Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Chicken Muffins

Great thing about this recipe is that you can shape this mixture into low fat (and calorie) muffins or burgers (or even a large loaf). Makes 12 and each muffin has (old) WW  value of 2,5 points.  If you don't care about calories, add 2-3 tbs melted butter or olive oil to the muffin mix, for better taste

650-700 g chicken breast mince
1 large egg
1 egg white
6 tbs breadcrumbs
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp oregano
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1/2  a small onion, chopped 
3/4 tsp salt
1/3 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
3/4 cup pasta sauce
1/2 cup  Mozzarella cheese
oil spray 
Preheat oven to 180*C, spray muffin tin  and sprinkle with 2 tbs crumbs. Mix all other ingredients (except for topping) and spoon into moulds. Bake for  15-20 minutes, then take out and spoon tomato sauce and sprinkle with Mozzarella; return to oven to melt. Take out, cool slightly and enjoy with crusty bread (or pasta / rice) and salad.

Pileći Mafini

Prakticnost ovog recepta je u tome da mjesavinu mozete oblikovati u niskokaloricne mafine ili snicle (ili veknu). Dovoljno za 12 komada; svaki nosi 2,5 poena na 'Weight Watchers' dijeti.
Ako ne brinete o kalorijama, dodajte 2-3 K otopljenog maslaca ili maslinovog ulja osnovnoj masi, za bolji ukus.


650-700 gr mljevenih pilecih prsa
1 vece jaje
1 bjelance
6 K mrvica kruha / hljeba (prezle)
1/2 k suhog bosiljka
1/2 k origana
2 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta
1/2 manjeg crvenog luka, sjeckanog
3/4 k soli
1/3 k crnog bibera
1/2 solje parmezana, rendanog
Za povrsinski sloj-
3/4 solje paradajz sosa (kao za picu ili tjesteninu)
1/2 solje mocarela sira (ili slicno)
ulje u spreju 
Ukljucite rernu na 180*c, pripremite kalupe za mafine. Nanesite ulje u spreju i pospite sa 2 K mrvica. 
Pomijesajte sve sastojke (osim sosa i mocarele) i kasikom napunite mufin soljice. 
Pecite oko 15-20 minuta, izvadite zatim prelijte sa sosem i pospite mocarelom. Vratite u rernu da se otopi, zatim izvadite prohladite u uzivajte servirajuci sa dobrim hljebom / kruhom  (ili psatom, rizom...) i salatom.

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

Black Bean Brownies

Brownies made with Black beans?! Very unusual and new to me, so I had to give it a go. They're wonderfully moist and gluten free. Lots of fibre too..

4 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 cups black beans, canned or cooked and drained well
1/4 cup coconut oil or melted butter
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup cocoa powder
vanilla essence and a pinch of salt
chocolate for spreading; optional
Preheat oven to 180*C, prepare a baking dish (18 X 24 cm), line with baking paper.
Put eggs and sugar into a bowl, mix on high speed until pale and fluffy.
Process beans into puree, add other ingredients and mix well. Transfer this mixture into sugar/egg mixture and fold. Pour into prepared dish and bake for 30-35 min. Take out from oven and cool slightly, then decorate. Take out from tin and slice when completely cool.

'Brownies' sa bobom / grahom / pasuljem

'Braunis' od crnog graha? Veoma neobicno i novo za mene, tako da sam morala probati. Divno su socni i bez glutena. Dobri za probavu, takodje...

4 jaja
1 solja secera
2 solje kuhanog / konzerviranog crnog graha, dobro ocijedjenog
1/4 solje kokos ulja ili otopljenog maslaca
1/2 solje kiselog vrhnja
1/2 solje kakaa
vanila esencija i malo soli
cokolada za dekoraciju, po zelji
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C, pripremite posudu za pecenje (18 X 24 cm), oblozite je papirom za pecenje.
Miksajte jaja sa secerom, dok se ne uspjeni. Meljite grah u sjeckalici dok ne postane pire, dodajte ostale sastojke. Pomijesajte rucno obje smjese i istresite u posudu. Pecite 30-35 minuta; zatim malo prohladit i ukrasite po zelji. Izvadite i sijecite kada je sasvim hladno.

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Eggplant Moussaka - low fat

How many of you put weight during holidays? I'm one of those who can't resist overcooking and overeating whenever opportunity occurs. So, at beginning of every New year, I find myself searching for a new diet, or digging out my old WW recipes. This is one of them, created by me using basics of well known (Greek / Turkish / Bosnian) Moussaka and applying knowledge of Weight Watchers' principles. Makes 4 serves; 5 (old) points each. Very satisfying!

