minuta.
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