Salzburg is one of World's most beautiful cities. I was lucky to be able visiting it several times.
From every place that I travel to, I try to take something specific and useful with me, so it can remind me of my time spent there. Sometimes it's bed linen, sometimes an art work, tablecloth... From Salzburg, I took this recipe! Every time I make these pretzels, we (my family) recall fabulous time we had there.
Photo taken (with permission) from 'Chef Amber Shea' blog (chefambershea.com)
Fotografija preuzeta (uz dozvolu) sa chefambershea.com

Source: chefambershea.com
4 1/2 cups bread flour
2 tbs sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tbs milk powder
1 1/2 tsp yeast
60 g melted butter
1 1/2 cups water
5 apples (Granny Smith)
50 g butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 -1 tsp cinnamon
-Egg white, beaten, for brushing
Make a soft dough (by hand, mixer, or bread machine). Let it double in a warm spot.
Peel and slice apples. Place them into a pan with other ingredients; cook for 20 minutes. Cool it.
Place the dough (after rising) onto clean towel dusted with flour. Roll out to a rectangle 60 cm X 40 cm. Then cut 12 strips (40 x 5 cm). Place apple stuffing into a piping bag, then squeeze it onto each dough strip. Wet sides of dough and pinch them together into a rope. Rool slightly between working surface and your hands, then shape into a pretzel. Place all pretzels on lined baking pan, cover and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180*C. Brush risen pretzels with an egg white. Bake them for 15 minutes, or until golden.

Salzburške Perece punjene Jabukama
Salzburg je jedan od najljepsih gradova svijeta. Posjetila sam ga nekoliko puta.
Iz svakog mjesta koje posjetim, trudim se ponijeti nesto sa mnom, tako da me moze podsjetiti na vrijeme provedeno tamo. Ponekad su to carsafi, nekada umjetnick slika, stolnjak... Iz Salzburga sam ponijela sljedeci recept. Svaki put kad pravim ove perece, podsjetimo se na ovaj divni grad i nase vrijeme provedeno u njemu.
4,5 solje brasna
2 K secera
1 k soli
2 K mlijeka u prahu
1,5 k kvasca
60 gr otopljenog maslaca
1,5 solja vode
- Fil
5 jabuka
50 gr maslaca
1/2 solje secera
1/2 - 1 k cimeta
- Bjelance, umuceno, za premazivanje
Umijesite tijesto (rucno ili mikserom), pokrijte i ostavite na toplome da nadodje.
Ogulite i izrezite jabuke. Stavite ih u posudu sa ostalim sastojcima. Kuhajte oko 20 minuta. Prohladite.
Postavite nadoslo tijesto na pobrasnjen stolnjak. Razvucite i pravougaonik 60 x 40 cm. Izrezite 12 traka 40 x 5 cm. Stavite smjesu sa jabukama u poslasticarsku vrecicu; nanesite sloj na svaku traku. Navlazite krajeve tijesta i pritisnite prstima, formirajuci 'konopac'. Malo jos protrljajte svaki i formirajte perece. Smjestite na tepsiju sa papirom i pokrijte krpom. Ostavite odmarati 30 minuta.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C. Premazite perece sa bjencem i pecite oko 15 minuta, ili dok ne postanu zlatno-zute.
Following photos are from other sites, as I lost all my digital photos from this city
Fotografije koje slijede nisu moje; izgubila sam sve fotke sa mog prvog digitalnog fotoaparata iz tog grada
Photo credit: dicktay2000 / Foter.com / CC BY
Photo credit: CameliaTWU / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND
Photo credit: _dChris / Foter.com / CC BY
Photo credit: CameliaTWU / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND
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