These moulded biscuits were very popular some 30-40 years ago in all Balkan countries.
Following recipe is my mum's. They're called Paws, because first moulds were made in that shape. If stored in a cool and dry place, paws can last for 1 month.
1 butter, soft (250 g, or lard 220g)
1 egg
1/2 teas baking powder
150 g walnuts, finely chopped
2 tbs honey
1/4 cup sugar
400-450 g flour
icing sugar for dusting (rolling)
Beat egg, sugar, honey and butter. Add walnuts and flour mixed with baking powder. Make a soft dough by hand. Wrap it in plastic and leave it rest for 20-30 min.
Preheat oven to 160*C. Oil biscuit moulds; press enough dough into each, with a slight concave in the middle. Place them on a baking tin and bake for 15-20 min.
Turn out on a cooling rack and repeat process, without oiling moulds again.
Dust with a plenty of icing sugar (or roll biscuits into it).
Flee market find - an old cast iron biscuit mould
Stari recept preuzet od moje mame
1 maslac, omeksan (ili 220 gr masti)
1 jaje
1/2 k praska za pecivo
150 gr oraha, sjeckanih ili mljevenih
2 K meda
1/4 solje secera
400-450 gr brasna
secer u prahu za uvaljati
Umutite maslac, sa jajetom , medom i secerom. Dodajte brasno u koje ste umijeasli prasak za pecivo i orahe. Umijesite meko tijesto. Zamotajte u plasticnu foliju i ostavite odmoriti 20-30 min.
Ukljucite rernu na 160*C; pripremite kalupe - namazite svaki sa malo ulja.
U svaki kalup stavite dovoljno tijesta da ga ispuni, ali da u sredini ipak bude malo udubljenje. Stavite na pleh i pecite 15-20 min. Ponovite sa ostalim tijestom isto; ne morate uljiti kalupe ponovo. Uvaljajte sape u secer u prahu.
Ako cuvate na hladnom i suhom mjestu mogu trajati do mjesec dana.
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