Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Austrian Farmer's Bread (Bauernbrot)

This is a sour rye bread. I've been searching for a perfect recipe for a long time, and ...search is over!

Rye sour dough-
260 g rye flour
260 g water
5 g dry yeast
Wheat sour dough-
135 g bakers flour
135 g water
5 g dry yeast
Other ingredients-
170g rye flour
100 g bakers flour
70 g water
2 tbs oil
13 g salt
5 g dry yeast
1/2 tbs caraway seeds
1 teas cumin
1/2 teas coriander seeds
1/2 teas fennel seeds

Day before (or at least 16 hours) make (separately) sour dough.
On the day of baking - Mix all ingredients together and knead for at least 10-15- minutes. Using bread making machine is OK. Leave it rise for 2-4 hours.
Punch down and knead, shaping 2 balls. Dust with flour and let it double.
Preheat oven to 200*C. When bread ready for baking, transfer the balls onto baking sheet. On bottom of the oven place a dish with some boiling water. Quickly place bread inside and close the oven door. Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce temperature to 180* and bake for extra 20-30 minutes. You'll get aromatic, 'heavy' bread, easy to digest.

Austrijski seljacki Kruh/hljeb

Kiselo tijesto od razi-
260 gr razanog brasna
260 gr vode
5 gr suhog kvasca
Kiselo tijesto od psenice-
135 gr brasna, obicnog
135 gr vode
5 gr kvasca, suhog
Ostali sastojci-
170 gr razanog brasna
100 gr psenicnog (obicnog) brasna
70 gr vode
2 kasike ulja (maslinovo)
13 gr soli
5 gr suhog kvasca
1/2 kasike ‘caraway’ sjemenki ()
1 kasicica kima
1/2 kasicice korijander sjemena
1/2 kasicice fenel sjemena
Dan prije umijesite oba kisela tijesta (odvojeno) i ostavite pokriveno kisnuti na sobnoj temperaturi najmanje 16 sati.
Sutradan, pomijesajte sve sastojke i oba kisela tijesta i mijesite najmanje 10 min (rucno) ili u masini (pekacu).
Ostavite nadolaziti 2- 4 sata (u ovisnosti o sobnoj temperaturi).
Premijesite tijesto na brasnu, oblikujte loptu, pospite sa dosta brasna i ostavite nadoci drugi put, pokriveno cistom tkaninom.
Ukljucite pecnicu da se ugrije na *200 C, te neposredno prije pecenja na dno stavite sud sa kljucalom vodom. Ovo ce stvoriti vlaznu sredinu koja omogucava hrskavu koricu.
Ubacite kruh da se pece 10 minuta, a zatim smanjite temperaturu na *180 C, te ga ispecite do kraja.
Dobicete divan mirisan i ‘tezak’ kruh, koji je lak za probavu.

Calzone - Italian filled bread

Italians would probably say that this is not authentic version, but I will not change the name for this recipe, as it is found like this in an Australian magazine.

2 cups plain flour
1,5 teas baking powder
30 g butter, chopped
3/4 cup milk, warm
1/2 teas salt
1 teas oregano powder
150 g spinach, frozen or blanched
1 small red capsicum, sliced
100 g mushrooms, sliced and frayed
1/4 cup black olives, sliced
150 g mozzarella, grated

In a food processor, combine all dry ingredients.Add butter, process until crumby. Pour milk and pulse until incorporated. Take out and knead. You should get a stiff dough. Divide into 6 balls, and let it rest.
Meanwhile, make filling by combining all the ingredients together.
Roll out each dough ball into a circle (20-21 cm). Put 2 tbs of feeling on half of every circle. Brush the edges with some water, then put another half over it and press slightly with your fingers.
Bake 10+ minutes on 180*C or until golden brown.
Feeling can be change according to your taste.

