I avoid using artificial colours or additives in my food, but once a year it is OK, especially if it's someones wish to have it for their Birthday.
One other reason is the 'wow' factor that you get when cutting this cake.
-7 layer sponge:
7 egg whites (medium)
2 cups sugar
1 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup milk, room temperature
1/2 cup sour cream
3 cups plain flour
3 teas baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Food colours: Yellow, Red, Blue
3 cups milk
1 cup sugar
5 tbs flour
2 tbs corn flour (starch)
mint oil, or other flavouring
1 teas vanilla
500 gr butter, room temperature
Prepare as many 22 cm tins, as you have (I had two); line with baking paper, and make some extra baking liners ready (I had 4). Preheat oven to 160*C (fan forced).
Beat egg whites with a high speed, until you get a stiff foam. Add sugar, spoon by spoon, mix well. Pour butter, milk, sour cream and vanilla. Mix until all incorporated. Switch mixer off, and sift flour, baking powder and salt on top of meringue. Fold in with spatula. Divide mixture into 7 little bowls, and let the fun begin: in each bowl add food colouring until you're satisfied with shade. Be careful - use pipette or similar. Bake each colour sponge separately, 10-12 min. Repeat if you don't have 7 tins. Let it cool.
Mix flours with a little milk until smooth and silky.
Put the rest of the milk and sugar into a saucepan, bring to boil. Pour flour/milk mixture into boiling milk, and cook on slow heat, until thick. Let it cool completely (not in refrigerator).
Beat butter well, add 'custard' and beat together until you get smooth creamy texture. Top each sponge/layer with this icing, take care to put layers in order, and then spread icing on top and around the cake.
Hide colours well; it makes a nice surprise for a cutting/celebrating person when they realise all the colours inside.

Torta 'Duga'
-7 biskvitnih slojeva-
7 bjelanaca
2 solje secera
250 g maslaca, otopljenog
1 solja mlijeka, mlakog
1/2 solje kajmaka/pavlake
2 kasicice vanile
3 solje brasna
3 kasicice praska za pecivo
1/4 kasicice soli
Prehrambene boje: Zuta, Crvena, Plava
750 ml mlijeka
1 solja secera
5 kasika brasna
2 kasike gustina, ili slicno
1 kasicica vanile
ulje mentola ili aromu po zelji
500 gr maslaca
Pripremite kalupe za torte (ja sam imala 2) i oblozite ih paprirom za pecenje. Ukljucite rernu na 160 *C (sa fenom) ili 175*C bez fena.
Umutite bjelanca u cvrst snijeg, dodajte secer i jos mutite. Dodajte zatim maslac, mlijeko, kajmak i vanilu. Dobro promijesajte, iskljucite mikser pa prosijte brasno, prasak za pecivo i so na povrsinu. Lagano rucno sjedinite masu. Podijelite u 7 zdjelica i svaku obojite u jednu od duginih boja. Pecite svaku posebno 10-12 minuta. Ohladite.
Za kremu- kuhajte mlijeko sa secerom, uspite brasno (koje ste umutili sa malo mlijeka i vanilom)i skuhajte kao puding. Dodajte aromu koju ste izabrali. Ohladite. Umutite sa maslacem u kremu, pa svaki sloj premazite ovom kremom. Ostavite za odozgo i okolo.
Sakrijte dobro slojeve, kako biste napravili pravo iznenadjenje onome koji reze!
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