This is a well known (speciality) dish of Bosnia, although chevaps can be found in surrounding countries of Balkan. One is sure, nowhere they taste like in Bosnia. Traditionally, they're made from beef with a certain percentage of fat; spices are added and then meat is kneaded (by hand) for long time. Before shaping and grilling (wood fired grill), chevups need to rest for 6+ hours (or overnight). They're served with 'Lepina' (flat bread). I suppose, chevups originated from time of Turkish Ottoman Empire during their occupation of Bosnia. Chevap means minced, or finely sliced meat.
Today, they're made with all sorts of minced meat; often with mixture of lamb or pork with beef (depending on areas in Bosnia).
I experimented with different recipes for years; never achieved authentic taste (Beef in Australia is differently fed + wood for grilling has different smell), but this is closest I could get it here.
Next post: How to make Lepina (Somun, flat bread)
1,25 kg beef mince (not lean)
15 (+) g salt
1 tbs onion powder
1 1/2 teas garlic powder
1 teas black pepper, freshly ground
1/2 teas baking soda
2-3 tbs vegetable oil
Mix all ingredients well, knead for 10 minutes +. Let it rest for few hours.
Shape thumb size sausages by rolling mince into your hands. Grill over hot wooden charcoal 2-3 minutes, turning once only.
Serve with lepina (somun; cut horizontally in half) and finely sliced onion, seasoned with salt and pepper.

Bosanski Ćevapi
Znamo svi za njih; meni licno nigdje ne prijaju kao u Bosni.
Godinama sam pokusavala napraviti slican ukus; nikada mi u potpunosti nije uspjelo.
Goveda se ovdje hrane drugacije + miris drveta nije isti kao kod nas.
Ovo je najbolje sto sam mogla postici.
Sljedeci post: kako napraviti Lepine (Somun)
1,25 kg mljevenog mesa (masnija govedina)
15 (+) gr soli
1 K crvenog luka u prahu
1 1/2 k crnog bibera, svjeze mljevenog
1 k bijelog luka u prahu
1/2 k sode bb
2-3 K ulja
Pomijesajte sve sastojke dobro i mijesite 10 minuta +. Ostavite ih odmarati nekoliko sati. Rukama oblikujte cevape, velicine palca. Pecite na jakoj vatri (od drveta)2-3 minute, okrecuci cevape samo jednom.
Servirajte sa prepolovljenom lepinom i sitno sjecenim crvenim lukom, koji ste zacinili solju i biberom.
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