Italijanski filovani hljeb/kruh - 'Kalcone'

2 solje brasna, visenamjensko
1,5 kasicica praska za pecivo
30 gr putera
3/4 solje mlijeka
so po ukusu (1/2 kasicice)
1 kasicica origana (po mogucnosti u prahu)
Punjenje:150 gr spinata, blansiranog i ocijedjenog
1 crvena paprika, mesnata
100 gr sampinjona, isjeckanih i proprzenih
1/4 solje crnih maslina, isjeckanih
150 gr mocarela sira (ili slicno), ribanog

1. Kombinirajte brasno, prasak za pecivo, so, origano i u tu smjesu utrljajte komadice putera (moze i u elektricnoj sjeckalici). Kada postane mrvicasto dodajte mlijeko i umijesite tijesto. Podijelite na 6 loptica i ostavite malo odmarati. Nemojte brinuti ako vam se tijesto ucini tvrdo i suho, razvlaci se dobro.
2. U medjuvremenu pripremite nadjev, tako sto cete sve sastojke pomijesati.
3. Razvaljajte svaku lopticu na velicinu maloga tanjira, krajeve kruga namazite vodom, a u sredinu stavite po 2 pune kasike punjenja. Preklopite tijesto na pola i slijepite krajeve pritiskom prstiju. Dobicete polukrugove.
4. Pecite na 180*c 10-ak minuta, ili dok ne porumene.
Uzivajte dok su tople; nisu lose ni hladne!
Punjenje moze biti prilagodjeno vasem ukusu.

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Key Lime Pie

Love Limes!

125 g biscuits('digestive' or 'malt')
90 g butter, melted
400 g condensed milk
4 egg yolks
125 ml lime juice
zest of 1 lime
Whipped cream

Preheat oven to 180*C.
Process biscuits until finely crushed, pour butter and combine.
Press into a 20-22 cm tin and refrigerate.
Beat condensed milk with juice, egg yolks and zest. Pour over the crust and bake 20-25 minutes or until set.
When cooled decorate with whipped cream.
Serves 10-12

Slatka 'pita' sa limetom


125 gr keksa (petit ili slicno)
90 gr putera, istopljenog
400 gr kondenziranog mlijeka
4 zumanca
125 ml soka limete
Kora jedne limete, ribana
Tuceno slatko vrhnje/slag

Izdrobite sitno kekse u sjeckalici/multipraktiku, pa uspite puter. Promijesajte dobro, pa tu smjesu utisnite u okrugli pleh (20-22cm). Stavite u frizider.
Umutite mikserom mlijeko, zumanca, sok i koru, dok se ne ujednaci.
Uspite preko baze, pa pecite 20-25 min na 180*C.
Kada se ohladi, ukrasite slagom.

Potato gnocchi

750 g boiling potatoes
2 eggs
250 g flour
salt (1/4 teas)

Boil potatoes in their skin. Cool and peel potatoes, then mash them. Add eggs, flour and salt.
Transfer mixture on floured surface, then roll into rope-like shapes. Cut ropes into bite size gnocchi.
Boil them until they come to the surface.
Best served with Pesto (Recipe:Basil Pesto-Jun) and Parmesan cheese.



750 gr krompira (kuhanog u ljusci)
2 jaja
250 gr brasna
malo soli

Prohladite, ogulite krompir, pa ga propasirajte. Dodajte jaja, brasno i so; umijesite tijesto. Na pobrasnjenu povrsinu oblikujte 'valjke' od tijesta, pa ih rezite na zeljenu velicinu.
Kuhajte u slanoj vodi dok ne isplivaju na povrsinu.
Najbolji su posluzeni sa Pestom (recept objavljen u junu) i malo ribanog Parmezana.

Senin, 28 Juni 2010

'Deli' Bread

Tired of making sandwiches almost every day?... Make a bread filled with your favourites, and just slice it when needed.

