I don't know why it is called 'Spanish Wind'. What I do know is that there is no other cake/torte you can compare with this one.
Please note: Below is original recipe, which gives a huge (rectangle) torte. Pictured above is smaller, round version (9 eggs).
-3 meringue layers, for each layer you'll need:
4 egg whites
225 g caster sugar
1 teas white vinegar
12 egg yolks
1 L milk
8 tbsp sugar
5 tbsp flour
300 g hazelnuts (or other nuts), roasted, processed
1,5 cups (375 g) butter, softened
Chocolate shavings for decoration
Preheat oven to 160*C (140*C fan forced). Have 3 pieces of AL foil ready.
Beat egg whites with a high speed mixer until stiff foam forms, ad sugar spoon by spoon, add vinegar. Beat until very thick and glossy.
Mark a rectangle (30 X 25 cm) on a piece of AL foil. Spread the meringue on foil, allow a bit for spreading, and bake/dry for 1,5 hours. Repeat with 2 more meringues. If you have fan forced oven, you can bake all layers at once. Let the meringues cool in oven with opened door.
For icing, Beat egg yellows and flour with a little milk. Pour the rest of milk in a saucepan, add sugar and bring to boil. Add flour/egg-yellow mixture and cook stirring all the time. You'll get a thick custard, which you need to cool.
Beat butter, add custard (must be cool) and beat it until creamy. Add nuts and mix well.
Peel AL foil from meringues, be careful - it's brittle. Top first layer with custard/nuts mixture, top with other layer, repeat until all used. Spread filling on top and around the cake. Decorate with chocolate shavings.
Torta 'Spanski Vjetar'
-za svaki od 3 sloja
4 bjelanca
225 gr secera
1 kasicica sirceta
12 zumanaca
1L mlijeka
8 kasika secera
5 kasika brasna
1,5 puter (375 gr), omeksan
300 gr pecenih, samljevenih ljesnika (ili oraha)
Cokolada za ukrasavanje
Ukljucite rernu na 160*C, ili 140* ako ima fen unutra. Pripremite 3 komada AL folije.
Umutite bjelanca u cvrst snijeg, dodajte secer i sirce i mutite dok ne postane cvrsto i gusto. Na foliju oznacite pravougaonik 30 X 25 cm. Nanesite snijeg, rasporedite ga, ali racunajte da ce se snijeg rasiriti tokom susenja. Pecite/susite 1,5 sat svaku koru. Ako imate fen mozete sve kore susiti u isto vrijeme. Ostavite da se ohlade.
Za kremu, umutite zumanca i brasno sa malo mlijeka. U posudu stavite kuhati ostatak mlijeka i secer. Kada prokuha uspite brasno/zumanca i kuhajte dok se ne zgusne. Ohladite. Umutite puter, dodajte ohladjenu kremu, pa sve zajedno jos mutite. Ubacite ljesnike,odvojite foliju sa kora (pazljivo) pa ovime filujte tortu.
Ukrasite struganom cokoladom.
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