Decorative and unusual way to prepare chicken breasts.
750 g breast fillets
1 egg
45 g butter, melted
150 ml thickened cream
1 teas salt
I added a bit of paprika, white pepper and garlic powder.
250 g each spinach, carrots and green beans, cooked
Put chicken breasts and all other ingredients (except vegetables)into a food processor; process it until smooth texture. Switch your oven on to 180*C.
Prepare bread loaf - line with silicon paper. Line with spinach leaves (smooth side down), and let the leaves overhung your loaf pan (picture).
Spread 1/3 of breast mousse on bottom of pan, line sliced carrots, spread another 1/3 of mousse, put beans over it, and then spread remaining 1/3 of mousse. Turn over the spinach leaves, adding some extra on top if needed.
Put the pan into another bigger pan, and pour boiling water until 2/3 of bread pan is immersed. Bake for 1 hour.
It's served with 'Beshamel' (white) sauce in which is added mustard and a garlic clove (pressed).

Mus od pilecih prsa
750 gr pilecih grudi
1 jaje
45 gr putera
150 ml pavlake/vrhnja
1 kasicica soli
dodala sam jos bijeli biber, malo crvene paprike i bijeli luk u prahu
250 gr spinata, mrkve i boranije/mahuna - obareni
Piletinu i zacine stavite u multipraktik, meljite dok se masa ne izjednaci.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C.
Pripremite duguljastu posudu (za hljeb)i oblozite je sa papirom za pecenje.
Preko papira poredajte listove spinata (glatka strana dole), ostavite da malo visi sa strane.
Stavite 1/3 pilece mase na dno posude, poredajte mrkvu sjecenu na reznjeve, stavite drugu 1/3 mase, poredajte mahune, pa zavrsite sa posljednjom trecinom mase. Preklopite listove spinata i dodajte jos koji na povrsinu ako je potrebno.
Ovako pripremljeno stavite u vecu posudu za pecenje u koju cete nasuti kljucalu vodu, visine 2/3 od posude sa musom. Pecite 1 sat.
Servira se sa Besamel sosom u koji ste dodali senfa i malo bijelog luka.
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