November is month of birthdays and tortes in my household, so for next few weeks watch this space for delicious European style Birthday Cakes.
For crepes-
2 eggs
1,5 cups milk
1,5 cups flour
1,5 (+) cups water
pinch of salt
200 g walnuts, chopped finely (or other nuts)
150 g icing sugar
For sponge-
5 eggs
50 g flour
75 g sugar
50 g butter, melted
Melted chocolate for decorating, or icing sugar / cream (optional)
First make crepes. Beat eggs, add pinch of salt and milk. Sift flour and mix really well. Add water and work it into smooth batter. Heat a frying pan and make at least 12 crepes (21 cm diameter). I got 15 crepes.
Preheat oven to 170*C
For sponge; Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy, add butter. Fold in the flour.
Place 1 crepe into prepared (greased) 22 cm cake tin. Sprinkle with walnut/icing sugar mixture (2 heaped tbs approximately) Stack 4 of crepes that way (I did 5), then pour prepared sponge mix (1/3). Repeat the same with the rest of crepes (That means 4 crepes with walnuts, sponge mixture on that, another 4 and at the top sponge mixture).
Bake on 170*C for 35-45 minutes.
Decorate according to your taste.
Turska torta od Palačinaka
Novembar je u mom domacinstvu mjesec za rodjendanske torte.
Otpocecu sa receptom torte od palacinaka, koji imam vec jako dugo. Idealna je za one koji obozavaju palacinke!
Za palacinke-
2 jaja
1,5 solja mlijeka
1,5 solja brasna
1,5 (+) solja vode
prstohvat soli
200 oraha, krupno mljevenih (ili drugi orasi)
150 gr secera u prahu
Za biskvit-
5 jaja
50 gr brasna
75 gr secera
50 gr maslaca, otopljenog
Otopljena cokolada za ukrasavanje (ili secer u prahu / vrhnje...po zelji)
Umutite jaja sa solju i mlijekom. Dodajte brasno pa dobro izradite; dodajte vodu i promijesajte.
Ispecite najmanje 12 palacinki (ja sam dobila 15) promjera 21 cm.
Za biskvit umutite jaja sa secerom u pjenusavu smjesu. dodajte maslac i brasno i lagano rucno sjedinite.
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C; pripremite kalup od 22 cm i namastite ga.
Postavite prvu palacinku, pospite sa mjesavinom oraha i secera (oko 2 pune kasike) i nastavite tako redati. Kada postavite 4, prelijte 1/3 biskvitne mase, pa nastavite redati (znaci jos 4 palacinke sa orasima onda 1/3 biskvita i jos jednom tako - kod mene je bilo po 5 palacinki u 3 reda).
Pecite oko 35-45 minuta.
Dekorisite po sopstvenoj volji.
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