1,5 cups water
3 tbs olive oil
1,5 teas salt
2 teas sugar
4,5 cups bakers flour white or mixed (your choice)
2 teas yeast

For easy and quick method use your bread making machine (or knead by hand - all ingredients should be lauke warm).
Punch down the risen dough, roll out to a rectangle. On top of it put your choice of deli meats, cheese, olives, dried tomatoes... Press gently into the dough. Roll firmly, and leave to rise (double). Bake at 180-200*C, 20-30 minutes.Slice when needed!
Freezable up to 3 months!

Kruh/hljeb punjen delikatesama

1,5 solja mlake vode
3 kasike maslinovog ulja
1,5 kasicica soli
2 kasicice secera
4,5 solje brasna za peciva (po vasem izboru)
2 kasicice instant kvasca

Umijesite tijesto rucno ili uz pomoc masine za mijesenje. Kada je nadoslo, razvaljajte u pravougaonik, pa po povrsini stavite delikatese po vasem izboru - suseno meso, masline, sirevi, paradajz...Pritisnite blago u tijesto. Zarolajte i ostavite nadolaziti - dok se ne udvostruci.
Pecite na 180-200*C 20-30 minuta. Rezite po potrebi.
Moze se cuvati u zamrzivacu do 3 mjeseca!

Basil Pesto

Pesto is usually expensive, but if you make your own, along with a pleasure of making it, you'll get a lot of it for a fraction of price - freshness is a bonus!

50 g fresh basil leaves
2 cloves garlic, pressed
40 g grated Parmesan cheese, grated
2 tbsp grated cheddar cheese
25 g pine nuts (or walnuts)
125 ml extra virgin olive oil

Use your food processor, or pestle and mortar.
Put all the ingredients except oil in a food processor and pulse until combined. While running, pour olive oil until smooth, but not mushy - ingredients should be still recognisable.
Enjoy with pasta, or mixed with rice/bread crumbs for different fillings.

Pesto od bosiljka

50 gr svjezih listova bosiljka
2 cena bijelog luka
40 gr Parmesan sira, ribanog
2 kasike ribanog tvrdog sira
25 gr pinjola (ili oraha)
125 ml djevicanskog maslinovog ulja

Stavite sve sastojke u elektricnu sjeckalicu/blender (osim ulja). 'Pulsirajte dok se ne pomijesa, a zatim ulijte ulje u mlazu dok sjeckalica radi. Pazite da previse ne sameljete, sastojci bi se jos uvijek trebali razlikovati po na osob.
Uzivajte na svjeze kuhanoj tjestenini (njoki!) ili kao punjenje za razlicite svrhe - pomijesano sa rizom ili mrvicama.

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Dobosh Torte

Hungarian famous chocolate cake.

6 eggs
2/3 cup sugar
1 teas vanilla
1 cup sifted flour
180 g chocolate (65% cocoa)
3 tbs strong coffee
1 cup butter, well softened
1 cup icing sugar
3 eggs
3/4 cup sugar

Preheat the oven to 200*C. Prepare 6 pans, or baking paper marked with 6 circles on baking sheets.
Beat the eggs with sugar and vanilla on a high speed, until fluffy and thick. Sift a cup of flour on top, gently fold in until smooth. Divide in 6 parts and spread on sheets/pans. Bake for 3-5 minutes each, or until starts to change colour. Cool all biscuit sponges.
For chocolate cream, melt chocolate in microwave oven, add coffee. Let it cool, but not hardened.
Cream butter and sugar in another bowl, add chocolate mixture. Beat until well blended, the add eggs - one by one. Keep filling in the fridge, until ready to use.
Pick the best sponge layer for the top, set on a sheet of silicon paper. Put sugar in a pan, and heat it until starts to melt, shake pan to speed the melting - take care it's EXTREMELY hot. When golden and melted, carefully pour the caramel over the prepared sponge, spread quickly with a knife. Oil the edge of a big knife and cut caramel-topped layer to desired size (12 or 16 wedges). Let it cool and harden.
Assemble the cake - spread 1/6 of cream to each sponge, put on top of each other. Use the rest of the filling to decorate your cake, and then set the caramel layer on top of it. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.

