ANZAC biscuits - My favorite biscuits!
During World War I, the wives, mothers and girlfriends of the Australian soldiers were concerned for the nutritional value of the food being supplied to their men, because all the food has to be sent by ships, which took long time to reach them.
It has been claimed that special nutritious biscuits were created and sent abroad because the ingredients do not spoil easily and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation.
ANZAC means Australia and New Zealand Army Corps
1 cup flour
1 cup Instant oats
1 cup desiccated coconut
3/4 cup sugar
125 g melted butter
1 tbs Golden syrup
1 Teas Baking soda
3 Tbs boiling water
Preheat oven to 180*C, line a baking sheet with silicon paper.
Put all dry ingredients (except soda)into a big bowl. In a smaller bowl mix butter, water, golden syrup and soda. Mix all ingredients together. Take a spoonful of mixture, shape into a circle and bake 10-12 min, or until golden brown.
Keep in a dry, cool place for a month.
Choco-Mint Slices
(from The Australian Women's Weekly Cookbook)
125 g butter
1,5 tbs cocoa
1/2 cup caster sugar
1 egg
1 cup coconut
1/2 cup walnuts, finely chopped
250 g plain biscuits (wheatmeal, milk coffee or similar)
60 g vegetable shortening (Copha)
2 cups icing sugar
3 tbs milk
1 teas mint essence
1 drop green food colour (optional)
Choco topping-
185 g dark chocolate
60 g butter
Crush biscuits finely. Combine butter, cocoa and sugar. Heat and stir in a saucepan until melted and blended. Cool slightly. Stir in beaten egg and the rest of base ingredients. Press into a paper-lined tin (33X25cm). Refrigerate.
Melt shortening, add sugar milk and essence. Mix well. Spread over the base. Refrigerate. Melt chocolate and butter, mix well; spread over mint. Refrigerate until solid. Cut into small slices and serve.
Anzak Kolačići
Ovi kolacici su kreirani od strane majki, supruga i djevojaka Australije i Novog Zelanda tokom I svjetskog rata, za vojnike koji su bili daleko od kuce. Obzirom da je sva hrana putovala brodom, trebalo je pronaci nesto hranjivo i dugotrajno, za njihove najdraze.
1 solja brasna
1 solja zobenih pahuljica
1 solja kokosa
3/4 solje secera
125 gr maslaca, istopljenog
1 K (Golden) zlatnog sirupa
1 k sode BB
3 K kljucale vode
Ukljucite rernu, stavite papir za pecenje preko pleha.
Stavite sve suhe sastojke (osim sode) u vecu posudu; Pomijesajte maslac i ostale sastojke u manju posudu. Sastavite sve zajedno i promijesajte. Oblikujte kolacice okruglom kasikom i pecite 10-12 minuta, ili dok ne postanu zlatno-zuti.
Cuvati do 1 mjesec na hladnom i suhom mjestu.
Čoko-Mint Kocke
125 gr maslaca
1,5 K kakaoa
1/2 solje sitnog secera
1 jaje
1 solja kokosa
1/2 solje sitno sjeckanih oraha
250 gr keksa (petit beure ili sl.)
60 gr tvrde masti biljnog porijekla (Copha)
(mislim da je to 'puter' od palme) Margarin moze zamijeniti
3 K mlijeka
2 solje secera u prahu 1 k mint extrakta
1 kap zelene boje (po zelji)
185 gr tamne cokolade
30 gr maslaca
Sameljite kekse. Zagrijte maslac sa secerom, dodajte kakao i dobro promijesajte. Malo prohladite pa ubacite ostale sastojke za osnovu. Dobro promijesajte i utisnite u kalup (33x25cm)koji ste prekrili papirom ili folijom. Ostavite u frizider.
Zagrijte Copha (margarin) dodjte secer , mlijeko i mint. Dobro promijesajte. Premazite bazu sa ovom smjesom i vratite u frizider. Istopite cokoladu i maslac, promijesajte i ovime premazite mint sloj. Rashladit, izrezite na manje kocke i sluzite.
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