...reminds me of 3 days spent in Paris (a couple of years ago)!

Unforgetable moment - waiting for Eiffel Tower lights to be switched on!
60 g butter
5 large onions, diced
50 g flour
2 l beef (chicken or vegetable) stock
200 ml white wine
salt and pepper
50 g Gruyere cheese, (1/2 grated for bread) 1/2 cubed
Baguette (or other bread), toasted with 1/2 of cheese on top
Salt and pepper to taste
Melt butter in a saucepan, add onion then cook for 25 minutes until the onion is golden brown and beginning to caramelize. Stir from time to time.
Add flour and stir well. Add soup and wine and season with salt and pepper.
Add cubes of cheese, stir and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 20- 25 minutes. Check seasoning.
Slice the baguette, sprinkle with the remaining cheese and grill until the cheese is melted.
Put the soup in a serving bowl and serve with the toasted baguette on top.

Francuska Supa / Juha od Luka
Kada je pravim uvijek me podsjeti na 3 nezaboravna dana provedena u parizu 2009!
60 gr maslaca
5 vecih glavica crvenog luka, sjeckanog
50 gr brasna
2 l govedje (kokosije ili povrtne) supe
200 ml bijelog vina
so i biber
50 gr Gryere sira (ili slicno), 1/2 rendanog(za tost), 1/2 sjeckanog
Francuski hljeb (ili slicno), za tostirati sa rendanim sirom
Stavite maslac u serpu, istopite ga pa ubacite sjeckani luk. Przite 25 (+) minuta, ili dok luk ne dobije zlatno-zutu boju i pocne da se karamelise. Mijesajte povremeno.
Dodajte brasno i dobro promijesajte; ulijte supu i vino i zacinite.
Ubacite polovinu sira, promijesajte i dovedite do kljucanja. Kuhajte 20-25 min, provjerite ukus. Izrezite Francuski hljeb, pospite rendanim sirom i zapecite.
Uspite supu u tanjir i servirajte sa zapecenim hljebom na povrsini.

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