Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Schwartzwald (Black Forest) Torte

...For my friend's 60-th birthday (during her visit to Australia)!

F. was born on Korčula (Croatia), but lived in a few countries around the World. For last 30 + years, she was living and working in Holland.
N. was also born on Korčula; he arrived to Australia when he was 16.
I met both of them a couple of years ago and straight away we became friends. (I found out that, for some reason, I quite like Korčulans.)
They met a few years ago, where else but on Korčula.
Next year they planing to move back to their birth island and live together.
Can't wait to visit this lovely couple next year in their love nest!!!

... za 60-i rodjendan moje prijateljice (za vrijeme njena boravka u Australiji)!

F. je rodjena na Korčuli; zivjela u nekoliko zemalja svijeta. Posljednjih 30+ godina je zivjela i radila u Holandiji.
N. je takodje rodjen na Korčuli. U Australiju je dosao kad mu je bilo 16 godina.
Oboje njih sam srela prije par godina i veoma brzo smo se sprijateljili.(Shvatila sam da mi se mnogi ljudi sa Korčule, iz nekog razloga, zaista dopadaju.)
Njih dvoje su se sreli prije nekoliko godina, gdje drugo nego na Korčuli.
Sljedece godine planiraju preseliti i zajedno zivjeti na svom rodnom otoku.
Jedva cekam da posjetim ovaj dragi par sljedece godine u njihovom ljubavnom gnijezdu.

6 large eggs
225 g sugar
100 g butter, melted
50 g cocoa
75 g flour
1 large jar (670g) stoned black cherries
60 ml 'Kirsch' (or cherry brandy)
3 X 300 ml double cream (50% fat)
80 g icing sugar
1 teas corn/potato flour (or arrowroot)
Preheat oven to 180*C. Grease a 22 cm tin, dust with flour.
Whisk eggs and sugar until thick and fluffy. Add melted butter; whisk with a lower speed, then switch off. Sift cocoa and flour on top; fold in gently.
Turn the mixture into tin, spread leveling the surface and bake for 30(+) minutes. Take out and cool. Cut cake twice horizontaly, to get 3 layers.
Pour Kirsch into jar with cherries, strain reserving juice. (Add sugar to the juice if too sour). Spoon 1/4 cup juice onto each cake layer, place some cherries on top (reserve best ones for decorating top layer). Whip cream with icing sugar; spread 1/3 onto first layer, place second layer, spread 1/3 cream and place final layer. Decorate with cream.
Mix 1/2 cup juice with corn flour, boil it until thick. Put cherries for decoration into it and cool.
Spoon thickened juice onto cake and decorate with reserved cherries.
Refrigerate for 2 hours before cutting.

6 vecih jaja
225 gr secera
100 gr maslaca, otopljenog
50 gr kakaa
75 gr brasna
1 veca tegla crnih, ociscenih visanja (670gr)
60 ml 'Kirsch-a' (ili seri-brendi)
3 X 300 ml 'duplog' slatkog vrhnja (50% masnoce)
80 gr secera u prahu
1 k gustina (ili slicno)
Ugrijte renu na 180*C, pripremite kalup za tortu (22cm).
umutite jaja sa secerom u svrst snijeg, dodajte maslac; iskljucite. Prosijte brasno i kakao na povrsinu, pa lagano sjedinite rucno.
Uspite u kalup i pecite 30(+ minuta.
Ohladite i prerezite 2 puta, kako biste dobili 3 sloja.
U teglu sa visnjama uspite kirsch. Ocijedite ih, zadrzite sok.
Preko svake kore kasikom nanesite 1/4 solje ovoga soka, zatim pobacajte nesto visanja (ostavljajuci najbolje za dekoraciju).
Umutite krem sa secerom u prahu. 1/3 krema stavite na donju koru, postavite drugu, zatim stavite drugu 1/3 krema. Postavite posljednju koru, pa kremom dekorisite povrsinu.
Skuhajte 1/2 solje soka sa 1 kasicicom gustina, ubacite visnje i prohladite. Rasporedite ovo preko torte, koristeci i visnje za dekoraciju.
Rashladite tortu najmanje 2 sata u frizideru prije rezanja

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