Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Polish 'Lazy Pierogi'

Simple, comfort Polish food that tastes good!

500 g ricotta 
2 eggs 
1 yolk
1 tsp salt
2-3 tbs cream
2 cups flour (+)
2-3 tbs semolina
Butter / crumb mixture-
40-60 g butter
1/2 cup crumbs
Mix all ingredients in a bowl; you'll get a sticky dough. Place dough onto well floured surface; divide in 2 and roll into sausages. 
Place a large pan with salted water to boil. Cut dough sausages on diagonal to get pieroges. Place into boiling water (8-10 at a time) and cook for 5-7 minutes; take out onto absorbent paper. Repeat with the rest. Melt butter, add crumbs and cook for 2 minutes. Place pieroges into a bowl and sprinkle with crumbs.

Poljske 'Lijene Piroške'

Jednostavno, zadovoljavajuce jelo Poljske, koje je odlicnog ukusa!

500 gr sira (rikota ili slicno)
2 jaja
1 zumance
1 k soli
2-3 K kajmaka / vrhnja
2 solje brasna (+)
2-3 K griza
Maslac / mrvice posip-
40-60 gr maslaca
1/2 solje mrvica
Umijesite sve sastojke za tijesto; dobicete ljepljivu masu, koju istresete na pobrasnjenu povrsinu. Podijelite na 2 dijela i rukama razvaljajte da dobijete 2 dugacka valjka (kobasice).
Stavite lonac sa zasoljenom vodom da prokljuca. Rezite valjke dijagonalno i ubacujte u kljucalu vodu, po 8-10 komada. Izvadite i ocijedite. Ponovite postupak sa ostalima.
Zagrijte maslac i proprzite mrvice. Smjestite piroske u posude za serviranje i pospite mrvicama. Uzivajte! 

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Savoury Roll

2 cups SR flour
pinch of salt and cayene pepper
1 tbs butter
1/2 cup milk
1 egg, beaten
500 g mince
2 tbs chopped celery
3 tbs  grated carrots
2 tbs chopped onions
1 tbs flour
1 tbs curry powder
1 tbs chopped parsley
1 tbs Worcestershire sauce
2 tbs tomato sauce
First make filling-
Place mince, vegetables, flour and seasoning in a pan, over low heat. Stir until cooked; add parsley and allow to cool completely. (If to much fat on top, remove)
Preheat oven to 200 *C. Sift flour, salt and pepper, rub in butter.. Add egg and milk and make a pliable dough. Roll into oblong shape. Place cooled mince mixture down the centre of pastry. Glaze edges and fold over meat. Place roll onto greased baking sheet (folded side down). Glaze roll, slit diagonally in 3-4 places, and bake for 25-30 minutes. Serve with salad.

Slani rolat sa mesom i povćem

2 solje samodizajuceg brasna
malo soli i crvenog bibera
1 K maslaca
1/2 solje mlijeka
1 jaje
500 gr mljevenog mesa
2 K sjeckanog celera
3 K rendane mrkve
2 K sitno sjeckanog crvenog luka
1 K kari praha
1 K sjeckanog persuna
1 K 'Worcestershire' sosa
2 K tomato sosa (gustog)
Najprije napravite fil-
Stavite meso, povrce, zacine i brasno u posudu. Mijesajte i kuhajte na slaboj vatri dok meso ne promijeni boju.. Ubacite persun i ostavite ohladiti.  (Ako je meso premasno, skinite nesto masnoce sa ove mjesavine)
Ukljucite rernu na 200* C. Pomijesajte brasno sa zacinima, utrljajte maslac. Dodajte jaje i mlijeko i umijesite tijesto.  Razvaljajte na pravougaonik. Nanesite mjesavinu sa mesom na srenji dio tijesta. Premazite slobodne krajeve sa vodom i preklopite. Stavite rolat na namacsenu tepsiju (preklop neka bude na donjoj strani). Premazite rolat (voda ili mlijeko), razrezite dijagonalno na 3-4 mjesta i pecite oko 25-30 minuta.
Servirajte sa salatom.

