My first attempt in creating a theme torte!
Sponge cake (Basic recipe)-
6 eggs
150 g (3/4 cup) sugar
2 teas lemon zest
100 g (3/4 cup) flour
pinch of salt
75 g (1/2 cup) starch
(for a 32 X 22 cm tin I used 1 1/2 recipe - 9 eggs sponge)
Creme Patisserie (Basic recipe)-
2 eggs
50 g sugar
2 tbs flour
2 tbs starch (cornflour)
300 ml milk
a few drops of vanilla flavouring
(I needed to double this recipe)
Other needed ingredients-
250 g butter, room temperature
1/2 cup roasted hazelnuts, grounded
white (150 g), dark (50 g) and milk (300 g) chocolate
250 ml (1 cup) thickened cream
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare a 22 X32 cm tin, line with silicon paper.
Beat sugar and eggs with a mixer until fluffy and pale. Switch mixer off. Sieve flours on top of egg mixture, add zest and fold in gently. Pour sponge mixture in tin, bake 25-30 minutes. Take out, cool and cut horizontally into 3 layers, then cut 1/4 of top 2 layers (picture down).
Creme patisserie - mix sugar, flours and eggs with a little milk until smooth. Bring the rest of milk to boil, pour sugar/ flour mixture and cook until thick. Let it cool.
Beat butter, add creme and beat together. Fold in hazelnuts. Assemble cake (as picture down) using creme (thickly) to stick layers, cover cut sides of sponge too (thinly).
Melt milk chocolate and cream, stir well and cover entire torte. Keep the rest of this mixture in fridge. Melt white and dark chocolate (separately) with a few drops of oil, pour onto silicon paper and let it set, then cut into 'keys'. Place them on its place. Write letters and buttons (white chocolate) with a plastic bag (cut a corner).
Beat milk chocolate mixture from fridge, put it between 2 sponges on top layer. Use fork to make marks. Chill well before cutting.
Harmonika Torta
Biskvit (osnovni recept)-
6 jaja
150 gr secera
2 k limunove korice
100 gr brasna
malo soli
75 gr skrobnog brasna
(1 1/2 mjera (9 jaja) koristena za kalup 32 X 33 cm)
Poslasticarski krem (osnovni recept)-
2 jaja
50 gr secera
2 K brasna
2 K skroba
300 ml mlijeka
malo vanila esencije
(Dupla mjera od ovog recepta koristena)
Jos dodatno potrebno -
250 gr maslaca, soba temp.
1/2 solje ljesnika, peccenih, mljevenih
cokolade - bijela 150 gr, tamna 50 gr, mlijecna 300 gr
250 ml slatke pavlake
Pripremite pleh (32 X 22 cm) sa papirom i ukljucite rernu na 170*C.
Umutite jaja sa secerom dok ne postane pjenusavo, iskljucite mixer pa rucno umijesajte brasno. Uspite u pleh i pecite 25-30 minuta. Prohladite i prerezite horizontalno na 3 dijela, zatim od povrsinska 2 odsjecite 1/4 (kao na slici).
Krem - Dobro promijesajte secer, jaja i brasno sa malo mlijeka. Ostatak mlijeka zagrijte do kljucanja pa uspite krem i kuhajte dok se ne zgusne. Ohladite.
Miksajte maslac pjenusavo, dodajte krem i dobro mikserom izmijesajte. Dodajte ljesnike pa promijesajte jos jednom. Filujte tortu, asemblirajuci harmoniku (slika); tanko premazite i rezane dijelove biskvita.
Zagrijte mlijecnu cokoladu sa vrhnjem, izmijesajte i prelijte tortu; ostatak ostavite u frizider da se hladi.
Istopite tamnu i bijelu cokoladu (odvojeno) sa malo ulja, izlijte na papir i ostavite da se stegne. Izrezite 'dirke' i postavite na mjesto. Sa vrecicom kojoj ste odrezali vrh napisite slova i dugmice.
Ostatak krema iz frizidera izmiksajte pa nanesite na vrh na 'slobodno' mjesto. Viljuskom nanesite otisak. Rashladite dobro prije rezanja!
Happy Birthday Maurice!
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