"Welcome to Dinner Style, a blog devoted to the art of throwing a dinner party."
Those are the welcoming words of a young woman who's blog is called Dinner Style
It is a part fantasy and part practical blog; it features the best recipe ideas and party themes for entertaining at home. Written by Gloria Tenace, who aspires to be the hostess with the mostess. Her passions are bringing friends together with food and sharing practical tips so that more people enjoy entertaining at home.
Gloria takes art of entertaining to another level. She not only give ideas about cheese and wine; she also write about perfect dress for cocktail party, about stylish outdoor furniture and about Supporting local farmers.
"I have always enjoyed entertaining. Even in my early twenties, I enjoyed nothing more than spending my time at work dreaming up guest lists, menus and themes (sorry ex-bosses if you are reading this). Quickly I started taking over the preparation of family get-togethers and much to my mother’s relief Christmas dinner. I didn’t mind that most of my friends didn’t even notice the effort I put in (they were a bit more interested in knocking back the wine), that wasn’t why I did it."
What a delightful young woman!
Here are a couple of Gloria's posts that I find very interesting and helpful.
-Danasnji post je objavljen zahvaljujuci mojoj gosci sa bloga 'Dinner Style".
Blog je pokrenula Gloria Tenace, mlada zena iz Australije, koja blogiranje zaista dovodi na visi nivo. Ona ne samo da pise o idealnom vinu i siru (cheese) uz vasu veceru; ona ce predloziti i savrsenu haljinu (dress for cocktail party) za koktel party, ili ce pozvati svoje citatelje da daju podrsku lokalnim farmerima (Supporting local farmers) i kupe lokalne proizvode. Njen blog je djelimicno fantazija i djelimicno veoma praktican.
"Uvijek sam uzivala u ugoscavanju. Cak u mojim ranim dvadesetima, sjedeci u kancelariji, cesto sam sanjarila i planirala razne 'party-e'- sastavljala spiskove gostiju, odabirala jelovnik i temu zabave (izvinjavam se bivsim poslovodavcima, ako citaju ovo). Brzo sam pocela preuzimati odgovornosti o organizaciji porodicnih skupova i Bozicnih vecera (mami je to bilo veliko olaksanje)."
How to Pair Wine and Food / Kako uskladiti vino sa hranom

1. When pairing wine, match the weight and texture of the wine with the weight and texture of the food. For example, if you’re serving a light-bodied fish such as sea bass, then a fruity light wine such as Pinot Grigio would work well with it. If you’re having a heavier fish such as salmon then a richer-bodied wine such as a Burgundy or Pinot Noir would work well.
Uskladite 'tezinu' i teksturu vina prema hrani; ako servirate blagu ribu, birajte blaza vina. Za ribu sa jacim okusom (losos) moze ici i teze vino npr Burgundy)
2. Balance the strength of flavours in the wine with the strength of flavours in the food. If you’re serving a mild-tasting dish such as pork or turkey, then a milder wine such as a Sauvignon Blanc or Chardonnay is good. For more intense flavoured food, such as beef in a rich sauce or a tomato-based pasta dish, go for a fuller-bodied wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz.
Balansirajte jacinu okusa. Primjer: Ako servirate dobro zacinjeno jelo, treba da izaberete gusca i aromaticnija vina.
3. Match the flavours in the food with the flavours in the wine. For example, if you’re serving up duck in a plum sauce then a fruity red wine is in order. If you’re having a peppery dish then match a peppery Zinfandel.
Uskladite aromu i okus hrane sa vinom. Primjer ako servirate patku sa sosom od sljiva, treba da izaberete vina sa vocnim elementom.
4. Balance tastes. Though balancing the strength of the wine and food is important, it’s also necessary to bear in mind which tastes work well together. If you’re serving spicy food, for example, a rich wine will not work as it will be too overwhelming on the palatte, so go for a fruitier wine such as a riesling which will offset the spice.
Birajte upotpunjavajuce okuse. Morate imati na unu balans; ako je neko jelo ljuto, bolje je izabrati neko blaze vino sa vocnoim okusom Teska vina bi bila prekomjerna osjetilima i zelucu.
On the question of Glassware / O pitanju Čaša
There are correct types of glassware that should be used to serve every drink. You can be as strict or as casual as you like with this information, but it is good to know and apply in a realistic way to your life. Because this can get out of hand (see below)

The absolute basics. / Osnovno sta trebate imati
Fine water glasses: nothing looks worse than going to the effort of having nice wine glasses only to pull out some jam jar water glasses. I like stemless wine glasses for this, or other alternatives: long slender Hi-ball or a sturdy short stemed water glass.
Lijepe case za vodu
Champagne Flutes: I always have an extra box of these for birthday and other celebrations which have more guests.
Case za sampanjac
White Wine Glasses: In the most basic sense they should be smaller than the red wine glass. If you drink a particular white wine more than the others ie Sauvigion Blanc I would make the effort to purchase that exact glass style.
Case za Bijelo vino
Red Wine Glasses: As above in the most basic requirement would be to have the red wine glasses bigger than the white. And in the style you most frequently drink. I like having Shiraz and Pinot Glasses – since they are visually very different and make changing wines a bit more of an occasion.
Case za crveno vino
Desert Wine Glasses: You can pick up very cheaply, even if you don’t drink much dessert wine keep a box on hand.
Case za desertna vina
Sherry or Port Glasses: Particularly for when my parents visit. I have become quite particular to Spanish sherry after dinner as a treat rather than a dessert.
Case za Sherry / Port (slatka vina sa vecim procentom alkohola)
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