As 'Bosnian Pita' is most popular page on my blog, I've decided to show simplified technique to all who want to learn making pastry, but are indecisive, because it looks difficult. This version of 'Pita' doesn't require very thin pastry, and even if the pastry tears a bit is OK, because only folding is involved. 'Maslenica' is pita with 'maslo' (Ghee); I started practicing on this sort of Pita.
Follow this recipe to make your pastry and prepare surface.
Prepare filling (your choice):
-Sauteed onions in olive oil (3), salt, pepper
-Cottage cheese 200g, 1 egg, salt (filling should be 'runny')
-Sauteed mushrooms, with some cream and salt
-Cooked mince with onion, salt pepper
This time I've chosen first 2.
When you stretch the pastry, spoon some extra oil in a thin stream (or melted butter mixed with some oil); sprinkle your filling in middle third, fold one side over it, repeat oiling/spooning mixture (now in half pastry which is folded already), fold again (another side over the middle). Do this process one more time: oil/sprinkle middle, fold one side, oil/sprinkle half fold over it. You'll get a square pita (with 9 layers). Each top (except final one) should be sprinkled with topping/filling.

Don' worry if looks 'wrinkled' or if pastry tears while stretching. This is 'Maslenica' - it's allowed, and you're practicing.
Oil top of pita. Bake at 180*C (fan forced) 25-minutes or until nice and golden.
Slice and serve with drinking yogurt (optional).
Maslenica - ili pita za pocetnike
Mnogo laksa verzija razvijanja jufke, posto je deblja i moze cak i da popuca. Ja sam se vjezbala na Maslenici, kao i mnoge druge pocetnice.
Slijedite ovaj recept za jufku, pripremite povrsinu i filing:
- sir sa jajima i kajmakom ('tecno' stanje)
- proprzeni luk sa soli i biberom
- gljive dinstane sa soli i malo kajmaka
- mljeveno dinstano meso + luk, zacinjeno
- paprike sjeckane...
Kada razvucete tijesto, koje moze ostati deblje, na srednju trecinu poprskajte nadjev i malo nauljite, preklopite jednu stranu, pa preko nje stavite nadjev i ulje. Preklopite i drugu stranu preko.(Vidi sliku gore). Sada to isto ucinite ponovo: fil na sredu, preklopi, fil i ulje ponovo, preklopi. Treba da dobijete znaci 9 slojeva, sa filom preko svakog sloja, osim posljednjeg, kojeg morate nauljiti. Ne brinite ako je tijesto popucalo, ili se zguzvalo. Tako treba, jer ste u fazi prakticiranja i dozvoljeno je. Pecite 25 -30 min na 180*C. Sluziti sa jogurtom (po zelji).
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