Some of my lovely followers asked for 'Apple Strudel' recipe. Here it is!
1,5 cup flour
1 egg
pinch of salt
1 tbs oil
water enough to make 150 ml fluid - read instructions
1 kg apples (green), peeled, cored and grated
1/3 cup sugar (white or brown)
1/2 teas cinnamon
1/3 cup Sultanas (optional)
2-3 tbs biscuit (or bread) crumbs
125 g melted butter
(for cheese/cherry version you'll need
400g Ricotta
1 egg
1/3 cup sugar
1 cup Cherries
1 tbs corn flour)
Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt. Break the egg in a measuring cup, beat and then top up with water, making up 150 ml of egg/water liquid. Pour into flour, add oil and quickly mix everything together. Take out on a floured surface and knead until smooth; use flour all the time. Dust with flour on both sides and cover with a clean cloth. Let it rest for 25-30 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare surface for pastry and filings.
Cover large surface (dinner table) with a clean cloth, dust with flour.
Grate apples, set aside (for cheese/cherry strudel: mix 400-500 g ricotta with 1 egg and 1/3 cup sugar and 1 cup cherries+ 1 tbs corn flour).
After 1/2 hour of resting, dust dough with flour and roll out to 50-60 cm in diameter. Spoon 3-4 tbs of melted butter (not hot), and spread with your fingertips.
Now, with your palms (or backhands) try to stretch the dough as much as possible - a little at a time, going around all the time. Don't worry if the dough breaks.
On one side of the dough spoon the apples, which you have slightly squeezed out. Spoon sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle with crumbs. Pour some more melted butter all around the pastry and filing. Start rolling (lifting the cloth) to the other end. Place strudel in an buttered dish, brush some melted butter on top and bake for 25-30minutes ion 180*C. (if you're making cheese strudel use your filing instead of apples.
When baked, sprinkle with icing sugar (optional). Enjoy!

Štrudla sa Jabukama (ili sirom i višnjama)
1,5 solja brasna (250ml)
malo soli
1 jaje
vode toliko da sa jajetom napravite 150 ml tekucine (vidi objasnjsnje)
1 kasika ulja
1 kg jabuka, ociscenih i rendanih
1/3 solje secera
1/2 kasicice cimeta
2-3 kasike mrvica keksa (ili hljeba/kruha)
1/3 solje grozdjica (po zelji)
(za sir/visnje verziju
400 gr sira
1 jaje
1/3 solje secera
1 kasika gustina / brasna)
Prosijte brasno, dodajte malo soli. Umutite jaje, naspite na njega toliko vode da imate 150 ml tecnosti. Dodajte ulje pa ovime umijesite mekano tijesto.
Pospite brasnom, pa ostavite pokrivenoodmarati oko 30 min.
Pripremite punjenje. Izrendajte jabuke, ostavite po strani(ili umijesajte sve sastojke za sir/visnje verziju).
Pripremite povrsinu za rad - na cist stolnjak nanesite brasno.
Razvaljajte tijesto do velicine 50-60 cm u precniku. Nanesite 3-4 kasike otopljenog maslaca (ne smije biti vreo). Razmazite po povrsini koristeci vase vrhove prstiju. Pocnite rukama razvlaciti tijesto od sredine prema krajevima, malo po malo i ideci u krug.
Na jednu stranu tijesta nanesite svoje punjenje. Ako radite sa jabukama: pospite malo mrvica, iscijedite blago jabuke, nanesite, pospite secerom i cimetom i ostatkom mrvica.
Ako radite sa sirom: pomijesajte sve namirnice zajedno i nanesite.
Poprskajte tijesto i punjenje sa maslacem pa pocnite savijati prema drugoj strani (moze uz pomoc stolnjaka). Prebacite u posudu za pecenje, premazite maslacem i pecite na 180*C oko 25-30 minuta. Malo prohladjeno, pospite secerom u prahu i uzivajte!
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