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Pear and Walnut Upside-down Flourless Cake

My oven's back to life!...and working better than ever. After I lost hope we'll find a spare heater, suddenly we got it. I put new heater to test straight away ...
This is a beautifully moist, flourless, 6  ingredients easy cake. I use walnuts, but any other nuts could be substitute.
Have a good weekend!

2 pears, peeled and cut into thin slices
2 tbs brown sugar
6 large eggs
1 cup sugar
125 g butter, melted
300 g walnuts, grounded
Preheat oven to 170*C (160* fan forced), prepare a spring form cake tin (23 cm); line with silicone paper.
Beat eggs with (white) sugar until pale and fluffy. Pour melted butter, mix another 30 sec on low speed. switch mixer off. Add walnuts to the mixture and fold in with spatula.
Place slices of pears on bottom of your cake tin. Sprinkle with brown sugar, then cover with walnut mixture.
Bake for 30-40 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Cool, then turn upside down and slice. Cake is beautifully moist and doesn't need anything else to serve, but if you want extra kick add custard or cream on top.

Prevrnuti Kolač sa Kruškama i Orasima (bez brašna)

Moja rerna je popravljena i radi bolje nego ikada! Kada sam izgubila svaku nadu da cemo pronaci dio, iznenada su nas nazvali i obavijestili da ga imaju. Morala sam je naravno, odmah testirati...
Ovaj kolac je divno vlazan i ukusan, bez brasna, lagan za napraviti sa samo 6 sastojaka. Koristila sam orahe, ali mozete ih zamijeniti bilo kojim drugim orasastim plodovima.
Dobar vikend zelim!

2 kruske, oguljene i isjecene na tanke snite
2 K braon secera
6 vecih jaja
1 solja secera (200 gr)
125 gr maslaca, otopljenog
300 gr oraha, mljevenih
Ukljucite rernu na 170*C (160 * sa fenom), priprenite obruc (23 cm) za kolace, stavite neprijanjajuci papir na dno.
Mutite jaja sa bijelim secerom dok ne postane pjenasto i gusto. Ubacite maslac, izmijesajte sa malom brzinom. Iskljucite mikser, zatim ubacite mljevene orahe i rucno sjedinite masu.
Stavite kruske na dno vaseg kalupa, pospite ih sa braon secerom. Uspite biskvitnu smjesu i pecite 30-40 min, ili dok ubodena cackalica ne izadje cista poslije testiranja. Prohladite, zatim preokrenite na posudu za posluzivanje. Isjecite i uzivajte. Kolac je dovoljno dobar za servirati bez icega, ali ako zelite ekstra efekat onda posluzite sa vrhnjem / 'kastardom' (tecni puding).

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Picnic Bread

If you have that packet of Frankfurters  (and/or other deli products) sitting in your fridge for long time and need to use them, this is recipe for you!... Quick to make and excellent for mobile lunches. 

500 g SR flour
1/2 cup yogurt / lite sour cream
3-4 tbs olive oil
1/2 tbs salt
1  1/3 cup mineral water
oregano / basil / thyme  dried or chopped (optional)
For filling- Frankfurters, olives, hard boiled eggs, jarred  artichokes / paprika, cheese....whatever there is in your fridge!
Preheat oven to 180*C,  prepare a round tin.
Take all deli products ( that you want to use as filling) out of fridge; cut into smaller pieces if necessary. 
Mix all  ingredients for bread in a bowl - it should stay 'watery' but not to liquid. Pour some of this mixture onto baking pan. Place your filling ingredients, then pour another layer of  dough onto it. It doesn't have to cover all your deli products - it's quite attractive when some of them stay uncovered. Add some extra pieces on top layer (olives, strips of paprika...) Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown in colour. Slice and serve with some cottage cheese / salad. 

Piknik Hljeb / Kruh

Ako u frizideru imate par namirnica koje se moraju iskoristiti (hrenovke, masline, paprike, sir...), ovo je recept za vas... Brz je za napraviti i odlican za mobilne ruckove.