Dobosh Torta

6 jaja
2/3 solje secera
malo vanile - ekstrakt ili secer
1 solja prosijanog brasna
180 gr tamne cokolade (65% kakao)
3 kasike jake kafe
250 gr putera, omeksalog
1 solja secera u prahu
3 jaja
Karamel preliv-
3/4 solje secera

Ukljucite rernu na 200*C, pripremite kalupe ili papir sa oznacenim krugovima na kojima cete peci 6 tankih kora.
Umutite jaja sa secerom i vanilom, dok ne postane gusto. Iskljucite mikser, pa na povrsinu prosijte brasno. Lagano rukom mijesati masu dok se ne ujednaci.Pecite 6 tankih kora 3-5 min uta svaku. Ostavite hladiti.
Krema- Otopite cokoladu u mikrovalnoj ili na pari, dodajte kafu.
U drugoj posudi miksajte secer sa puterom, dodajte cokoladu i na kraju jedno po jedno jaje. Sve dobro ujednacite. Drzite na hladnom dok ne zatreba.
Karamel preliv - Istopite secer na jakoj vatri; tresite posudu kako bi se ravnomjernije istopilo, ali pazite JAKO je vruce.
Kada je secer istopljen, prelijte preko jedne bolje kore biskvita, koju ste stavili preko papira za pecenje. Na brzinu rasporedite karamel nozem, a zatim nauljenom ivicom veceg noza narezite reznjeve torte (12-16). Ostavite hladiti.
Namazite svaku koru biskvita sa 1/6 kreme, pa postavite kore jednu na drugu. Sa ostatkom kreme ukrasite tortu, pa zatim aranzirajte karamel na povrsinu.
Hladite 1 sat prije sluzenja.

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010

Wiener Poppy Seed Cake

Easy, gluten free, delicious!

6 eggs, separated
180 g sugar, caster
180 g butter, very soft
180 g almonds, ground
180 g poppy seed, ground
Dark and white chocolate, melted separately (with a bit of oil)

Preheat oven (180*C), prepare tin, or muffin pan.
First make a stiff foam out of egg whites and half of sugar, set aside.
In another bowl mix butter, the rest of sugar and egg yolks, until smooth. Switch the mixer off, add almonds and poppy seed - fold in.
To this mixture add egg whites, and fold gently.
Pour into baking dish, and bake for 30 min.
When ready, take out and let it cool.
After some time, turn the cake upside down, and glaze with melted chocolate - first dark, then white. Let it drip, for a decorating effect.
This recipe is suitable for baking in muffin tins; take care to not over bake them, as baking time should be shorter.

Becki kuglof sa makom i bademima

6 jaja, odvojena bjelanca od zumanaca
180 gr secera, sitnijeg
180 gr putera, veoma mekanog
180 gr badema, mljevenih
180 gr maka, mljevenog
tamna i bijela cokolada, odvojeno otopljene sa malo ulja.

Zagrijte rernu, pripremite zeljeni kalup.
Umutite bjelanca sa pola secera, ostavite po strani.
U drugoj posudi umutite preostali secer sa puterom i zumancima. Dodajte bademe i mak, sjedinite rucno mijesajuci, pa dodajte snijeg od bjelanaca, takodje rucno.
Sipajte u kalup i pecite 30-ak minuta na 180*C.
Izvadite, ostavite hladiti, pa onda okrenite na zdjelu u kojoj cete sluziti. Prelijte najprije tamnom cokoladom, a potom i bijelom. Pustite sa se 'sliju' jedna u drugu.
Ovaj kolac se moze peci u minijaturnim kalupima za mafine (kao slika gore), samo pazite na vrijeme pecenja koje mora biti znatno krace.
Bez glutena (ukoliko ne koristite brasno za posipanje kalupa).

