Very popular snack in Portugal and Brazil. Take some time for making, but very economical. Makes around 50.
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
85 g butter
2 beef cubes
salt & freshly ground black pepper
2 green onions, finely chopped
2 tbs chopped fresh parsley
700 g flour
200 g cream cheese
1 egg + 1 egg white, beaten lightly
oil for deep frying
Cut chicken breasts into 2 inch cubes, and place in a saucepan with onion, garlic, margarine, stock cubes, salt and pepper and 3 cups of water. Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes or until done. Strain solids from broth, retaining broth and solids.
Finely chop the chicken to make the filling. Add the parsley and chopped green onion to the chicken.
Measure the remaining broth into a saucepan-you will need 3 cups, so make it up with extra water, if needed. Add all the flour, and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon for 1 minute until it becomes stiff. Turn out on a working surface. Allow to cool a little, but while it is still warm, knead dough until it is smooth and no lumps of flour remain. Roll out dough to about 5mm thick and cut medium sized circles.
Place the dough in the palm of your hand, place a small cube of cream cheese and a teaspoon of the prepared filling; Fold and close the dough in the shape of a drumstick (the word Coxinha means "little drumstick" in Portuguese).
Knead scraps and re-roll, and continue cutting until all the dough is used.
Dip pastries in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs.
Deep-fry for 8 minutes, or until golden and crispy. Serve hot.
Coxinha (Košinja) ili Batkići
3 pilece grudi
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
2 cena bijelog luka
85 gr putera
2 govedje kocke za supu
so i svjeze mljeven biber
2 mlada luka
2 K sjeckanog lisca persuna
700 gr brasna
200 gr krem sira
1 jaje + 1 bjelance, umuceno
suhe mrvice kruha / hljeba (prezla)
ulje za duboko przenje
Isjecite pilece grudi na kocke, stavite kuhati sa 3 solje vode, oba luka, puterom, i kockama za supu. Zacinite sa solju i biberom.
Kada je kuhano ocijedite. Sacuvajte tecnost, a ostale sastojke sitno isjeckajte, pa im dodajte mladi luk i persun. Promijesajte.
U brasno umijesajte 3 solje tecnosti (ako nemate dovoljno dodajte vode)i snazno izmijesajte. Ostavite malo prohladiti, ali dok je jos toplo, istresite na radnu povrsinu pa umijesite glatko tijesto. Razvaljajte na 5 mm, sjecite krugove (8cm), zatim u svaki stavite 1 kasicicu pilece mjesavine i kockicu sira. Stisnite krajeve i oblikujte 'batak' (Coxinha - košinja- na Portugalskom znaci mali batak). Uvaljajte u jaja, zatim u mrvice pa przite u dubokom ulju, dok ne dobije zlatno-zutu boju. Servirajte vruce.
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