3 medium eggplants
1 cup chicken or vegetable broth / soup
1 tsp oil
1 onion, diced
2-3 garlic cloves, chopped
1 stalk (large) celery, chopped
1 carrot, grated
500 g lean beef mince
1 can diced tomatoes
1/4 cup tomato paste
3-4 parsley springs, chopped
4-5 basil leaves, thorn
salt, black pepper
3 tbs Parmesan, grated
3 tbs Mozzarella, grated
 Slice eggplant into 7-8 mm slices, put them into a saucepan, pour broth on it, and weigh with a smaller plate; cover and cook (or microwave) for 10 minutes. Drain well.
Heat oil in a large pan, cook onion, garlic, vegetables and mince for 5-6 minutes. Add all other ingredients (except cheese and eggplant) cover and cook for 10 minutes.
Grease an ovenproof dish with oil spray. Arrange a layer of eggplant slices on bottom, sprinkle with 1 tbs parmesan. Spoon mince mixture, sprinkle another tbs of parmesan and cover with other half of eggplant.  Place in oven preheated to 180*C; cook for 20 minutes. Sprinkle final tbs of parmesan and all mozzarella on top and return to oven to melt (5-6 min). Take out and slice into 4. Enjoy!

Ready for oven / Spremno za rernu

Musaka od Patlidžana - nisko-kalorična verzija

Koliko vas dobije na tezini preko praznika? E, ja sam jedna od onih koji ne mogu odoljeti prekomjernom kuhanju i jedenju kad god to prilika ukaze. Stoga se, u pocetku svake nove godine, bacim na trazenje nove dijete, ili pretrazujem stare 'Weight Watchers' recepte. Ovo je jedan od njih - kreirala sam ga upotrebljavajuci recept  Musake i aplicirajuci osnovne principe ove poznate dijete.
Cini 4 obroka, 5 poena svaki. Zadovoljavajuci obrok!

3 patlidzana srednje velicine
1 solja pileceg ili povrtnog bujona / supe
1 k ulja
1 crveni luk sjeckan
2-3 cena bijelog luka, sjeckana
1 prutic celera, sitno sjeckana
1 mrkva, rendana
500 gr nemasnog mljevenog mesa
1 konzerva sjecenog paradajza
1/4 solje gustog paradajz pirea
3-4 vrha persuna, sjeckana
4-5 listova bosiljka, iskidana
so i crni biber
3 K parmezana, rendanog 
3 K mocarele, rendane 
Isjecite patlidzane na 7-8 mm reznjeve, stavite u lonac / serpu, uspite supu i pritisnite manjim tanjirom. Kuhajte 10 minuta (moze i u mikrovalnoj). Ocijedite dobro.
Zagrijte ulje, proprzite luk i ostalo povrce, ubacite meso i dinstajte mijesajuci. Dodajte sve ostale sastojke (osim sira i patlidzana), poklopite i kuhajte 10-ak minuta.
Nauljite posudu za pecenje, poredajte reznjeve patlidzana na dno, pospite sa 1 K parmezana, zatim ubacite mjesavinu sa mesom. Pospite drugom kasikom parmezana, zatim postavite drugu polovinu reznjeva patlidzana na vrh. Stavite u zagrijanu rernu (180*C na oko 20 minuta. Zatim izvadite pospite sa preostalim sirom i vratite u rernu da se otopi (5-6 min). Izvadite i izrezite na 4 dijela. Prijatno!

Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Strawberry Jam from Microwave Oven

Following recipe is from my draft...No cooking today, as my town is hit by 45*C heat!

Why cook jam on the stove  for hours, stir it all the time and be in danger of burning your skin by splashing hot jam? This method takes only 30 minutes of cooking time and gives amazing results; beautifully smelling,  no preservatives, homemade low sugar jam ... no splashing and burning included!

500 g strawberries (2 punnets)
1 cup sugar
juice of 1/2 lemon 
(Clean jars with fitting lids)
Rinse strawberries in water and soak them for 10 minutes (this will help pesticides and other toxins resolve). Rinse again, drain and clean them. If large, cut into small pieces. Put strawberries, sugar and lemon juice into a tall glass / ceramic (oven-proof) dish that is at least twice the capacity of strawberries (so there is enough space for boiling / cooking). Cook 5 minutes on high, stir and cook for 25-30 minutes on medium, opening every 5 minutes and stirring it (this will help escape  moisture from the oven). Carefully take out and spoon into clean jars. Close the lids and let it cool (as they cool, lids will retract the extra air trapped inside and hermetically lock it). After opening a jar, keep refrigerated. Unopened jars can last up to 6 months.

Džem od Jagoda iz Mikrovalne Pećnice

...iz 'drafta'...Nema kuhanja danas, jer je u mom gradu vec 45*C!