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

Zucchini filled with lentils and fetta

1 tbs black mustard seeds
1 tbs oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 big tomato, finely chopped
1 big garlic clove, pressed
2/3 cup red lentils
1 cup vegetable stock
1 tbs fresh oregano, chopped
100 g fetta cheese
6-8 zucchini, halved lengthwise

Prepare zucchinis - hollow each small one lengthwise (boat shape), big ones cut in equal pieces (vertically) then hollow with a teaspoon.
Heat a frying non-stick pan and 'fry' black mustard seeds until start to pop and release smell. Set aside.
Heat oil in another deeper pan, fry onions, add garlic and tomato.Cook until soft. Pour stock, add lentils and cook for 20 minutes.
Remove from heat, add oregano,fetta and mustard cheese. Let it cool slightly.
Fill zucchinis with the filling, put in a baking dish, spray with olive oil and bake for 15min on 200*C.
Perfect for lunch, picnic, as finger food or side dish. Best served warm!

Tikvice filovane lecom i feta sirom

1 kasika sjemena gorusice/senfa (crni po mogucnosti)
1 kasika ulja
1 veliki crveni luk, sjeckan
1 veliki paradajz, sjeckan bez sjemena
1 veliko ceno bijelog luka, protisnutog
2/3 solje (solja=250ml) crvene lece
1 solja supe od povrca ( ili Vegeta rastopljena u vreloj vodi)
1 kasika svjezeg origana, sjeckanog
100 gr feta sira
6-8 tikvica, zavisno o velicini, prepolovljene po duzini, izdubljene poput camaca

Pripremite tikvice - manje izdubite poput camaca, vece prerezite poprijeko na iste velicine, pa izdubite sredu kasicicom.
Proprzite sjeme senfa na suho,dok ne pocne pucketati i pustati miris, pa ostavite po strani.
U drugu posudu zagrijte ulje, isprzite luk, bijeli luk, pa dodajte paradajz. Uspite supu/vodu i lecu pa kuhajte oko 20 minuta. Prohladite.
Skinite sa vatre pa dodajte sir, sjeme senfa i origano.
Filujte pripremljene tikvice. Stavite ih u pripremljenu posudu u kojoj cete peci,pospricajte maslinovim uljem i pecite oko 15 min na 200*C.
Idealno za rucak, izlete, 'male zalogaje' ili prilog. Najbolje je sluziti toplo!

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Greek Almond, Orange and Semolina cake with Honey Syrup

Rustic looking, but very aromatic and tasty!


1 big or 2 small oranges(250 g)
125 g almonds, ground
175 g butter, very soft
175 g sugar, caster
3 eggs, large, beaten
250 g semolina
4,5 teas baking powder
225 ml homey + 5 tbs water
5 tbs orange juice
1,5 tbs lemon juice
4 cm cinnamon stick

Preheat the oven to 180*C. Prepare a 22 cm cake tin.
Cut the oranges into chunks, remove pips only, and tip it into a food processor. Whiz to a thick puree.
Put all other ingredients into a large bowl, mix until smooth. Fold in the orange puree, and spoon mixture into the tin, smoothing the top.
Bake for 35-40 minutes.
For last 10 min of baking prepare syrup: Boil water, cinnamon and honey (gently) for 5 minutes, then stir in the citrus juices.
Take the cake out when ready (place it on a deep plate), pierce it with a skewer in a few places, then pour the syrup over it.
For final serving you can use Greek yogurt and honey (optional).