500 gr brasna (samodizajuce)
1/2 solje masnijeg jogurta ili kisele pavlake / kajmaka
3-4 K maslinovog ulja
1/2 K soli
1 1/3 solje mineralne vode
origano / bosiljak / timijan (po zelji)
Za fil - hrenovke, tvrdo kuhana jaja, sirevi, masline...sta god imate u frizideru
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite tepsiju.
Pripremite  namirnice koje cete koristiti kao punjenje, ako treba isjecite na manje komade.
Umijesite sve sastojke za tijesto; treba da ostane dosta 'vodenasto' ali ne tecno. 
Uspite pola uvoga tijesta u tepsiju, poredajte vase namirnice na to, zatim prelijte sa drugom polovicom tijesta. Pri tome nemojte prekriti sve namirnice - sasvim lijepo izgleda kada neke od njih 'vire'. Stavite nesto vise namirnica po povrsini (masline, paprike...) i pecite oko 30-40 minuta ili dok ne postane zlatno zuto.
Servirajte sa svjezim sirom / salatom.

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Jaffa Cupcakes

Bottom heater of my oven has died. Oven was purchased from Ikea; it turned out that spare parts are impossible to get in Australia ( UK based online store wouldn't post it to me). So, until we find a solution, we decided to buy a 'portable' oven (you know those small-ones).
These cupcakes are made to test my 'new' oven...It bakes OK, but very sloooowwww!

3 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
100 g butter, melted
120 g dark chocolate, melted
1 organic orange (peel +  juice)
1 1/2 cups SR flour
80 g chocolate extra (+ 2 tsp oil) for glazing
Prehet oven to 180*C. Prepare cup cake tins.
Peel an orange with a thin potato peeler (reserve a few curls for decoration), squeeze it and keep the juice.  Chop the peel and place into a food processor with flour; process.
Beat sugar with eggs, until light and fluffy. Add orange juice, melted butter and chocolate. Beat on low speed until incorporated. Spoon flour / orange peel mixture on top and fold in. Spoon into moulds and bake for 15-20 min. Take out and cool.
 Melt chocolate with 2 tsp oil; dip or spread each cupcake and decorate with reserved orange zest curls.

Čokoladni Jaffa 'Cupcakes'

Grijac u mojoj rerni je 'crkao'! Rerna je kupljena u Ikei, i ispostavilo se da je dijelove za nju nemoguce pronaci u Australiji ( Englezi sa prodavnicom dijelova ne zele da mi je posalju postom). Dok nesto ne smislimo, odlucili smo kupiti jednu 'mobilnu' malu rernu. Ovaj jaffa kolac je bio prvo testiranje. Rena je u redu ali jaaakoo spora  :-(

3 jaja
3/4 solje secera
100 gr maslaca, otopljenog
120 gr tamne cokolade, otopljene
1 neprskana narandza (tanko oguljena kora i sok - sacuvajte par svijutaka kore za ukrasavanje)
1,5 solja samodizajuceg brasna
80 gr cokolade + 2 k ulja za glazuru
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite kalupe.
Izrezire koru narandze na manje komade, stavite je u sjeckalicu zajedno sa brasnom pa sameljite. Iscijedite narandzu. Umutite jaja sa secerom dok ne postane pjenasto. Ubacite sok, maslac i cokoladu. Lagano promijesajte. Po povrsini pospite brasno  sa korom narandze i rucno sjedinite. 
Kasikom prebacite tijesto u kalupe, pecite oko 15-20 min. Kad je gotovo prohladite.
Otopite cokoladu sa uljem, pa svaki 'cupcake' umocite ili premazite sa glazurom. Dekorisite sa sacuvanom korom narandze.