Zasto kuhati dzem na stari nacin;... satima stajati nad stednjakom, mijesati i biti u opasnosti od dobijenih opekotina od dzema sto prsce? Ova metoda uzima samo 30 minuta od vaseg vremena i daje odlicne rezultate; divan mirisan, bez konzervanasa, domaci dzem sa malo secera...bez prskanja i opekotina!

500 gr jagoda
1 solja secera (250ml)
sok 1/2 limuna
(Galoni / staklenke sa poklopcima)
Operite jagode pod mlazom vode, ostavite ih 10 minuta u vodi (da se pesticidi i drugi toxini otope), isperite ponovo, ocijedite i ocistite. Ako su prevelike, isjecite ih. Stavite jagode, secer i limunov sok u posudu koja je pogodna za mikrovalnu upotrebu i najmanje 2 puta veceg kapaciteta (za prostor pri kuhanju). Kuhajte nepoklopljeno 5 minuta na najjacoj moci, promijesajte zatim smanjite na srednju jacinu i kuhajte jos 25-30 minuta, otvarajuci mikrovalnu i mijesajuci svakih 5 minuta (ovo ce pomoci vlazi iz jagoda da izadje). Pazljivo izvadite dzem, i kasikom ga smjestite u tegle / galone. Poklopite svaki i ostavite hladiti. Pri hladjenju, zrak koji je unutra ce se povuci i tako cete dobiti hermeticki zatvorene tegle. Neotvorene mogu trajati 6 mjeseci; jednom kada otvorite, drzite u frizideru.

Selasa, 15 Januari 2013

Crescent Walnut Rolls

Great for breakfast, snack or accompany to coffee / tea... They're also freezable! Makes 16 crescents.

280-300 g flour
7 g yeast
40 g vanilla sugar (or plain sugar + 1 tsp vanilla extract)
rind of 1/2 lemon
1 small egg
120 ml milk, warm
40 g butter, melted
2 egg yolks
120 g walnuts, processed
50 g caster / icing sugar
2 egg whites
1/2 tsp cinnamon (optional) 
Mix all ingredients for dough by hand or by mixer / bread machine (make sure all ingredients are lauke warm if using hands; knead for 5 min). Let it double, covered in a warm spot. 
Meanwhile, make filling. Mix all ingredients into a smooth paste.
Divide risen dough into 2, roll into large circles (on a well dusted working surface or clean tea towel). Spread filling over each and cut into 8 pieces (like pizza slices). Roll from the end to the tip making crescent shapes. Place onto lined baking sheet. Cover with a clean cloth and let it rest for 1/2 hour. 
Switch oven to 180*C. Bake for 12-14 minutes, or until golden. Enjoy warm or cold. 

Polumjeseci sa orasima

...ili kako bismo mi rekli KIFLICE!
Odlicne za dorucak, uzinu ili uz kafu / caj... Dobijete 16 komada; mogu se zamrznuti!

280-300 gr brasna
7 gr instant kvasca
40 gr vanila secera
korica ribana od 1/2 limuna
1 manje jaje
120 ml mlijeka
40 gr maslaca, istopljenog
2 zumanca
120 gr oraha, samljevenih
50 gr secera u prahu
2 bjelanca
1/2 k cimeta (po zelji) 
Umijesite tijesto rukama ili mikserom. Ostavite na toplome mjestu (pokriveno) da naraste. U medjuvremenu napravite fil; pomijesajte sve sastojke u jednolicnu masu.
Podijelite nadoslo tijesto na 2 dijela i razvaljajte svaki u krug (na dobro pobrasnjenoj povrsini ili na cistom stolnjaku). Nanesite smjesu za fil; izrezite svaki krug na 8 dijelova (kao pica). Zavijte svaki od kraja prema vrhu i stavite na tepsiju sa papirom za pecenje. Ostavite bar 30 minuta i zatim smjestite u zagrijanu rernu (180*C) na oko 12-14 minuta. Posluzite tople ili hladne!

Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Tandoori Chicken

 Another Indian classic...

1 whole chicken (or pieces, if you want it skewered)
2 tbs low fat yogurt
1 tsp grated ginger
1-3 garlic cloves, crushed or grated
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp chilli powder
2 tsp paprika
1 tsp curry (Madras)
1 tsp oil
1 tsp lemon juice
(red food colouring if you like it red) 
Mix all ingredients and massage chicken with the mixture. Let it rest for 30 min. 
Preheat oven to 220*C, Place chicken on a dish, cook for 10 min , then lower temperature to  180*C and continue cooking for another 35-40 min. Serve with rice or naan and salad.

Jos jedno klasicno jelo Indije...

