From Eric Kayser's book 'New French recipes'.
I was slightly disappointed with this, as pictures in his book show a lot more of apple/poppy seed filing. Next time I will double the apple/poppy seed mixture!
3 green apples
65 g poppy seeds
2 tbs butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
2 sheets of puff pastry (250g)
Melt butter in a saucepan, add poppy seeds and fry them a minute. Add sugar and peeled and cored apples. Cover and cook for for 15 min.
Preheat the oven to 190*C.
Prepare a baking tray, cover with baking paper.
Cut 2 circles out of puff pastry (in original recipe it was 30 cm diameter; I did 25 cm). Place one circle on a tray, brush edges with a beaten egg. Spoon apple/poppy seeds mixture, and cover with another circle of puff pastry (make incisions in the top pastry half way trough). Press the edges, and brush with the egg.
Bake for 30 minutes.

Jabuke i mak u lisnatom tijestu
Napominjem da je ovo originalan recept; sljedeci put cu definitivno staviti duplu mjeru fila!
3 zelene jabuke, oguljene i isjeckane
65 gr maka
2 kasike putera
1/2 solje (110gr) braon secera
1 jaje
2 lista lisnatog tijesta
Proprziti mak na puteru, dodati secer i jabuke, poklopiti i dinstati 15 min.
Ukljuciti rernu na 190*C. Pripremiti pleh, obloziti papirom.
Izrezati 2 kruga u lisnatom tijestu (30cm po originalnom, 25 cm po mom nacinu).
Staviti jedan krug na pleh, krajeve premazati umucenim jajetom. Istresti fil, ostaviti 1cm bez fila oko ruba. Poklopiti sa drugim krugom tijesta, koje ste prethodno 'izrezbarili' za efekat. Pritisnuti krajeve prstima da se slijepe.
Premazati jajetom i peci 30 min.
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