Grcki griz kolac sa bademima , narandzom i medenim sirupom

1 velika ili 2 male narandze (250 gr)
125 gr badema, mljevenih
175 gr putera, veoma omeksalog
175 gr secera
3 velika jajeta
250 gr griza
4,5 kasicice praska za pecivo
225 ml meda + 5 kasika vode
5 kasika soka narandze
1,5 kasika soka limuna
4 cm dug prutic cimeta
Zargij rernu na 180*C, pripremi 22 cm kalup za kolace.
Isjeci naranze na komade, povadi kospice, pa u elektricnoj sjeckalici samelji sve do konzistencije pirea.
U drugoj posudi pomijesaj sve satojke zajedno, pa dodaj i pire. Prebaci smjesu u kalup u zaravnaj povsinu.
Peci 35-40 minuta.
Za sirup: Zadnjih 10 minuta pecenja kolaca - prokuhaj vodu, med i cimet 5 minuta, pa dodaj sokove citrusa.
Izvadjeni kolac treba staviti u dublji tanjir, sa cackalicom izbosti povrsinu, pa preliti sirupom.
Za serviranje mozete upotrijebiti Grcki jogurt i med, ali nije neophodno.

Sacher torte

If anyone can have original recipe, this is it!

140 g butter, very soft
140 g sugar, caster
6 eggs
140 g dark chocolate, 55-65% cocoa, melted
110 g flour
3 g cocoa powder
apricot jam
200g chocolate (+oil) for glazing

Prepare 20 cm cake tin. Preheat the oven to 170*C.
Put egg whites into a bowl, make stiff 'foam' with 100 g sugar.
Mix butter and 40 g of sugar (another bowl) until fluffy, add egg yolks. Switch the mixer off, then add chocolate, flour, egg whites and cocoa. Fold in all ingredients.
Bake at 170*C 40 minutes.
When ready (slightly cooled), cut cake horizontally in 2. Spread apricot jam on first half, then reassemble it together. Warm some extra jam and top the cake. Let it cool.
For glazing, melt chocolate with 1-1,5 tbs oil and pour over the cake.
Keep out of the fridge.
How to make chocolate roses

Sacher torta

140 gr putera, omeksalog
140 gr secera
140 gr tamne cokolade (55-65% kakaa), otopljene
6 jaja, odvojenih
110 gr brasna
3 gr kakaa
dzem kajsija
200 gr cokolade (+ ulje) za preliv

Pripremite 20 cm obruc za torte, ukljucite rernu na 170*C.
Umutite bjelanca sa 100 gr secera, u drugu posudu umutite puter, osttak secera i zumanca. Isljucite mikser, pa dodajte ostale sastojke, koje cete promijesati rucno.
Pecite oko 40 minuta, prohladite i prorezite napola. Namazite dzemom kajsije, sastavite ponovo, pa po povrsini namazite zagrijanim dzemom.
Za glazuru otopite cokoladu sa 1-1,5 kasikom ulja i prelijte preko torte.
Tortu cuvajte izvan frizidera.

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Portuguese Corn Bread

Found in a beautiful book of "Secrets of a Jewish Baker"


Starting sponge:
1 cup warm water
1 1/2 tbs dry yeast
1 1/2 cups bread flour
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup cornstarch dissolved in 1/4 cup water
1 cup corn flour (fine - see note)
2-2,5 cups bread flour
1 tbs salt
Flour for dusting

-Make a sponge by mixing all the ingredients. Set aside to double (30 -40 min).
-Make a Boil: Heat a cup of water to boiling point, add mixing of starch and water, boil again. You should get consistency of thick custard. Leave to cool.
-Mix all ingredients until smooth, knead 8 minutes (bread machine is OK).
Divide dough in 2 , shape loafs or balls, dust with flour, and place on a baking sheet. Dust with extra flour, and cover to rest 45min.
Preheat oven to 225*C; put a dish with boiling water inside and place the sheet with the dough. Bake for 50 min. Crust should be dark, and cracked.
Note: Only fine corn flor should be used - if you don't have it, you can grind polenta or other corn meal to fine grade.

