Poppy seeds are very popular in eastern Europe. This is how Polish people like to use it.
4-4,5 cups flour
1 package dry yeast
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teas salt
2 eggs
1 teas vanilla essence
1 teas lemon zest
Canned poppy seed filling (or make one - bellow)
1 egg, for glazing
Poppy seed filling:
1 cup poppy seeds, grounded
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup honey
1/3 cup dates or raisins, chopped
1/3 cup nuts, chopped
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and cook for a few minutes, stirring often. Cool before use.
Let all ingredients be at room temperature at least 2 hours before using them.
Activate yeast with a bit of flour, sugar and warm milk.
Mix all the dry ingredients, add yeast mixture, beaten eggs and milk. Knead the dough until soft and smooth, use extra flour if needed. Let it double on a warm spot, then re knead and divide into 2. Rest it for 10 minutes.
Roll out a 40X20 cm rectangle out of each dough. Cut each rectangle into 8 squares , size 10X10cm. On each square place a heaped tablespoon of filling. Brush the corners of the dough with water, then draw the corners up and gently press together. Secure with a toothpick. Cover and let it rest for 30 min.
Before baking (190-200*C 10-12 minutes)brush with a beaten egg.
Before serving, remove toothpicks and dust with icing sugar.
Makovi Kolaci na Poljski nacin
4-4,5 solje brasna
1 paket suhog kvasca
1 solja mlijeka
1/2 solje putera
1/4 solje secera
1/2 kasicice soli
2 jaja
1 kasicica vanile
1 kasicica limunove korice, ribane
Konzervirani fil od maka (ili napravite svoj)
1 jaje, za premazivanje
Fil od maka:
1 solja mljevenog maka
1/2 solje mlijeka
1/4 solje meda
1/3 solje datula ili grozdjica
1/3 solje oraha
Kuhati sve zajedno nekoliko minuta sa mijesanjem. Ohladiti prije upotrebe.
Aktivirajte kvasac, pa ga umijesite sa ostalim sastojcima. Ostavite tijesto da dostigne dvostruku velicinu.
Premijestite i podijelite u 2 lopte. Neka se odmori jos 10 minuta.
Razvaljajte na 2 pravougaonika velicine 40X20cm. Isijecite svaki na kocke (8) velicine 10X10cm. Stavite po 1 kasiku fila na svaku kocku, navlazite krajeve pa ih sastavite na sredini; zabodite cackalicu.
Ostavite nadolaziti oko 30 minuta.
Prije pecenja (190-200*c 10-12 minuta)premazite sa umucenim jajetom.
Posluzite posuto secerom u prahu.
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