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

'Frijoles Negros' - Black Beans of Cuba

2 1/2 cups black beans
water (8-9 cups)
2 tbs olive oil
2 onions, diced
1 capsicum, diced
3 garlic cloves, finely diced
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black peppercorns, crushed
1 tsp oregano powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1-2 tsp paprika
1-2 bay leaves
3-4 tbs balsamic vinegar
3/4 cup (Spanish) wine
Soak beans overnight  in plenty of water; cook for 1/2 hour (or, cook them in a pressure cooker - no soaking required). If you don't throw first water, your beans will be darker. 
Heat oil in a big pot, sautee onion, capsicum and garlic. Add beans with some water, mix in all spices. Cook for 1-2 hours, or until beans soft, but still whole. Take 1 cup of beans out; mash them. Return to pot and add vinegar and wine. Stir and bring to boil again.
Serve over rice; add freshly sliced onion (sprinkle on top).

Kubanski Crni Grah / Bob / Pasulj

2,5 solje crnog graha / boba / pasulja
voda (8-9 solja)
2 K maslinovog ulja
2 crvena luka, sjeckana
1 paprika, sjeckana
3 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1 k soli
1/2 k zrna crnog bibera, zgnjecena
1 k origana u prahu
1 k kima u prahu
1-2 k crvene paprike (prah)
1-2 lista lovora
3-4 K balzamicnog sirceta
3/4 solje (Spanskog) vina
Namocite grah preko noci, pa ga kuhajte oko 1/2 sata (ili ga skuhajte u pres-loncu, bez prethodnog namakanja). Ako ne bacite ovu prvu vodu, vas grah ce imati lijepu tamnu boju.
Zagrijte ulje proprzite luk, papriku i bijeli luk. Dodajte grah sa malo vode, ubacite sve zacine. Kuhajte 1-2 sata, dok grah ne omeksa, ali treba ostati cio. Izvadite 1 solju graha, izgnjecite ga i vratite nazad. Dodajte sirce i vino. Promijesajte i neka ponovo provri. 
Servirajte preko rize sa svjeze isjecenim crvenim lukom na vrhu.

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

Waffle, Caramel and Walnuts Slice

...or, what to make when your oven doesn't work  - like mine, (or you don't want to switch it on)

2 waffle sheets
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup water
100 g sultanas
1 butter, roughly chopped
150 g Walnuts, roughly chopped
250 g plain biscuits ('Coffee Milk', 'Petit Beure'...), crushed
Place sugar in a heavy bottomed pan. Heat on high until sugar starts melting. Shake and swirl pan, until all caramelised and golden in colour. Pour water over it (carefully) and leave on low heat to melt. Add sultanas and butter; mix well until butter melted.  Add walnuts and biscuit crumbs and mix until incorporated and thick. Place a sheet of waffle into a slice tin (large grids up). Spoon caramel mixture over it, place the other sheet (large grids down) and press with a slicing board. It's ideal to put some weight onto it (2-3 cans / packet of sugar...) and leave for 1-2 hours in a cool place. Melted chocolate can be spread on top (optional). Slice and enjoy!

* Waffle sheets are sold in international grocery stores ('Oblatne' / 'Oblande').

Oblatne sa karamel filom

...Ili - sta da cinite kad vam rerna ne radi ( kao moja)!

2 oblatne
2 solje secera
3/4 solje vode
100 gr grozdjica
1 maslac / margarin, isjecen na krupne komade
150 gr oraha, krupno sjecenih
250 gr mljevenog keksa (Petit...) 
Istopite secer do zlatno zute boje, zajilte sa vodom i ostavite da se istopi. Ubacite grozdjice i maslac, mijesajte dok se maslac ne istopi. Dodajte orahe i keks i dobro promijesajte. 
Stavite oblatnu u tepsiju sa sirim kockama prema gore. Postavite karamel punjenje na nju, zatim poklopite sa drugom oblatnom (sire kocke dole). Pritisnite daskom preko koje ste stavili neku vrstu utega (konzerve...) i ostavite 1-2 sata na hladnom mjestu. Po zelji, mozete staviti glazuru od cokolade na vrh. 
Izrezite i uzivajte!