In my grater family I have Catholics, Orthodoxes and Muslims, so celebrating our similarities and differences is something that we take seriously. It usually starts in November (my sons birthdays), and last for 3 months. A lot of biscuits is baked, eaten and given as a gift during this period.
Chocolate Ginger Biscuits are 'must-have' in my home, especially during upcoming holidays.
5-7 cm fresh ginger, peeled and grated
185 g flour
2 tbs cocoa
115 g wholemeal flour
1/4 teas salt
1/4 teas black pepper, freshly grounded
225 g butter, softened
185 g brown sugar
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
2 teas vanilla essence
chocolate (dark or white) for decorating
Mix all dry ingredients well, add butter, ginger, vanilla and egg yolks. Make a soft dough. Using food processor is OK. Divide into 2, and make square logs. Wrap with paper/wrap and refrigerate. When hard enough, cut into 3-5 mm pieces. Bake over silicon paper 8-10 min on 180*C.
Melt chocolate and decorate top of biscuits, when slightly cooled.
Last for 4 weeks in cool, dry spot.
Keksi sa Svjezim Djumbirom i Čokoladom
5-7 cm djumbira, oguljenog i rendanog
185 gr brasna
2 kasike kakaa
115 gr integralnog brasna
1/4 kasicice soli
1/4 kasicice crnog bibera, svjeze mljevenog
225 gr putera, omeksalog
185 gr baon secera
2 zumanca, blago umucena
2 kasicice vanile
Čokolada po vasem izboru, za dekoraciju
Pomijesajte sve suhe sastojke dobro, dodajte puter, zumanca, djumbir i vanilu, pa umijesite tijesto. Podijelite na 2, oblikujte u 'kockaste' valjke. Zamotajte u celofan/foliju i stavite u frizider da se stegne. Rezite na 3-5 mm snite i pecite na papiru za pecenje oko 8-10 min , temperatura 180*C. Kada se malo prohlade, ukrasite ih topljenom cokoladom.
Traju do 4 sedmice na suhom i hladnom mjestu.
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