Tandori Pile

1 cijelo pile (ili komadi )
2 K jogurta (cvrstog)
1 k djumbira, rendanog
1-3 cena bijelog luka, protisnuta ili sitno rendana
1/4 k crnog bibera
1/4 k chili praha
2 k paprike crvene
1 k kari praha (Madras)
1 k ulja
1 k soka limuna
(crvena boja za hranu - ako zelite crveniju boju) 
Pomijesajte sve sastojke i izmasirajte pile; ostavite marinirati 30 minuta.
Ukljucite rernu na 220*C, postavite pile na posudu za pecenje i pecite 10 minuta. Smanjite tenperaturu na 180*C i nastavite peci jos 35-40 minuta. Servirajte sa rizom ili naan hljebom / kruhom i salatom.

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Homemade Green Tea Icecream

It is 43*C today in my place...I'm sitting in my (airconditioned) living room, watching Wozniacki - Kuznetsova fighting in the heat and enjoying my home-made icecream...I really love sports!

2 cups milk
200 ml double cream
3 egg yolks
100 g sugar
1 tbs green tea (matcha) powder
In a small bowl, mix the green tea powder with 2 tablespoons sugar.
In a separate bowl, mix together the egg yolks and remaining sugar.
Pour the milk into a small pan, heat it; don't to let it boil. Remove from the heat and mix a few spoonfuls of the warm milk with the green tea powder and sugar in a small bowl. When you have a smooth paste, strain and add it to the remaining milk in the pan, then gradually combine with the egg yolk mixture.
Return mixture to the stove and heat slowly over low heat (taking care to not let the mixture boil), until the mixture gets slightly thick and coats the back of a spoon. Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely.
Lightly whip the cream and then add it to the cold green tea-milk mixture.
Transfer the mixture to a large container and (chill for an hour or two in the fridge) and then put it in the freezer. As ice crystals start to form, remove, and mix well with a fork (or mixer) to break them up and return the mixture to the freezer. Repeat this a few times (every 15-20 min) as it freezes to ensure that the ice cream is smooth.
Enjoy after 4-5 hours, or when frozen.

Sladoled od (praha) Zelenog Čaja

Danas je 43*C u mom mjestu...Sjedim u mojoj (klimatiziranoj) dnevnoj sobi, gledam Wozniacki i Kuznetsovu kako se bore na ovoj vrelini i uzivam u domacem sladoledu od matcha caja...Ah, sto volim sport!

2 solje mlijeka
200 ml duplog vrhnja (45-50%masnoce)
3 zumanca
100 gr secera
1 K matcha caja (prah)
U manju posudu pomijesajte matcha sa 2 K secera.
U drugu posudu izmiksajte jaja sa secerom.
Zagrijte mlijeko, ali nedajte da prokljuca. Smaknite s vatre, uspite par kasika mlijeka u matcha mjesavinu i promijesajte. Procijedite to nazad u mlijeko, umijesajte mjesavinu sa jajima. Vratite na vatru i zagrijavajte dok se smjesa ne zgusne (nemojte prokuhati). Ohladite.
Umutite vrhnje i ubacite u hldanu smjesu zelenog caja. Dobro promijesajte. Prebacite u plasticnu posudu i smjestite u zamrzivac. Svako 15-20 minuta izvadite i promijesajte viljuskom (ili mikserom) kako biste razbili vece kristale sladoleda. Sladoled je gotov nakon 4-5 sati ili kad se dobro zaledi.

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Pina Colada - Cheers!

                                                                                             Photo credit: alexbrn / / CC BY

Happy New Year everyone!

Reason for my long absence is that my dear friends V. and M. from Melbourne where visiting us for a few days. We were busy and had best time (as always) with them; a post about it will come later.
For now, I want to wish you a very good upcoming year, I have feeling It's gonna be a marvelous one. Cheers!

1 cup pineapple pieces
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup crushed ice
2-4 tbs sugar
1/2 cup white rum (or vodka +1 tbs dark rum) 
Place all ingredients into a blender; puls, then blend until smooth. Pour into tall glasses and enjoy!

Sretna Nova godina svima!

Razlog za moje odsusutvo su moji dragi gosti V. i M. iz Melburna, koji su nas dosli posjetiti na nekoliko dana. Bili smo veoma aktivni, i kao i obicno s njima, bilo nam je jako zabavno; o tome jedan post kasnije.
Za sada zelim svima da pozelim dobru nastupajucu godinu; imam osjecaj da ce biti izuzetna. U zdravlje!

1 solja rezanog ananasa
1 solja kokosovog mlijeka
1 solja sitnog leda
2-4 K secera
1/2 solje bijelog ruma (ili votka + 1 K normalnog / tamnog ruma)
Stavite sve sastojke u blender i miksajte dok ne dobijete gustu ledenu masu. Uspite u visoke case i uzivajte.