I saw this Cupbread the other day; it inspired me to show you how to make different shapes for your daily bread.
Use your favorite recipe for bread, or follow the recipe bellow.
1 cup water
1 cup milk
1 tbs sugar
1,5 teas salt
2 teas yeast
5,5 cups flour
Beaten egg white for brushing + seeds for sprinkling
Put all ingredients in a bread maker, and program it for dough only (or make a dough by hand, and let it rise on a warm spot for 1 hour). When ready take out, and divide into 2. One part roll out to 2 cm thickness. Cut into strips. Each strip roll on a surface to make 'ropes', which you shape into sticks, pretzels, knots... The other part should be rolled to 1 cm thickness; cut into 2,5 cm strips, brush with olive oil, sprinkle with poppy seeds, and start rolling them , tapering slightly. Put them in a greased muffin/cupcake mould. Other dough parts shape into rolls. 3 small round shapes put in a muffin mould will make a 'clover'. Larger 'ball' roll out very thinly, and roll like a Swiss roll. That will make famous Balkan 'Kifle'.
Shaped bread let rise once again, brush with beaten egg white and sprinkle with your favorite seeds (sesame, cumin, fennel, nigella...) Bake at 180*c 5 minutes 'ropes' or thin shapes, and 10+ minutes thicker shapes. Enjoy warm!

Hljeb/Kruh naš svagdašnji...u boljoj formi
Ideje za oblikovanje vaseg 'favorita'! Koristite vas recept ili slijedite ovaj dole.
1 solja (250ml) vode
1 solja mlijeka
2 K maslinovog ulja
1 K secera
1,5 k soli
2 k instant kvasca
5,5 solja brasna za hljeb/kruh
bjelance umuceno za premazivanje + sjemenke za posuti
Stavite sve sastojke u masinu za mijesenje i programirajte na tijesto; ili umijesite rucno i ostavite na toplom 1 sat. Kada je spremno, podijelite na 2 dijela. Jedan dio razvaljajte na 2 cm, isjecite na trake, koje cete zatim oblikovati u 'konopce'. Od ovoh konopaca cete praviti stapice, perece, cvorove...Drugi dio razvaljajte na debljinu od 1 cm. Premazite maslinovim uljem, pospite makom i zarolajte, napustajuci jednu stranu malo. Stavite u kalupe za mafine. Preostale dijelove oblikujte u kuglice. 3 male kuglice u mafin kalupu cine 'djetelinu'; veca kugla razvaljana tanko, zatim zamotana kao rolat, oblikuje kifle. Oblikovani hljeb/kruh treba ostaviti nadoci jos jednom, premazati umucenim bjelancetom, posuti sjemenkama po vasem izboru (kim, fenel, sezam, ćurekot...)Peci na 180*C 5 minuta tanje , a 10+ minuta deblje tijesto. Uzivati toplo.
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