Portugalski hljeb/kruh sa kukuruznim brasnom


Pocetno tijesto:
1 solja tople vode
1,5 kasika suhog kvasca
1,5 solja brasna
Kukuruzni skrob:
3/4 solje vode
1/4 skrobnog brasna razmucen u 1/4 solje vode
1 solja kukuruznog brasna (vidi objasnjenje dole)
2-2,5 solje obicnog brasna
1 kasika soli

Sastojke za pocetno tijesto umijesiti i ostaviti da naraste, 30-40 min.
Skuhati 'puding' od skroba, i ostaviti da se prohladi.
Kada je sve spremno umijesiti sve sastojke do glatke konzistencije, bar 8 minuta. Upotreba masine za mijesenje je u redu.
Oblikujte 2 lopte ili vekne, pa postavite na pleh na kojem cete peci. Pospite sa brasnom i ostavite nadolaziti (45min).
Zagrijte rernu na 225*C, na dno stavite posudu sa kljucalom vodom, pa ubacite tijesto da se pece oko 50 min. Treba da dobijete cvrstu tamnu koricu po povrsini, koja je ispucala.
Objasnjenje: Ukoliko nemozete naci kukuruzno brasno, sameljite palentu/kukuruznu krupicu u mlinu za kafu.

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Osso Bucco

Don't be tempted to leave 'gremolata' out. It makes such a difference!

6-8 pieces of Osso Bucco
plain flour
4 tbs olive oil
1 big onion, diced
2 carrots, diced
2 celery stalks, diced
2 garlic cloves, pressed
1 can (440g) diced tomato
2 stalks each parsley and thyme + 1 bay leaf tied together
1 cup dry white wine
salt and freshly grated black pepper
Veal or beef stock
1/4 cup parsley leaves
1 big garlic clove
zest of 1 lemon

Dust meat with flour, fry in 2 tbs oil. Take the meat out and set aside.
Pour another 2 tbs oil, add onion, garlic, carrots and celery. Cook for a few minutes.Return the meat inside, add all other ingredients + stock just to cover.
Cook for 1,5-2 hours.
For gremolata - chop all the ingredients finely, add to the pot.
Serve with polenta, rice or mashed potatoes.

Osso Bucco

6-8 komada osso bucco (telece potkoljenice rezane poprijeko)
brasno obicno
4 kasike maslinovog ulja
1 crveni luk, sjeckan
2 mrkve, rezane na kocke
2 stabljike celera, sjeckane
2 cena bijelog luka, sitno sjecen
1 konzerva sjeckanog paradajza (440gr)
po 2 stabljike persuna i timijana vezanog sa 1 listom lovora
250 ml bijelog suhog vina
so i crbi biber, svjeze mljeven
govedja supa
1/4 solje lisca persuna
1 veliko ceno bijelog luka
ribana kora limuna

Uvaljajte meso u brasno, pa proprzite u 2 kasike ulja. Izvadite. Uspite preostale 2 kasike ulja pa proprzite povrce. Vratite meso , te dodajte sve ostale sastojke i toliko supe da pokrije meso. Kuhajte 1,5-2 sata.
Za gremolatu - sitno isjeckajte sve sastojke zajedno, pa ubacite u kuhanje.
Servirajte sa palentom, rizom ili pire krompirom.

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

10 minutes cake (from microwave)

Quickest ever!

200 g hazelnuts - meal, or other nuts
80 g caster sugar
3 eggs
1 teas baking powder
Chocolate and a little oil for glaze.
Microwaveable dish 'isolate' with cling wrap.
In other dish mix eggs and sugar until fluffy. Add nuts and baking powder. Pour into prepared dish. Microwave for 5 minutes at power of 800W. Let it rest for 2 minutes.
Take the cake out and glaze with melted chocolate in which you added a little oil.
Serves 3-4

10-minutni kolac (iz mikrovalne)

200 g mljevenih ljesnika (ili drugih orasastih plodova)
80 g secera
3 jaja
1 kasicica praska za pecivo
Cokolada i malo ulja za glazuru
Kupolastu (ili drugu ) posudu koju mozete koristiti u mikrovalnoj pecnici 'oblijepite' plasticnom folijom.
Pjenasto umijesajte secer i jaja, dodajte orase i prasak za pecivo . Ulijte u model i pecite 5 minuta na 800W. Ostavite 2 minute odmarati prije vadjenja iz kalupa. Za glazuru otopite cokoladu sa malo ulja i prelijte kolac. Dobicete mali kolac dovoljan za 3-4 osobe.


