This is my first attempt. I was delighted by taste and simplicity of making it.
1,5 cup flour
3 tbs sugar
pinch of salt
125 g butter, cold in pieces
1 egg, beaten
1 tbs ice cold water
Almond filling-
1 cup almonds
1/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
pinch of salt
4 tbs butter (60 g), softened
1 tbs flour
+ 3 pears (Williams), peeled, halved and cored
2 tbs honey mixed with 1 tbs water for brushing pears
Prepare a tart tin. Preheat oven to 180*C.
Put flour and butter into a food processor. Whiz until incorporated, add egg and water. Pulls until a ball starts to form. Take out and knead a bit. Roll out (floured surface)to a 28cm circle. Put it into a tart tin. Form 2 cm edges with your fingers. For almond filling, Process almonds and add all other ingredients. Pulse until paste forms. Pour it into crust. Slice prepared pears top it onto almond paste. Brush with honey/water mix, and bake for 30 minutes, or until slightly golden. Dust with icing sugar (optional).
Tart sa Kruškama i Bademima
1,5 solja brasna
3 K secera
prstohvat soli
125 gr maslaca, iz frizidera, isjecenog
1 jaje
1 K hladne vode
1 solja badema, mljevenih
1/4 solje secera
prstohvat soli
4 K maslaca (60 gr), omeksalog
2 jaja
1 K brasna
+ 3 kruske, oguljene, prepolovljene
2 K meda pomijesane sa 1 K vode
Pripremite posudu za pecenje. Ukljucite rernu na 180*C.
U elektricnoj sjeckalici, mijesajte brasno sa maslacem; dodajte sve ostale sastojke i mijesajte dok se ne pretvori u tijesto. Izvadite, mijesite jos malo. Razvaljajte na 28 cm krug. Prebacite ga u posudu, oblikujte prstima ivice 2 cm visoke.
Pomijesajte sve sastojke za za punjenje u jednolicnu 'pastu'. Uspite preko tijesta.
Kruske isijecite na snite pa ih rasporedite po badem masi, premazite medenom tecnoscu. Pecite oko 30 min ili dok blago ne porumeni. Pospite secerom u prahu (po zelji).
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