3 cups flour
1 teas salt
1 1/2 teas yeast
1 1/2 - 2 cups water (warm); depending on flour
Put all ingredients in a bowl; with a mixer or with a cooking spoon, until all incorporated. Cover and leave it in a warm spot, for 1 hour.
Dust working surface with a lot of flour. Turn dough onto it and knead with palms dusted with flour (dough is very runy). Shape into 6 balls, place them on a clean cloth dusted with flour, and cover with another cloth.
Preheat oven to 220*C with a heavy bottomed baking pan or pizza stone inside.
After 30+ minutes of resting, stretch a little bit each lepina and press middle with your fingers. Place 3 lepinas at a time on stone inside your oven. Bake for 8-12 minutes, or until surface nice and golden.
3 solje brasna
1 k soli
1 1/2 k instant kvasca
1 1/2- 2 solje mlake vode (u ovisnosti o brasnu)
Pomijesajte sve sastojke sa varjacom ili uz pomoc miksera, pokrijte i ostavite na toplom mjestu 1 sat. Radnu povrsinu pospite brasnom, istresite tijesto i rukama izradite. Oblikujte 6 lopti; ostavite ih na cistu krpu posutu brasnom i pokrivene drugom krpom.
Ukljucite rernu na 220*C. Smjestite unutra tepsiju u kojoj cete peci (mora biti teza tepsija ili kamen za pecenje pizze). Nakon pola sata odmaranja, razvucite svaku lepinu malo pritiskajuci sredinu na 3-4 mjesta. Pecite po 3 lepine 8-12 minuta u vreloj rerni, dok se ne pocnu rumeniti. Malo ohladite prije rezanja.
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