After months of searching for a good recipe for shortbread, I finally stuck with this one.

2 cups plain flour
1/3 cup icing sugar
1/4 cup rice flour
100 g soft butter
100 g Ghee (clarified butter)
1/3 cup macadamia (or other nuts), broken into small pieces
a bit of vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 150-160*C.
Make a smooth dough of all the ingredients (use food processor or knead by hand).
Take out shapes (dough is very brittle!), or press the dough into a tin, cut it and prick with fork (see picture down).
Bake 10-12 minutes - shortbread needs to stay pale.
For best results use best ingredients.
Keep in a cool and dry place for a month.


solja = 250 ml
2 solje brasna
1/3 solje secera u prahu
1/4 solje rizinog brasna
100 gr putera, omekshalog
100gr 'ghee', maslo
malo (1/3 solje) makadamija oraha (ili sl.)
malo vanila secera ili ekstrakt

Umijesite tijesto od svih navedenih sastojaka.
Tijesto mozete razvaljati i vaditi razne oblike (budite pazljivi – izuzetno prhko i lomljivo), ili staviti na namascenu i pobrasnjenu povrsinu -lim velicine 23X33cm, utisnuti kasikom, zaravnati i zatim izrezati na zeljenu velicinu. Nemojte zaboraviti nabosti viljuskom.
Pecite na 150-160*C 10-12ak minuta. Treba da ostanu blijedi!
Za najbolje rezultate koristite najbolje sastojke.

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Cinnamon Stars - 'Zimtsterne'

Every family in Austria has their own recipe, which is carried from generation to generation. I got this recipe from a special person, who helped me a lot during difficult period in my life (war in Bosnia).
'Zimtsterne' are usually made for Christmas, along with dozens of other biscuits.

Biscuit dough:
1,5 cup soft butter
3 teas cinnamon, powder
1 egg
3 cups plain flour
1 cup caster sugar
1 cup almond meal
pinch of salt
Glaze:1 egg white
1/2-1 cup icing sugar

Make a soft, smooth dough from all ingredients, cover in plastic foil and let it rest for 20 min.
Preheat oven to 180*C, and prepare biscuit tins (use baking paper for best results).
Roll out the dough to 3mm thickness; with a star cutter make the shapes and place then in prepared tins. Bake for 10 minutes.
Make icing - mix egg white and icing sugar. Brush stars with icing while still warm. Let it dry.
More icing sugar in the glaze will result whiter icing.
These stars can last up to 1 month in a cool, dry place (biscuit tins are ideal for storage).

Zvijezde sa cimetom
Solja = 250 ml
1,5 solja putera, omeksalog
3 kasicice cimeta, prah
1 jaje
3 solje brasna
1 solja secera, sitnog
1 solja badema, mljevenih
prstohvat soli
1 bjelanjak
1/2 -1 solja secera u prahu
1. Umijesite glatko tijesto od svih navedenih sastojaka.
Ostavite odmarati 20-ak minuta, prekriveno prozirnom folijom.
2. Razvaljajte na debljinu od 3 mm, pa izvadite oblike zvijezda.
Ukljucite pecnicu i pripremite pleh za pecenje (ja uvijek koristim silikonski papir).
3. Prenesite zvijezde na pleh i stavite peci 10-ak minuta na 180*C.
4. Napravite glazuru, tako sto cete pomijesati bjelanjak i secer. Sto vise secera stavite glazura ce biti vise bijela, ali teza za nanosenje. Kuharska cetkica ce vam pomoci u ovome.
5. Dok su zvijezde jos tople nanesite glazuru i ostavite hladiti.
Uzivajte u mirisu i hrskavosti!